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New and Intimidated?


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I've played this game for 3 years, and I used to forum roleplay with friends back in 2008. I recently joined Mateus as two characters. I'm just feeling a bit intimidated after my first roleplay attempt with another player. They were nice but I felt my pace wasn't fast enough, like I didn't mind matching him for length it was just deciding how I wanted my character to react/reply. I did however build a background/profile for one of my characters that I had slightly fleshed out in the past and adjusted some of her backstory to the lore/race I chose. I guess what I'm looking for is to find friends/rp contacts.

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Hehehe, I'm sure you'll be okay! I was like that too when I first started to RP here -- I used to think I was doing a poor job and it made me think hard about what my character would do in various situations, but my peers said otherwise -- so perhaps it's the same to you. My advice is to give it some time, and the character reactions and such will get better! ^^ Kinda like an aged wine or cheese. :D


Although, I'm not on Mateus -- I wish you the best of luck and I believe in you, friend!

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The best way to increase reply time is to have a good grasp on who your character is and their personality. Fleshing them out in these regards and becoming familiar with them means that their reactions will come to you more quickly and fluidly.


Good luck in your search for contacts and don't forget to check out the Free Company and Linkshell Halls for Mateus!

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