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[Balmung] Doman Martial Artist LF LT Contact(s)

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The Basics


Age: 31

Birthday: 15th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

Race: Midlander Hyur

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Marital Status: Single - Mono

Server: Balmung


Physical Appearance


Hair: Short and trimmed to resemble Caesar haircut and grayish off-white in color.

Eyes: Sharp and narrow with rose pupils

Height: 5'10"

Build: Fighter's body, tight muscles, sleek form, some visible veins in his biceps and thighs

Distinguishing Marks: Torso is littered with an assortment of scars, scar across nose bridge

Common Accessories: Prayer bracelet made of lapis and a silver Far Eastern style saber




Profession: Former Assassin (?) / Martial Artist / Retainer

Hobbies: Training and conditioning his body, perfecting his clan's martial arts form, looking for an apprentice

Languages: Fluent in Doman, Hingan and Common Eorzean

Residence: A shack in the Goblet's commoner ward

Birthplace: Yanxia

Religion: n/a

Fears: His murderous impulse returning, losing his sworn brother, falling into madness




Spouse: n/a

Children: n/a

Parents: Huang Sanfeng (Father) and Huang Minjun (Mother) - Both deceased

Siblings: Several biological siblings but all are deceased, Akai Ikigomi (sworn brother)

Other Relatives: n/a

Pets: n/a




Extroverted / In Between / Introverted

Disorganized / In Between / Organized

Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded

Calm / In Between / Anxious

Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable

Cautious / In Between / Reckless

Patient / In Between /  Impatient

Outspoken / In Between / Reserved

Leader / In Between / Follower

Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic

Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic

Traditional / In Between / Modern

Hard-working / In Between / Lazy

Cultured / In Between / Uncultured

Loyal / In Between / Disloyal

Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful


Additional Information


Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: On rare occasions


What I'm looking for


  • I'm currently seeking for long term contacts and a potential romantic partner for Ren
  • RPs don't have to necessarily involve romance
  • I'm okay with most flavor of RP: dark, slice of life, mature, etc


What I'm NOT looking for


  • One time ERP
  • Polyamorous ships
  • RPs with really complex battle systems
  • Contacts below 18 years of age


RP Hooks


  • Were you part of Yotsuyu's fallen regime? Then you might recognize Ren as the former viceroy's former "pet".
  • Are you from Doma or Yanxia? Ren's more than happy to chat up a fellow farlander. 
  • Are you a bounty hunter? Then perhaps you've received a job from a far eastern client to hunt a certain war criminal.
  • Are you a martial arts enthusiast? Ren's always eager to spar and learn from western fighters.
  • Want to learn how to throw a fist or swing a blade? You may be in luck! Ren's looking for a student to instruct in his clan's martial arts form. 
  • Got other ideas? Feel free to yeet them my way and let's work something out!


About the Player


Available Hours: I'm usually available for in-game sessions on Friday nights from 7PM EST until I fall unconscious and all day on Saturdays and Sundays. As a side note, I like to schedule ahead my in-game sessions around the start of the week. I am almost constantly available in Discord unless work gobbles me up.


Writing Style: Depends on my partner. I usually adapt to my partner's style; ranging from multi-para to one/two liners.


I love OOC conversations especially when it comes to gushing about our characters. Please feel free to message me whenever you feel like it!


About the Player


I am Ren Huang in Balmung! Feel free to /w me when you see me online!


My discord handle is Ren-Kun #9587.


You can also check more info about my boi Ren in his carrd:



2020-02-24 16-41-48Yaz_ColorXhaze_v2.png


2020-02-24 17-50-53Yaz_ModelPortrait.png

Edited by Ren Huang
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bounty hunter reporting in! If you're still hunting for someone to hunt you, I can throw down for that sweet, sweet allure of gil. Girl's got bills to pay. I don't use dice systems, and don't care who "wins" (or if there is even a winner), so I usually just go with the flow or if there's an intended outcome to work towards as far as combat resolution goes. I can adapt to whatever. Character at-a-glance available here:




Let me know if this tickles! 

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