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I got my beta invite Friday, and so I've been putzing around in the game the past few days. Decided to see if there was some kind of RP community going on, and look! There is! Hooray.


I'm not the fastest of levelers so I've only got two level 1s right now, spent most of my time in character creation.


These are my two babbus so far:



R'aqsha Nunh / Male Miqo'te / Seeker of the Sun / Lancer




Kirzwyda Faezgeimwyn / Female Roegadyn / Sea Wolf / Pugilist


I'm sure more will follow!


About me... well, I've been RPing a long time! I like art, history, mythology, music. Besides that, I am currently working on a degree in Illustration and interning as a Textile / Home Artist for a department store chain. Pretty sweet. :D


I think that's it... again, excited to be here! Feel free to pope me in game, I am in Gilgamesh, at least for now.

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