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Returning player looking for advice


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Hello !


I've been away for a few years but I've been getting the itch to play again.  I'm thinking about starting a new character since so much has changed and I need to relearn the game from the ground up.

I've ordered heavensword since I'm dying to try the engineer !


is Mataus or Balmung  a more active RP server for NA ?


Should I go for Mataus or Balmung ?

I have a level 50 Dragoon on Balmung but i'm not adverse to starting from scratch.


I'm a long time RPer, I started in 1999 when computers were carved out of stone and powered by a hamster in a wheel.

Games I've played:  EQ1 (house Sel'quar!) EQ2, Aion, Blade & Soul, Bless (briefly)BDO and I played a little WoW but couldn't get into the graphics

RP type: Medium to Heavy


Thanks 😃

Edited by Solen
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I’m also new, so take everything I say with that in mind. But my understanding is that Balmung is basically blocked off to new characters. My friends all RP and they play on Mataeus, and say it’s great. I rolled there when I recently started. I’m not sure what it’s like after yesterday’s maintenance, but I did have to wait until like five in the morning to get in. 

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Balmung's currently open, but RPers on Mateus are also flourishing. With the recent 4.57 patch, World Visits are enabled as we're now on the Crystal Datacenter and you can use the same character on both servers. There's a free transfer period going for a little while if you decide you want ot change your home server, but otherwise, people can freely travel between Balmung and Mateus now.

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