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Very new and hopeful bunny ♡


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Hello my name is Kitally or Mina 🌺


I am new to FF14 and to Final Fantasy as a whole but not to Roleplay or tp MMO's ^^ I have been playing MMO's for a bit now and do my best to try and be a good support in any way I know how. Now with my experience with my RP I love to RP and to create a character even if it's just in my head as i'm playing. I am not familiar with the lore of FF as I am with like GW2 or SWTOR but that doesn't mean I am unexperienced.  I have played table tops both as a player and ran quiet a few long duration games that were definitely great experiences.  I am very good at making things up on the fly as well as planning out characters in advance ^^.  Now me being now on here is going to mean i'll need to take things a little slow and learn as I go, sorry if I get some lore things backwards in advance. 


I think my favorite character I ever played in a game was a Mantis woman named Mimi who who saved her party by rush a guards and pulling the pin on his gernade that lead to herself, the guard, and the other 11 bounty hunters all perishing in the many explotions. She was at peace with dieing to give her friends a chance of escape but the DM loved her so much that she ended up barely surviving. She was later that same day arrested and walked out of the town she was in by armed guards while people threw things at her and called her aweful things since she was a living weapon of war that had done terrible things. She thought that she deserved the treatment and deserved that death she barely survived, having taken on the idea that she was beyond redeemable. It took the party to convince her that she was more then what she did while she was a brainwashed soldier and that she was worthy of forgiveness. It was a very sweet scene and was by far my favorite character I ever played. 🌷



The character I am playing is named Kitally and she is a work in progress so far as i'm still learing about the rich lore of FF. Kitally is a Viera who is right now a wanderer of no home or land really. She had her village taken from her through calamity and murderers. She has been long at work forgetting the night when she was a young kit running through the brush for her life to escape the fate of her village. She will never be able to wash the memory of the men who killed her people nor wash the blood she has on her hands as a sell sword of sorts. She has been looking for info on the men who she dreams about in her nightmares, tracking them down as she can and putting an end to them, some thugs, others long since retired from the life of murderers. She has long since forgotten the ability to forgive them and blames herself for inaction during that night.  She is a happy drinker and has a tendency to twirl her fingers in her hair when thinking or distressed, her nose scrunching and her ears twitching if she gets annoyed. when in duress she tends to be a clinger. She collects decorative arrows though she has never fired a bow before.


How did you learn about the coalition? Through google!\


I am very new to FF and FF14, having no friends really and no party. I would love to join a group of people of any kind of RP or to just lvl and talk ^^ i'm pretty friends and don't bite! so message me and i'll get back to you as soon as I am able too.


my name irl is Mina and i'm working on an RPG system of my own making as well as a mod for when I run D&D games ^_^ 


I would love to get into some decent RP  in FF and make some friends. thank you so much for reading up till now and see you in game!



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