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[Crystal EU] Vieran siblings looking for friends!


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Double trouble!

I am always looking for contacts for my Vieran siblings, Fahla and Ceric.

Fahla is a more established character, with Ceric who has already entered RP more recently (but is a lot of fun!).




Sister: Fahla




Brother: Ceric 

Race: Veena Viera

Time: Evenings, EU time (GMT+1)


What I am looking for?

  • dedicated, friendly people, willing to engage in RP and take part in adventures, which I am more than happy to either provide (as a DM with 10 years of experience) or take part in!
  • I want to explore their dynamics and their interactions with the world, while also getting a chance to show the clash between the culture they are used to and the one they are exposed to in Eorzea. You can find out more about their tribe from Fahla's carrd if interested! people enjoying storylines, which are deep, meaningful... a mixture of happiness, heartache and other, all as a result of long-term bonds of friendship, rivalry.. or something more?


Feel free to poke me (edited)




Edited by Veris
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