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Breaking into the scene on Mateus

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Greetings, fellow storytellers and make-believers! 


I've been playing FFXIV for a few years now, and roleplaying even longer, but this is my first attempt at doing both simultaneously. My RP experience began in the world of forums, and consequently I can be rather long-winded and slow to post. These days I probably average a paragraph or two per round, though I'm always happy to adjust to the flow of the group I'm in (preferably not too big of a group, mind you, or I get stressed out). 


I'm not yet sure how well I'll fit in to Eorzean RP, and I'm a bit nervous about the learning curve (i.e., how/when to incorporate items, emotes/animations, and other game elements into my posts), but this site looks like a great resource so hopefully I can get started soon! 


For now, I'll leave you with the intro template, but please feel free to ask if there's anything else you'd like to know. 


  • MMORPG background: This is my first! My husband is a huge FF fan but also an introvert like me, so we decided to try out an MMO together and see what happened! Suffice it to say, it worked out much better than we could have expected. I've recently made an alt (or two) on Mateus since my home server doesn't have a big RP scene and I'm taking a break from raiding and such.
  • RP experience: At the risk of revealing my age ... over a decade, primarily on forums with a few shady virtual world detours
  • Character ideas/info: Not a clue, but I tend to play prettyboy jerks. It's kind of my brand at this point. I've rolled a Duskwight archer who I suspect will take himself far too seriously and sit around taverns brooding. Some sort of underhanded dealings will likely be involved. 
  • How did you learn about the coalition? I've had this site bookmarked for ages but I think it came from reddit? 
  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy) Medium - heavy
  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.) By day, I'm a chronically ill old lady who works a boring desk job while dreaming of being a writer. I love cute and creepy things in equal measure. Nero is my FFXIV husband forever. If I'm writing, there's a mug of something hot and probably caffeinated within reach and an appropriate playlist queued up. Forever editing. 
Edited by jayelle
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Old roleplayers unite! I'm not exactly young anymore either. Hehe.


Welcome to Mateus. We do have a pretty good RP population. The link Neso provided is a good way to keep up on events and meet people. And while the Quicksand is undoubtedly the main RP hub, you can find RP elsewhere if you look.


Hopefully we'll cross paths in Eorzeal

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