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Looking for some active RP friends!

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Hi! I've been playing since launch.  The original launch..the one we never speak of.  However I did take about a 6 month break and am recently returned to re-enjoy all the goodies and fun times!  I've been lucky to reconnect with a few friends and find a lovely FC to hang around in but I want to cast my net a bit wider and find some long term RP with folks out and about the server in general.

A little about my character

Name: Achika Orohime

Race: Au-ra, Raen.


Achika is a very cheerful and sometimes (a lot of times) over the top adventure enthusiast who fancies herself a bit of a hero.  I would liken her to a blend of a power ranger meets magical girl who understands that she probably gets a lot of strange looks for it and does it anyhow.  She is very much about protecting the little guy and pushing back the shadows of villainy and is happy to lend her blade and spells to that cause.  Usually she lends those things a bit more emphatically than needed and ends up with property damages that she has to pay back.


There's definitely a lot of light hearted and good natured silliness to her character but there's a lot of reality and depth there too I just don't like to divulge a lot up front.  If you already know where the journey ends then why go on the journey in the first place, right?  In short what I've told you about her is what a person could observe in a heartbeat.  The depth of who she is requires getting to know her a bit!



What I'm looking for

I would love to meet some characters who would want to share in her misadventures and discovery of things in Eorzea as a whole.  People who enjoy a bit of comedy in their drama and a little drama in their comedy as it were.  Not everything can be grimdark all the time nor can it be all bubbles and giggles so I like to mix it up and I want to be with people who do the same.

I enjoy role playing with people who have characters that are more than surface deep.  I love finding out nuances about a characters history or learning why they have certain perspectives through wonderful RP and find that it creates stories and bonds that surpass ones average RP!


Achika could definitely use some action and adventure friends or even a teacher to take her to the next level in her Red Magery (She considers herself a novice expert.  Ask her why someday...I dare you.)  I think it would be a fun challenge to explore romance for her but would prefer such a thing develop naturally and not over a private message saying hey hey I could be your boyfriend/girlfriend!


I do try to favor the lore of the game pretty tightly if I can but understand that sometimes things are okay and in fact maybe better if they're bendy.  Please just don't be the son of Cloud Strife, best friend to Nael Van Darnus and the tamer of Bahamut please?  More to the point I'm all for creativity but it's got its limits within the world we Rp in right?  If you claim to be the warrior of light I await a HELL of an in character story from you!


My play times are a bit sporadic but you'll tend to find me around later in the evenings around 10pm CST.  Occasionally earlier but well into the mornings as I'm a blatant addict to this game.


If you're interested or have questions or just want to see if I can juggle please send me a private message here or in game!  I look forward to meeting you!


(Again, not looking for an FC, just folks to RP with and build up some fun stories.)

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If you like generally happy and friendly with a chance for various more serious themes, I can always offer my little Lalafell Chachan!


He actually tried the hero route when he first came to Eorzea from Doma... but a lot of what happened made him realize how much he actually doesn't like hurting people at all and has returned to a more peaceful life of smithing. Though, that doesn't mean he can't scuffle a little if needed - he is just super against it if it's at all avoidable. :blush:


So, he could make for a friend... someone to fix up her rapier should she be around in Ul'dah... and maybe get dragged along due to his still wanting to help as many people as possible. The only real difficulty I see is the play time - I'm EST and I usually try to be in bed by 10/11 pm (so 8/9 your time) on work nights and my Saturdays/Sundays are already "reserved" for a couple other folks I RP with - but we might still be able to finagle something. Maybe on a Friday night or something! :thumbsup:

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