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[Balmung] Info Brokering & Investigations Available!

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Stuck on how to progress your character's plot or your FC's storyline? Want to create an interesting arc with another player character? Maybe just want an excuse for your character to meet some new people and network with other groups? Perhaps even want some test subjects participants to DM an encounter? The Shroudrose Teahouse and Tavern is a cozy teahouse and bar located within the Lavender Beds of the Twelveswood, but lesser known is that the same establishment serves as information brokering and private investigations business. Teatime can help provide information on any person, place, or thing.

What you need to know OOC:

  • Due to the potentially questionable nature of the business, the information brokering side of things is kept on the down-low IC, but it’s no total secret. If you have reason for your character to know, then you can assume they do.
  • Our FC is not lore-strict, but we are lore-friendly. We are flexible and can accommodate for bending the lore, but not breaking it. Please be respectful of this and do not knowingly ask our FC to investigate anything that goes against lore or reasonable belief, or that may otherwise be uncomfortable or inappropriate.
  • Teatime has no interest in getting on the wrong side of the law. Any deals involving anything too immoral or illegal may potentially be declined... and maybe tattled to the proper authorities.
  • All payments are IC, no actual gil or item exchanges necessary.

We can find information in two ways:

  1. If your character needs to know something to advance your own plot, your character can hire Teatime, and you can give us the necessary information OOC along with any details about when/how/where you wish our characters to discover it, which we can either role-play (be it with NPC's, DMing, or otherwise) or assume to have happened behind the scenes. This is your story, so the details will be in your control as much as you wish for them to be! Teatime can then relay the information to your character.
  2. If your character wishes for Teatime to gather information on another player character, Teatime can try to obtain this information. This will happen organically via role-play or with whatever cooperation the other role-player is willing to give. Given this involves the variable of a third party, we cannot guarantee results this way. We will not metagame for information on other characters, though eavesdropping IC will be considered fair game, unless any party objects. This is meant to be a fun and collaborative experience, so we will respectfully drop any job where a participant is unwilling or unhappy. You may be responsible for getting us in touch OOC with the player of any character you want us to obtain information on. We want to embrace "secrecy" as much as possible for the fun and immersion of the RP, but we have to make some sacrifices in the name of fairness to all parties and we hope you will be understanding!


If you are interested in using Teatime's services or otherwise setting up a role-play with us, feel free to contact us here, message Faye Covington in game, or on Discord: Destiny (Faye)#8463. You can also drop by our FC house at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 for RP, but please be aware there may be no one present unless you schedule with us beforehand!

Edited by Faye
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