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Any AION players..

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My friends and I wanna play AION for a bit till FFXIV comes out, we think it'd be fun with our group of like 6 people. So I was hoping one of you could send me one of the trials to try the game out while I'm chillin with them here at the Keys. Also let me know what servers you'd recommend and which side is better PvP wise, etc.

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Well we like the PvP aspect of it so that's what we wanna play with. And like I said, it's just something nice to play till FFXIV.


Anyone have a friend invite?



There's no PVP in Aion. There's ganking that's done to your lowbies while you try to level up for pvp, there's fighting against the server itself as 90% of your opponents vanish during fort sieges or you disconnect, there are ranges, spiritmasters and sorcerors destroying most other classes because of melee lag.


I would say the "pvp" in APB is more balanced, and that game is horrible.

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Let's see....Aion memories...Aion memories....Oh ya!

Lvl 35......grab quest.....get ganked on the way.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked....rez.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......cancel subscription and quit. Never return.

True story!

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Pretty much' date=' also nice Sig there Gav ;P[/quote']


Thanks! Isn't it purdy?

I'm not quite if I will be going with that model for Gavriel in FFXIV, but I still love it. I made this sig for my character back in Aion. I've always loved playing seasoned fighters.

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Go Elyos for pvp' date=' or you'll regret it. The numbers favor them in any skirmish. Also they are the dev's favorite race for pve type items and quests so it's even more of a bonus.[/quote']

Ahh yes, but the Asmodians are sooo much cooler, lol. But, my Elyos character has 1 million Kinah due to my account being hacked. NCsoft was nice enough to leave me the character and all its stuffs.

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Well I believe in trying games out and judging for myself. Call it a bad habit. But I mean' date=' you just never know.[/quote']

Trust us on this, Zietes. Just... don't. Please. GMs respond decently quick compared to FFXI GMs and what not, but there is a HUGE "MY 1337ness" mentality. There is no longer a solid base for RP (Lumiel was the main server for that and most of that group are flocking here), the grind is disasterous unless you get good fun peeps to endure it with, which are few and far between, and PvP? More like make sure you play a class that's hard to kill so you can run for the zone before you're ganked. And I won't even get into the hacking. It happened so regularly that on my Elyos Legion over 4 ppl got hacked (confirmed to not have done any RMT or hacks that is) and 2 in my Asmodian one. Then there were numerous friends who got their accounts hacked.


In short: I would rather play WoW again than go back to Aion. Great memories, but the bad outweigh them by far.

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I've heard a lot of tales of people who left AIon for a few months, returning to find their account hacked and stolen. Something fishy about that as these people tried the game to like lvl 15, then canceled their accounts and upon returning found them stolen.

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