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[Twintania] New to FF role-play, lfrp

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Hello, I'm new to Final Fantas XIV. I only started about a week ago, and I've been interested in doing role-play! As stands now, I know little of the lore aside from a few hazy memories here and there playing the game since I was a child. as I've been browsing the website it seems there's very little of the role-play community in Light, and if need be I'd be willing to try and set up a few linkshells here and there.


Before I elaborate on my character, I'd like you to know that I know not much of the FF lore let alone FFXIV. Criticism is always welcome, and I'll adjust if it comes to that. Without further ado, here goes!


"Within the arctic forests resides a tribe of Viera now long acclimated to the harsh wintry environment. With skin fair and pale, hair as white as the snow they surround themselves this tribe has managed to survive these conditions. From this tribe comes Isolde, a Viera who looks further than the traditions and wellbeing of her folk to that of all Eorzea. Now an adventurer, she seeks out to improve her art, to aid those in need, and most of all... to aid in the healing of Eorzea."


It's simple, I've yet to really figure out the lore to make a proper backstory, so... it is what it is. If anyone's interested, by all means, message me.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello... New to the site but I wanted to see if you were still looking for an RP partner. My grasp of in game lore is still developing as well but I'd be happy to make a new friend in game.


My character is Xerxes, mostly a tank though i'm also dabbling with samurai dps here and there. Brief background is that he's from a small village where a band of mercenaries came in and wiped everyone out aside from him. He set out alone to seek vengeance and has had several adventures that have led him to where he is now, Brief and lacking finer details here but there is more if you want to talk further.


Look forward to talking later...

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