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Orianna Chant [Jenova]

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I. Basic Info

  • Characters:Orianna Chant, F'irrion Nunh, Ninimu Nimu, Yukiko Tsurugi, C'ierra Irrion
  • Primary character: Orianna Chant
  • Linkshells: None
  • Primary RP linkshell: None

II. RP Style

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): I adore all types of rp. Though I tend to do more heavy rping in my downtime between raiding.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries: I don't mind rp combat and non serious injuries that happen on the fly. However anything serious I would prefer to be talked about ahead of time and death is completely off the table. I tend to prefer dice rolling but I also have fun having our rp fight in the wolves den as well.
  • Views on IC romance: I don't mind romance plots, but Orianna is a fickle character and things probably won't end well for those who try and pursue her romantically.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): I am totally up for anyone who wants to try and play siblings, cousins, long lost friends, ect. Provided it is talked about ahead of time.
  • Views on lore: Lore is nice but it's not everything. If you want to bend it a bit, I don't mind honestly. Provided it's not something to make your character over powered.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): I use all types of communication. Though LS are more for organizing than actual rp chats for me.

III. Other Info

  • Country:US
  • Timezone:EST
  • Contact info:BellCat#3068 (Please message me ahead of time before you add me)


Edited by Orianna Chant
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Orianna Chant

Gender: Female

Race; Miqote

Clan: Sun Seeker

Age: 25

Occupation: Mage/Entertainer/Alchemist


Orianna is a young woman with many ambitions. She was raised on the stories of her Family and their legacy. She treasures her blood and name above anything else. She takes her own pride and her loyalties very seriously, they are at the very core of who she is and what she identifies with. She aspires to be great, in a way that the world has never seen. She prioritizes politics and people skills over the physical, but she is a persistent learner. She spends an absurd amount of time to bettering herself, though she rarely admits that she is not already exceptional. Her sheltered life within the walls of the Chant manor have left a weakness, a naivety that she is desperate to fill and rid herself of. This weakness can crack her stony surface.


She believes she is separate from the rabble, those who are meant to be subjected to the rule of others. She is a queen, even if she does not hold the title of one. Her blood runs with the purple of royalty through her veins. Those who rule are meant to rule- they are strong, intelligent, capable of forcing this to their will. The Peons are peons because they are unable to be anything else. She will never be a peon. Orianna understands that a woman must be a lion and a fox both. There is a time to be vicious and strong, to force others into their place and display her strength for all others to see. There are also times where one needs to stay quiet and watch, to learn and to show her power in a different way. Manipulation is her specialty. Yet Orianna is not invulnerable to the manipulation of others. Her limited experiences open her to such attempts and she keeps a wall up between herself and outsiders.


Orianna idealizes better men and women in a hope that she will overcome them, she knows she will. She is aware that she is not the smartest or the most capable even if she doesn't admit it. She takes to surrounding herself with people who cover her own faults with their strengths. She is charismatic but reserved, offering a cold presence to those unaquainted to herself. The things about her outward displayed are controlled, years of reaching upwards towards the standards of perfection have left her with an acute awareness of how she portrays herself to others. Orianna has her own ideals and does not subject herself to others without an intense occurance. Her loyalty is extremely hard to gain, but it is a powerful force. She will do anything for those she pledges herself to, so long as they stay in her good graces. It is easy to disappoint her and those who are not her blood can be easily discarded. She clings to family for they are all she has, all that have cared for her.


She knows she is not infalliable but only barely. Orianna is a private person, at times she is dramatic because she wishes to make a point. But her own feelings, her true feelings, are often a mystery outside of her closest confidants. Orianna fears a great deal, for both herself and others, for she knows that without fear she is simply stupid and unreceptive. Still she wears a thick coat of armor that she only sheds at her most base.

Orianna likes to be noticed, to genuinely laugh. She likes to be close to people. She likes to be wanted, even needed. She can go out of her way for others if she is motivated to, be it for personal gain or because she genuinely cares for that individual. Orianna loves deeply and well, but she can be frivolous with partners.

Edited by Orianna Chant
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