CatBiter Posted February 22, 2018 Share #26 Posted February 22, 2018 (edited) I prefer mostly immersive myself but! I also GM so, getting too deep int the character isn't always the best for me and! There are as many styles and levels of roleplay as there are people, or writers. The longer you do it, the more your style and understanding not only of your own likes and dislikes in roleplay are, but also those around you. For what Erah'sae says about the hesitancy.. man have I been there: and ultimately I think there are always -some- limits you should have on yourself because that is ultimately true and the above also still holds true for everyone. For the most part; that hesitancy can be avoided with one very important part; especially with other situations mentioned above by others: communication between players/typists involved. Injury and character death, metagaming as a general RP term and otherwise are some pretty good references. Some of us use profiles to give a basic idea of who we roleplay and go pretty in depth.. some don't go as in depth.. and some don't bother; either because they'd rather avoid the meta all together or because they either want us to discover their character as they go .. or are still discovering that character themselves. Some enjoy having that 'random guy X' strolling up and knowing their character immediately.. some have the opposite reaction to the same guy; and some just don't care if they pretend they know them already, they just want to RP. On the other side of that, there's injury and death: and also gore, torture, and dark storylines I've seen fail or cause drama because some random got picked without communication and had it pushed on them. Personally, I think that kind of thing should always be at least moderately discussed, before action that way is taken. Know your partners, when it comes to that kind of stuff especially, and what they're comfortable with.. and vice versa. The point of roleplay in any MMO setting is ultimately for enjoyment. So, if you and your partners aren't having fun.. something's wrong. Don't be afraid to sit back, examine that kind of thing and speak up: and try to find a place where you can continue having the fun intended! Anyroad.. I say the above mostly because; unless you're playing purely with an NPC on the other end and those involved are comfortable with that kind of thing, or incapacitating and removing themselves from the roleplay for a period if not permanently (which is entirely unproductive and the reverse of the point to joining it in the first place;) they aren't likely to have fun with it or you, and less so if they spend an hour or more of their RP time on the floor as the result of your or someone else's actions. With having fun with others roleplaying being the main point of engaging in the first place; it's always made more sense to me to take it on a situation by situation basis, especially if I don't know my RP partners well; or we haven't had the discussion in the past, et cetera. Everyone has their own play times, everyone has their own tastes and tolerances. The best I can say is mostly what's already been said above: try to find folks who either have or are accepting of similar styles and, try to remain as respectful of others as possible; eeping in mind that every toon that types at you has a living person with their own tastes and intention to enjoy the game and role play as well. Feels like a weird place for it, but.. do unto others, etc: communicate, and you'll rarely go wrong. Edited February 22, 2018 by CatBiter spacing being a dork & didn't submit it right 2 Link to comment
Tregarde Posted March 8, 2018 Share #27 Posted March 8, 2018 On 1/17/2018 at 9:29 AM, Symphony said: So my question is: what is this type of RP called so I can find like minded people who would like to do things like quests and dungeons ICly? Or am I in the wrong business altogether? ^^;; Maybe it's just the way you phrased it, but it seems to me you're putting two separate things together into one question. 1- you're looking for people who RP in a similar fashion 2- you're looking for people to do adventures together IC As for 1, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to RP. You enjoy projecting yourself into the game as if you were really there. That is fine. People above have already stated that your style is uncommon and runs a risk of taking things that happen in game a bit seriously outside of the game. But as long as you can maintain perspective in the difference between the two, then I see no problems. There was a time when hard-core, always IC was more common (even if players didn't see themselves as the character), it's pretty rare today. As for 2, there are lots of people who love to do adventures IC. I'm one of them. It adds a layer of fun to an otherwise rote dungeon run or whatever. Ask around, you're bound to find people. The biggest challenge should be in scheduling when people get together. Hopefully you find people you enjoy both RPing and adventuring with. Link to comment
Faye Posted March 8, 2018 Share #28 Posted March 8, 2018 (edited) I don't think there's really any specific, widely known term for that. The closest thing I can think of would be "self-insert RP" as Merc mentioned, and though many people who enjoy such things are trying to reclaim the idea as something positive, a lot of people do attach a negative connotation to the idea of self-inserts. I think you'd be best off just describing what you prefer like you did here--though it may not be convenient, not everything does or needs to fit neatly into some sort of understood label. I think it's good enough that you know and acknowledge what you're looking for and are up front about it, because to be honest, I would be highly uncomfortable knowingly RPing with someone coming from that mentality and probably opt to avoid it altogether. Edited March 8, 2018 by Faye Link to comment
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