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New on the Scene (Goblin, maybe Mateus?)


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Hey there! I'm new to the forums and the FFXIV RP scene in general. I've done a lot of RP in the form of tabletop games, forums, and chat, but I've never really done it in an MMO before, but I've always wanted to after seeing some people doing it in Guild Wars 2. My main character is on Goblin (Au Ra: Xaela) and has a sort of storyline ready to go for her as well as a rival in the form of my fianceé's Roegadyn, but as I understand, there isn't much of an Rp presence at all on Goblin, so I was considering making a new character on Mateus intended to be 100% for roleplay. If I can find a group to do things with, I'd probably be fairly active in developing the character and participating. I play the game almost everyday.


Anyway, good to meet you all!


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If you decide to come to Mateus, I'd love to RP with you! I highly recommend making the switch. I created a character on Mateus from a small server and have no regrets. It's very active here and everyone is so friendly.


I hope to see you!

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