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Looking for an RP Partner

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Hey everyone! I'm finally getting used to how it is RPing on this server, or at least getting a little bit better, and I'd really like to do a lot more RPing here! I really like it, but I'm also looking for RP partners to help me further immerse myself in the game. I'm not really into writing biographies about my character because I like when things change and adapt to the flow. A couple of things I'm looking for:


1. Romance

2. Adventure!

3. Making close connections with various other RPers!


A couple of small rules!:tonberry:


1. No God moding or Power Playing.

2. Combat will be reduced to rolls or /random for fairness

3. I'm looking for an RP partner that gives me more than one sentence, something to work with.

4. Let's discuss plots together! I love planning and moving forward with a story for our characters.

5. Have fun, but be respectful, y'know!

6. I'm not one to have limits solely because I love it for the RP's sake. I like variety! It's the spice of life! I want to be open to some things that you throw at me, but if you have limits that's TOTALLY okay and I respect them 100%, you just gotta let me know first!


If ever you see me on Jenova and you'd like to RP, don't be afraid to stop by! I'd love to RP with you guys and I'd love to enjoy the experience! If you have any questions, please let me know! I just hope that if you'd like to proceed with no limits that you're the appropriate age (18+).


With that said, I really hope I get to hear from you guys! Asher could really use some new friends and companions along the road. You can contact me by sending me a message in game to "Asher Netherfang" or contacting me through here!


Let's travel the road to the Warriors of Light together!

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Well, my main is on Jenova so I might see you around. Unfortunately, that character is very strictly a non-RP character so you won't see me RPing there. If you ever need something crafted (cause our MB can suck sometimes) or just want general help feel free to PM me here. I don't mind sharing the name of that character or giving out my Discord info I just don't like posting it publicly. I'm also always happy to do RP out of game if you aren't finding enough over there. :thumbsup:

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