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Ala Mhigo, 15 years?


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So I'm trying to figure out exactly what the backstory to Ala Mhigo is. I thought it was ten years ago that it was destroyed from what the website says, but on the Eorzapedia it says it was 15 years ago? Can anyone give me some information on what's correct and exactly what happened with the information we know so far from FFXIV?


Also, I'm asking this because I need to know for something....

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I believe it was attacked by the Garleans 15 years ago from present day. The ten years ago thing is in regards to the arrival of the Primals, a completely different enemy of Eorzea who give the beast tribes their power. Easy to get confused. There are two enemies: Garleans and beastmen. Garleans wreaked havoc 15 years ago. Beastmen (with aid from the Primals) did so 10 years ago.

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It's foreshadowed/implied a bit that one of the story characters may be from the empire, or at least have pretty thorough knowledge of it. At least at this point, my impression would be that the empire consists of the same races as Eorzea, though of course I can't say for sure.

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I believe it was attacked by the Garleans 15 years ago from present day. The ten years ago thing is in regards to the arrival of the Primals' date=' a completely different enemy of Eorzea who give the beast tribes their power. Easy to get confused. There are two enemies: Garleans and beastmen. Garleans wreaked havoc 15 years ago. Beastmen (with aid from the Primals) did so 10 years ago.[/quote']


I was under the impression that the Primals had appeared 25 years ago and that the Empire invaded ten years after?

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It says on the homepage that the primals arrived 10 years ago, so that one should be pretty accurate.

The fall of Ala Mhigo is a bit more unclear though.


Yeah that's what I thought as well, but then I looked at the way they were writing it and it seemed to be a narration of a present point in time in which the Empire was invading.


For example:

It is nigh on ten years since the fearsome beings known as the primals first appeared in these lands. Ten years since they were summoned forth by the destructive ambition of the beast tribes. Ten years, and still those tribes, drunk on the power granted them by the primals, continue to wreak havoc upon the free peoples of Eorzea.


And then right after.


To the northeast, the Garlean Empire stirs, casting an ominous shadow across the realm. Seeking dominion over the continent of Aldenard, the Garleans set out on a campaign of conquest, smiting all opposition with their superior technology and overwhelming military might. In a relentless drive to the south and west, they lay ruin to the once flourishing city-state of Ala Mhigo.


Notice how the context changes from past to present; that leads me to believe that this particular narration was meant to be read as if it were happening right now. That's why I think the Primals appeared before the Empire did. Also, if you look closely at some of the still frames of one of the trailers, we can see one of the Empire's airships being taken down by a giant winged serpentine creature which looks too scary to not be in some league with the Beastmen in my opinion, and if this creature is in fact a primal or some ally of theirs and assuming the Primals were attacking other forces of the Empire, then it also give a potential explanation for the Empire's sudden disappearance and halt of their conquest. This being the case, it wouldn't make sense for the Primals to appear afterwards, because they would have been five years too late to fight the empire. Assuming my theory is right that is.


Anyway, that's my opinion. Hopefully SE will give us a timeline or something.

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Oh, I completely agree with that! I just don't get where you get the 25 years from.


The primals appeared 10 years ago.


But about the Garleans, I think you're right that that is something happening right now. So... The 15 years are not right either?

It's a bit confusing really, because they change back to "Seeking", though that could just mean that it happened... Well, a month ago, or a year.


I hope we get some more clear lore, as I, and I'm sure many others, plan to have their character coming from Ala Mhigo, and it would be nice to know roughly how old your character was when the destruction happened.

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Oh, no, no, no. I'm saying that I think the Primals appeared 25 years ago, then ten years later the Empire came to invade. Al Mhigo fell afterwards and shortly after that both parties fought, then the empire disappeared. This all took place 15 years ago, but that one particular passage on the site is not meant to be read as if it were 15 years ago. That's what I meant. Sorry, if I'm being confusing. ^_^;

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I get what he's saying. 15 years ago the Garleans invaded, I think we all follow that. The writing that says that the primals appeared 10 years ago isn't written as though it were present day. Rather, it seems as if it was written about 15 years ago. Therefor the primals appeared 10 years before what happened 15 years ago, meaning 25 years ago total.


Good catch.

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I get what he's saying. 15 years ago the Garleans invaded, I think we all follow that. The writing that says that the primals appeared 10 years ago isn't written as though it were present day. Rather, it seems as if it was written about 15 years ago. Therefor the primals appeared 10 years before what happened 15 years ago, meaning 25 years ago total.


Good catch.


This is exactly what I meant, thanks. :D


Also, because I said I would:



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