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new to Mateus, testing the RP scene here


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Hello, I've been playing FFXIV  a bit over a year now, on a couple of Euro servers (Ragnarok and more recently Louisoix) and decided to roll a character on a more RP-centric server.  From looking around, Mateus clearly has some RP going on!


I did some RP in Anarchy Online back during its' heyday, but nothing interesting had turned up since until I discovered FFXIV.  I currently do my 'heavy lifting' on Louisoix with some euro friends early in the day but am on Mateus during US evening hours (I am US-based) to work the RP scene.


I've a small Arcanist (soon to be Scholar) who, when he's not doing work for for the Scions or others, can be found around the Silver Bazaar, where he rents a room and discourages land grabbers from harassing Kikipu.  I'm on the lookout for a nice, casual RP FC; as well as any useful Linkshells on the server.

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