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A Duskwight Wanderer and A Not-So-Intrepid Healer, At the Call

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So I’m giving this forum a shot. I’m like… incredibly shy and have trouble approaching people, so it’s easier for me to make a post and have others come to me. Sorry if this means clogging up the board with more threads! ;u;


I’m Nama, and I’ve been RPing for years. While most of it has been original content, I decided to dip into XIV RP, if only because it’s honestly been a while since I’ve role-played much of anything. I miss it. I got my start in forum RP and am used to long form/paragraph style as opposed to chat. Considering neither of my characters are on Balmung or Mateus, that probably wouldn’t be possible anyway, haha.


So! I’m looking for people who wouldn’t mind long form RP, either on Discord or in Google Docs or something. Keep in mind our characters would likely never be able to meet in game, so I hope that’s not too much of a deterrent!


But enough about me. I have two characters to offer. Both have other iterations in things like D&D (because I like recycling characters into different settings), and these would be their XIV counterparts.




The main one is Saskia Auberlaint.



She’s a Duskwight Elezen, though not from the caves and forests of Gridania as most would associate the clan. She grew up in an isolated society of Duskwights closer to the Coerthas/Ishgard region, having dealt with the cold and dragons alike. In her community, her family was considered nobility, and so she was afforded many privileges. Saskia grew up literate, well-spoken, and tutored… but she wasn’t quite the heir her family wanted. She was naive to a fault and couldn’t contend with the political game that was necessary for someone of her status (not to mention she was terrible at magic), and so eventually she was disowned in favor of her sister, Magdalena.


Luckily for her, Saskia had always been curious about the outside world, and though her life as she knew it changed overnight, it ended up becoming a blessing in disguise. Now she spends her time and gil traveling the world, seeing the things that her clan would’ve never wanted her to. She supports herself through odd jobs (or rather Carbuncle does) and the kindness of strangers, scraping together what little she can to survive. She hasn’t seen all of Eorzea yet, but that’s just more for her bucket list!


For the most part, she’s very bubbly and positive. Even when bummed out, she still tries to look on the bright side. However, Saskia has no idea when people try to manipulate her and she’s incredibly gullible. The only reason she hasn’t gotten into trouble yet is because Carbuncle is there to rescue her. She takes everything at face value, even the most fake of crocodile tears.


Looking for:

> traveling buddies

> shenanigans

> friends

> someone to teach her some common sense lol

> maybe a proper summoning mentor?

> polar opposites (like a rough-and-tough pirate to contrast her proper ladyship, for example)


I’m not looking for romance for her right now, though I wouldn’t be against it at all if it happened naturally! She’s the type that’ll throw herself fully into new things, especially if they pique her interest in history. Sassy doesn’t have a permanent place to call home, so she needs people that won’t tie her down. Someday, Saskia might want to actually go back to her family, though how they'd accept her, she doesn't know.




My alt is Levenin Refure.



A Hyur Midlander with blood ties to Yanxia, he grew up fighting anxiety throughout his entire childhood. His self esteem is in the pits, to say the least. Compared to “normal” people, he lamented being different, wondering why others didn’t shake and stutter like he did. He felt broken. Perhaps that was why he was drawn to becoming a doctor of some kind— to help others never feel the way he did. The only catch was he had no outstanding talents for much of anything. He studied in his mother’s field of expertise— alchemy— but one thing after another tore him down until he made the choice to return home with nothing to show for it. Lev simply couldn’t deal; his brain continually fought with itself day after day. The shame of failure was unbearable. He left home again, though maybe it was more fleeing.


However, this did lead to a fateful second journey that eventually brought him to Coerthas. It was here he learned of astromancy and subsequently devoted his talents to becoming an astrologian. Maybe he wasn’t a prodigy, but for once Lev felt like he could do something right. He now spends his days traveling where needed to help those who ask. He supports himself through clients, and has served as a healer for many merchant caravans, expeditions, soldiers, and refugees all over Eorzea.


Lev is very polite and quiet. There’s no hidden wild side just waiting to be unleashed. He tries to keep to himself as much as possible, and is constantly thinking about what he says or does. However, if you get past the impenetrable Wall of Jericho that is his social anxiety, he becomes the kind of person who won’t judge you and is always genuinely concerned for your plight. There's an open book in there somewhere. He’s also a hopeless romantic, but is much too shy and self loathing to hold onto anyone for long. Plus, the nature of his job makes it difficult. But ask a few Miqo’te girls he’s worked with in the past and they’ll tell you he has a weakness for felines, WINK.


Looking for:

> people he keeps conveniently meeting on his various jobs

> people who will get him work because gotta make that gil

> more shenanigans!

> someone to bring him out of his shell

> friends

> romance




If anyone's interested, shoot me a PM or reply to this thread. I give out Discord upon request if it looks like we can work something out!

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Holy cow, we have very similar problems. I actually have a Balmung character but my schedule is super sporadic so I can't really RP in game. I'm also just...not that fond of chat RP for anything beyond dialogue.


I'm hesitant to suggest myself for RP since I'm similarly shy/insecure but I'm not sure how many other people here are really into slow, long form RP with no chance of meeting up in game. So that said if you're willing to deal with another shy person I have a brief character description (that should really be updated/expanded on) linked in my signature and I check these forums every couple days.

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Holy cow, we have very similar problems. I actually have a Balmung character but my schedule is super sporadic so I can't really RP in game. I'm also just...not that fond of chat RP for anything beyond dialogue.


I'm hesitant to suggest myself for RP since I'm similarly shy/insecure but I'm not sure how many other people here are really into slow, long form RP with no chance of meeting up in game. So that said if you're willing to deal with another shy person I have a brief character description (that should really be updated/expanded on) linked in my signature and I check these forums every couple days.


At least if we're both shy, we know where the other is coming from! ;u;


I think Sassy and Tsubaki could actually have a good reason to journey together, since they both want to see the world. And having the Echo could be a thing to get them into shenanigans. I could see them recounting stories and histories to each other around the campfire every night. Maybe they could both go somewhere new, somewhere they haven't even been yet on their own.


If you'd like, I could PM you my Discord and we could discuss more in detail there. :3

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At least if we're both shy, we know where the other is coming from! ;u;


I think Sassy and Tsubaki could actually have a good reason to journey together, since they both want to see the world. And having the Echo could be a thing to get them into shenanigans. I could see them recounting stories and histories to each other around the campfire every night. Maybe they could both go somewhere new, somewhere they haven't even been yet on their own.


If you'd like, I could PM you my Discord and we could discuss more in detail there. :3


That sounds like fun. Shenanigans are always good. :P


My first thought, after reading her profile, was that they would both be easily tricked into doing some not so legal job if the opportunity arose and would probably only realize they'd been tricked halfway through. I wouldn't say Tsu's as gullible as Sassy but there's little she won't do if she thinks she's helping someone. Buuut something like that would require an intimate knowledge of the world and skill with setting up a plot/DMing neither of which I have so what you have in mind is probably a lot better.


Probably better to discuss in Discords or PMs though so sure. :D

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