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Enthusiasm Check

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Made it to lv75 and everything.  I loved that game more than any other MMO I've ever played.  I think it was the sense of accomplishment I had when I completed things.  Just getting from city to city was an epic journey.  I remember I had to hire escorts to take me to Jeuno the first time to get my chocobo licesne.  The death penalty, though harsh, made exploration dangerous and thrilling at the same time.

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Houston, we have a website!  Knights of the Twelve Website!


If you need any help building up the website I would be more than happy to offer my services. I have built a few enjin websites before and am familiar with their control panel.

More than one admin is a beautiful, glorious thing ;_;

Gods bless you Nova...


Lol To be honest I love building websites. I can also moderate forums and I make a mean banana and chocolate cheesecake. I don't sing though, I like to pretend I can when I'm alone in my car but really it's ... no.



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Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free... also, anyone who wants 2 RP, cuz it's fun n' stuff.  The Knights of the Twelve accept any and all who vow to carry forth the banner of honor and decency.  Also, if you give me 50 bucks, I can totally get some weed.


On a serious note though, I would just like to say thank you to all the wonderful people who have been supportive of this idea.  I've always enjoyed playing "white knight" characters, but I've never been able to get much traction for a guild based on the theme before.  Anyone who wants to help make this guild as successful as possible is appreciated greatly.  In return I will do everything I can to make this linkshell as fun and engaging as possible.  Also, special shout out to the Garlean Empire, supreme overlords of Eorzea Magellan, who's been super helpful at getting this idea off the ground.

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Also, special shout out to the Garlean Empire, supreme overlords of Eorzea Magellan, who's been super helpful at getting this idea off the ground.


Why do I have the distinct feeling of having just sold my soul ...

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/yawn I'm awake!


I was wondering if we could get a forum thread started on site made for past experience within guilds and what we would like to offer this one? A place to throw about ideas?


I'm not meaning the average "I've led super awesome raid guilds." but rather what someone has creatively brought to a guild or wanted to bring to a guild.


/edit : another way of saying I can't wait to see this develop!!

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/yawn I'm awake!


I was wondering if we could get a forum thread started on site made for past experience within guilds and what we would like to offer this one? A place to throw about ideas?


I'm not meaning the average "I've led super awesome raid guilds." but rather what someone has creatively brought to a guild or wanted to bring to a guild.


/edit : another way of saying I can't wait to see this develop!!


I had set the bulk of the forums to accessible only to registered users. When ppl register you will see a lot more options.


I can set the permissions to 'all' if everyone prefers

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