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New Roleplayer and Player to FF14 in Aether (Siren)

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Hello, I am pretty new so please bear with me. I'm even new to really being in a forum so I may not as savvy to being here, but I'm willing to try my best. 

I kinda downloaded the game when it was on sale during the winter and played the free trial with the goal of getting a huge hat. I liked those huge hats i saw. But i didn't make it far before the trial ended and life got busy. But stuff is settling down and I though why not try this game again. 


- I have many experience with MMO games. I played them a lot when i was young, they were everywhere. I don't even remember half of them and I think most of them are gone by now. I mainly pick support classes, I just feel like they mesh with me well. I like to help people. Unless the class has a green based color scheme, i am also drawn to that. 


-I don't think I have much roleplay experience concerning MMOs, I'm usually too afraid to communicate with people in games. But I'm kinda trying to fix that. I can't try and go solo forever. But I do have plenty of experience roleplaying in Dungeons and Dragons. I've been DMing for a couple of years now. Its kinda what motivated me to get out my shell more. Cause if I can't talk to people, how can I have a group to play D&D with.


-I found out about this place because I'm trying to find people who share interests? Playing the game, and the lore within the game. The chat ingame seems to fast for me and I'm not 100% versed with the game and everything else in it so i was intimidated about linkshells and such. 


- I am not really sure what kind of roleplayer I am, but I do try my best to fully express what my character would do and feel when I play D&D. Trying to keep them true to who they are and not just me acting through them. Unless my character is based off me, then that would be an exception.


-I work at a hospital so i have crazy work hours. So i thought trying to connect with people and trying to roleplay here would be more reasonable concerning my hours of availability. As I said before, my hobbies include D&D, rpg video games, also I've been getting into Magic the Gathering, and I used to LARP a lot until life happened. 


Forgive me if this seems a bit too long winded. But I'll try my best to respect the rules here. Thank you very much if you'll have me. I hope I provided an appropriate amount of info asked. 

Edited by O'nikki Columbiyo
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Thank you. Currently im just soloing my way through the main story, I think I'm almost close to fighting the Titan Primal. Thank goodness for duty finder, I am a bit intimidated with interacting with people in game. But I just kinda want to also do other stuff along the way. I never really RPed in an MMO before and I was curious in trying it out. So i just kinda want to know about that too. 

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