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I'm still getting acclimated to the lore, but learning lore, and learning RP can be different things in a game like this.


Can Soul Crystals be an IC thing? As in, could your character possess the ability to shift their powers? I know some would be impossible, like WHM. But some of the others?

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Soul Crystals are generally treated as an IC thing.  Exactly how they work varies a bit from job to job, but mainly they just help accelerate the learning process.


Now as to the question if it is plausible for our characters to IC have one or more of the Jobs - that varies a bit from Job to Job.

Some jobs are very restricted as to who can have them for one reason or another, like WHM or BLM.

Others, like MCH or PLD are not nearly as restrictive, and are perfectly plausible for characters to have IC.


If your character have mastered multiple jobs you can expect other players to look askance at you.  Not that it is impossible to have done so, but very few people would have managed to do it.  



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For some quick lore on Soul Crystals, I recommend Sounsyy's post here: https://mirkemenagerie.tumblr.com/post/149512988109/is-there-lore-regarding-soul-crystals-and-spirit


There's another one by another user with the general "how difficult is it to be this capital-letter named Job" compilation that I'm looking for the link to. (curse tumblr searching). Found it! https://kilieit.tumblr.com/post/159315531877/just-how-obscure-is-that-job-crystal-in-lore This one may be a little out of date as it was written before 4.0, but most of the general things stand like how rare a certail crystal is, or if there are legal/moral issues with it. Also newer information from the lore books, like the hard set number of DRG crystals for no reason other than "because SE said so" which is generally ignored by players.

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