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Roleplaying virgin!


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Hello everyone! RP virgin right here so I will go ahead and start!


MMORPG background : FFXI was the first then WoW and now FFXIV. I have played bits and pieces of GW, GW2, and Aion.....and probably a few others I am forgetting.


RP experience : Practically none, the stories I make up usually stay in my head or go into my writing. I have never done co-operative story telling.


Character ideas/info : I want to keep my main character Sirenia Severus (and RP with her) and even though she started out as a Midlander I have been playing her as Xaela. I know her name isn't lore friendly but I won't change it. I have so many ideas what I want her to be but I have a hard time making decisions. 😃 She is also married ingame to her husband (also my RL husband but he doesn't RP) so I thought she'd lead like a double life. Is that too weird?


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? Well I already stated above that I am married. I work as a Labor & Delivery nurse and I usually play healer roles in MMORPG's....go figure. =P


I'd love to make friends and start out roleplaying here soon. I feel so hindered by the fact that I do not have a backstory for my character and am undecided on many thing as far as her character goes. Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ❤️

Edited by Sirenia
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Hey, Sirenia! Welcome to the RPC~


1 hour ago, Sirenia said:

MMORPG background : FFXI was the first then WoW and now FFXIV. I have played bits and pieces of GW, GW2, and Aion.....

I never played XI, any Guild Wars, or even Aion lol. Very happy to see you’ve landed in XIV!


1 hour ago, Sirenia said:

RP experience : Practically none, the stories I make up usually stay in my head or go into my writing. I have never done co-operative story telling.

We all start somewhere 🙂


1 hour ago, Sirenia said:

Character ideas/info : I want to keep my main character Sirenia Severus (and RP with her) and even though she started out as a Midlander I have been playing her as Xaela. I know her name isn't lore friendly but I won't change it. I have so many ideas what I want her to be but I have a hard time making decisions. 😃 She is also married ingame to her husband (also my RL husband but he doesn't RP) so I thought she'd lead like a double life. Is that too weird?

You can have whatever name makes you happy. It might even help you out with your story! I’m super indecisive myself so I know the struggle.


Whatever story you draw up will be fine, I’m sure. Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter❤️


1 hour ago, Sirenia said:

I work as a Labor & Delivery nurse

Oh my Lord~


1 hour ago, Sirenia said:

I'd love to make friends and start out roleplaying here soon. I feel so hindered by the fact that I do not have a backstory for my character and am undecided on many thing as far as her character goes.

You’ve already made a bunch here just by signing up and posting. Don’t feel discouraged. It can be kinda overwhelming and maybe spooky at first, but once you have someone, or a group that you RP with, you’ll love it~ Things will fall into place as you go along. Sometimes, you’ll have a thought where it’s like “OH WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT SOONER” xD


Again, welcome to both the RPC and FFXIV!

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Welcome to the RP community, Sirena! ^_^ Have you been playing FFXIV with Sirenia Severus since 1.0 by any chance? 


For naming I wouldn't worry too much about it. Naming conventions can be fun to get into but there are always plenty of instances, in real life and other fiction, where someone is named something unusual or adopts an unconventional name. Every name was new at some point and parents wanting their children to have a distinct name is more common than not. Similar to words if no name exists that suits what the parent feels about the child, or how people view themselves, they'll invent one. This is often done by combining existing words or elements of other names. And aside from very strict religious settings, or abnormally overbearing rulership, no one is going to forbid you from inventing a name or spelling an existing one differently. Besides, it's not like you're naming your character Fizbot Wagonteeth or something. :D 


For backstory you could shape some of it around the Calamity as the event effected so many. In addition to being easy to recall it can help your character bond with other characters. For example, two of my characters were at the fateful Battle of Carteneau and the event shapes their story to this day as they're having trouble overcoming the past.


My Roegadyn, Ogeshna, who was a prize fighter convinced that she was destined to aid the Eorzean Alliance, literally lost everything and was broken in both body and spirit at Carteneau. She only recently woke up from a coma so she's lost time and hasn't begun the healing process other survivors went through together. Ogeshna's starting theme is about the character needing to rebuild herself. My Lalafell, Baboba, who was Ogeshna's biggest fan turned best friend, witnessed many of their comrades fall at Carteneau, some of them while trying to protect him. Worst of all he saw Ogeshna wounded close to death and as he tried to heal her he was teleported away. Haunted by his inability to save even a single person he forsook Thaumaturgy to become a White Mage. Baboba's starting theme is the challenge of moving past survivor's guilt.


So for Sirenia Severus, what was she doing at the time of the Battle of Carteanu? Was she actually there, and if so what relationships did she forge? Was there an ally she promised to watch over who died during the battle and she had to confront the surviving family? Was she in a town far removed from the battle but her relatives were right in the thick of it and few or none survived? Was she a spirited adventurer but the horrors of the Calamity caused her to retire to a quiet life, or did she live a quiet life before the Calamity and the sacrifices of so many brave people inspired her to join the fight against the literal forces of darkness? Also, can you work any of your IRL job experience into the story? Sirenia could share some of your conviction and motivation in her decision to become a White Mage which would make RPing some aspects of her story that much easier. 





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8 hours ago, Moon Type said:

Welcome to the RP community, Sirena! ^_^ Have you been playing FFXIV with Sirenia Severus since 1.0 by any chance? 


For naming I wouldn't worry too much about it. Naming conventions can be fun to get into but there are always plenty of instances, in real life and other fiction, where someone is named something unusual or adopts an unconventional name. Every name was new at some point and parents wanting their children to have a distinct name is more common than not. Similar to words if no name exists that suits what the parent feels about the child, or how people view themselves, they'll invent one. This is often done by combining existing words or elements of other names. And aside from very strict religious settings, or abnormally overbearing rulership, no one is going to forbid you from inventing a name or spelling an existing one differently. Besides, it's not like you're naming your character Fizbot Wagonteeth or something. :D 


For backstory you could shape some of it around the Calamity as the event effected so many. In addition to being easy to recall it can help your character bond with other characters. For example, two of my characters were at the fateful Battle of Carteneau and the event shapes their story to this day as they're having trouble overcoming the past.


My Roegadyn, Ogeshna, who was a prize fighter convinced that she was destined to aid the Eorzean Alliance, literally lost everything and was broken in both body and spirit at Carteneau. She only recently woke up from a coma so she's lost time and hasn't begun the healing process other survivors went through together. Ogeshna's starting theme is about the character needing to rebuild herself. My Lalafell, Baboba, who was Ogeshna's biggest fan turned best friend, witnessed many of their comrades fall at Carteneau, some of them while trying to protect him. Worst of all he saw Ogeshna wounded close to death and as he tried to heal her he was teleported away. Haunted by his inability to save even a single person he forsook Thaumaturgy to become a White Mage. Baboba's starting theme is the challenge of moving past survivor's guilt.


So for Sirenia Severus, what was she doing at the time of the Battle of Carteanu? Was she actually there, and if so what relationships did she forge? Was there an ally she promised to watch over who died during the battle and she had to confront the surviving family? Was she in a town far removed from the battle but her relatives were right in the thick of it and few or none survived? Was she a spirited adventurer but the horrors of the Calamity caused her to retire to a quiet life, or did she live a quiet life before the Calamity and the sacrifices of so many brave people inspired her to join the fight against the literal forces of darkness? Also, can you work any of your IRL job experience into the story? Sirenia could share some of your conviction and motivation in her decision to become a White Mage which would make RPing some aspects of her story that much easier. 





I have to admit I am quite behind on the lore, but I do like the idea of Sirenia being a medic tending to those with with wounds during and after the battle watching so many die around her. I do want her to kinda live a double life though so that's the part I am having a hard time figuring out. I love the idea of a femme fatale character that takes justice into her own hands and may do unforgivable things for the "greater good". Or is that just too much for one character to have? 


Oh and yes Sirenia Severus has been around since day one and I went by the name Sirenia in FFXI as well.

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On 8/24/2019 at 11:04 AM, Sirenia said:

I have to admit I am quite behind on the lore, but I do like the idea of Sirenia being a medic tending to those with with wounds during and after the battle watching so many die around her. I do want her to kinda live a double life though so that's the part I am having a hard time figuring out. I love the idea of a femme fatale character that takes justice into her own hands and may do unforgivable things for the "greater good". Or is that just too much for one character to have? 


Oh and yes Sirenia Severus has been around since day one and I went by the name Sirenia in FFXI as well.

I don't think that's too much at all, a double life can be a lot of fun to write! If Sirenia Severus has a spotless reputation she wants to maintain, or loved ones she doesn't want finding out her dark side, that can really add to the drama. I'm not sure if White Mages take an oath like some doctors do, but that could be something she reflects on as well. Her constant justification of what she does would make for some interesting internal dialog, and if she has a character to confide in there could even be some interesting debates. Writers will often insert such a character to help manifest a conflict of ideology.


That's awesome! 1.0 had it's problems but I sometimes wish I was able to play it. The closing event was very memorable for those who were there. 

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