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New character looking for FRANNND

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I have a new character, and he's looking to make some friends! I'll likely set up a basic wiki for him eventually (but I'd rather spend the time doing RP).


His name's Marsazio Eshem, and he's a hyur wanderer recently arrived in Eorzea who's come all the way from Ivalice (though since we know very little about FF14's version of Ivalice, he'll be reluctant to share many specifics about his homeland, for as he says... "Things there are dangerous and uncertain, and I would be remiss if I inspired urges toward tourism at this time."). I've been playing him for a few days now and he's made a few contacts, but I sure wouldn't mind more!


What's he like? Well, Marsazio is a jack-of-all-trades sort who keeps his stomach full during his travels by doing odd jobs in the places where he arrives. He'd say he likes to help people and doesn't expect much in return - usually a roof over his head for a night or two and some provisions would be fine enough. He doesn't have any magical aptitude, but he's intelligent and worldly just the same, and can defend himself with scrappers' competency with a sword, knives, and barehanded. Though he can be a bit reserved due to his uncertainties about the local cultures (and not wanting to accidentally have any misunderstandings), he's good-natured and likes games, jokes, and general mischief. Oh, and he has a beard, because men with beards get a +1 on Handsome skill checks, and that's just science.


Currently not looking for rivalry/antagonistic contacts - I'd rather he get better-established first. 


Flail at me if he sounds interesting to you - you can flail at me here, in-game, or Lydia#8192 on Discord.

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Recently, Marsazio learned that there are two different kinds of miqo'te, and although he learned the superficial differences between them, he's found it challenging to try and tell which type a particular miqo'te happens to be without coming across as impolitely staring at their face. Awkward! He also discovered an odd sort of food called a "cakewing", which was... well, some sort of buffalo wing but also cake. Strange! He'd also, during a game of "challenge or revelation", discovered that people of Eorzea will in fact sit on a pie if they're dared to do so. Hilarious!


Marsazio's been having an excellent time meeting random new friends - though I've yet to have any who came from here at the RPC. Don't be shy! He's a bit odd, due to being foreign, but he's a cool guy! 

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C-c-c-combo breaker! Marsazio had a conversation with a hyur last night, thus ending the chain of "for some reason, only miqo'te characters seem to approach Marsazio to make friends". He was starting to wonder if maybe he smelled a bit like tuna or something...


One of his new friends did this very excellent digital "sketch" of Marsazio, which is meant to be an IC drawing that their character did... after having met him. I don't know why. Maybe a bounty? Well, he hasn't done anything bad, as far as I know, but it'll be neat to find out. 


Still looking for more new friends, of course! 


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Last night was so funny - Marsazio has been staying at the "airship port inn" in Ul'dah, because he disliked the rooms at the Quicksand (he's said they were sticky... which... probably). There's no such inn we can get to in-game, but there're counters there, and it makes sense that a big hub like Ul'dah would have a small inn right there at the port. Anyway! Several times that he's met new friends, if it's my last RP of the evening he's invited the new friend to have ice cream at the cafe there, since it's become something of a routine for him. 


So last night, he saw a couple of people seem to have a big argument, and thought it would be nice to cheer up the one who'd seemed downtrodden by it. Upon asking the potential new friend, though, she and a friend she was with informed him that strange men asking unknown women if they want to come with him somewhere to get ice cream is weird. Marsazio was just like... what's weird about it? Ice cream is awesome!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Still seeking more new friends! 


I haven't had a lot of interest come my way from the ol' RPC thusfar... but I also haven't found it easy to make random new friends for Marsazio in-game, either, so I guess I'll keep trying in whatever ways are available. :3

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A friend Nabi shall have! Saz is very familiar with Kugane. I'm not totally sure what time I'll be around tonight and through the weekend, but I'll definitely have time. If you use Discord and want to throw something at me there for more fine-tuned meet-up planning, mine's in my sig. :)

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