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The Crystal Troupe is a new FC looking for dedicated core members

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FC Goals: The Crystal Troupe is a medium-core PvE and RP free company looking to find it's core members that want a good mix of doing end-game content as it comes out and role playing in-between. To this end I am looking for core members to join the group as this FC is still brand new. The company is rank 8 and will have active bonuses for use in leveling during the opening weeks of Shadow Bringers.

Story: The troupe was formed from the founders want to bring a little bit of light to these depressing times. This traveling band of musicians, artisans, performers, and storytellers go far and wide to spread the glimmer of hope.

If you are interested please direct message me here, in-game, or via discord. I need people willing to help me build this FC into something special!

FFXIV IGN: Serene Lestrade

Discord: Grimm#9641

Starter Discord Server: https://discord.gg/dwQjdWx


((P.S. This storyline and concepts are subject to change as I still want the input of those looking to help improve the concept))

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