Efleion Berrendow Posted June 25, 2021 Share #1 Posted June 25, 2021 Hey so something I just found kind of a problem at my First RP event. there are so many people that the chat scrolls far too quickly for me to read. when I scroll up to read what as been said it will try to scroll me down further and I lose my place, I was wondering if there was a chat function that would slow down the chat or at least not move it every time a new thing was said? Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted June 25, 2021 Share #2 Posted June 25, 2021 Unfortunately, there's no option for that built into the game. There are options that exist within the realm of third party tools, but as those are technically against the terms of service, I can't name or link them here on the forums. But I can give you a hint that it's part of a plugin for a third party launcher. 1 Link to comment
Faye Posted June 26, 2021 Share #3 Posted June 26, 2021 Unfortunately, the chat box updates in real time whenever someone posts, so there's no way to adjust the speed. You can customize chat tabs, so I recommend making one just for RP (you can include /say and /em, and anything else you feel appropriate, and filter out everything else). In the chat box, you can open multiple chat windows, as well as expand any of them to be able to see more text on your screen, and you can adjust the chat font size if that helps. For people on your friends list, you can assign a symbol of your choice to them that will appear next to their name, so they will stand out when they make RP posts. Otherwise, sadly it's just something you kind of have to get used to when a lot of people are RPing/chatting in the same area, and you can adjust by trying to skim the chat for the name of the person your character is interacting with, partying up with them to RP in /party, or breaking off to RP someplace more quiet. 1 Link to comment
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