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Job Theorycrafting


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Alright, so I've read somewhere that Arcanist is only the first class to have branching jobs. I'm quite a big fan of theorycrafting, so yeah. This is just kind of a fun thread for people who have ideas of other jobs that might branch off of existing classes in the future.

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Archer-> Bard/Musketeer!

That does seem like a logical progression. As much as I'd like there to be a whole different class for the guns thing. I wouldn't be surprised to see like...


Pugilist -> Monk/Ninja or something to that effect.

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Archer-> Bard/Musketeer!

That does seem like a logical progression. As much as I'd like there to be a whole different class for the guns thing. I wouldn't be surprised to see like...


Musketeer will definitely be a class, not a job. There was a Musketeer's guild in v1.0 and it's in ARR too, it shares the Coral Tower with the Marauder's guild. You can even see characters practicing with guns in the training room. :thumbsup:

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Musketeer will definitely be a class, not a job. There was a Musketeer's guild in v1.0 and it's in ARR too, it shares the Coral Tower with the Marauder's guild. You can even see characters practicing with guns in the training room. :thumbsup:

Did not know that. I've never been in Limsa. That's exciting.

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Alright, so I've read somewhere that Arcanist is only the first class to have branching jobs. I'm quite a big fan of theorycrafting, so yeah. This is just kind of a fun thread for people who have ideas of other jobs that might branch off of existing classes in the future.


Potential Class Break down


Of course as the Author notes he places emphasis on class diversity based on role and pulls from pretty much every FF installment (with particular focus on Tactics, Tactics Advance and Advance 2 as you can see in cases such as "White Monk", "Sage" and "Juggler".) Take from it what you will, I consider it interesting if unlikely brain food.

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Here's some of my theories based on lore and general feel of the classes


Archer > Bard/Ranger

Marauder > Warrior/Berserker

Thaumaturge > Black Mage/Necromancer

Conjurer > White Mage/Geomancer

Gladiator > Paladin/Red Mage (or Rune Knight)

Pugilist > Monk/Dancer

Lancer > Dragoon/???


Musketeer > Corsair/Machinist

Saboteur > Thief/Ninja


That chart is excellent. Having anything that's evasion based as a tank makes me sad, though. It's called TANKING, not HUMMINGBIRDING!


I suggest you try TERA if you haven't, playing a Warrior is all about holding aggro and avoiding being hit and it's insanely fun, vastly more so than Lancer in my opinion.


Edit: One of the things I should point out too is that I'm almost 100% certain we won't see combinations like Archer to Musketeer, mainly because it goes against the entire way the job system works. You don't change your weapon when you change your job, you just equip an item that then unlocks new abilities you can use, so the core of each class is still represented. Any job based on Pugilist will always use fists, any job based on Archer will always use a bow, any job based on Gladiator will always use sword and shield, etc.

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Just my thoughts - I've tried to remain in line with the base role of the class the jobs branch off of. 


Gladiator > Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer - Magic/Elemental Tank


  • Great Sword may be introduced to Gladiator as its 2handed weapon with daggers being removed and added to Scout. Great Swords = Increase DPS per hit but lack of ability to block, only parry.
  • Focus of the job is still tanking, although tanking would be handled differently than Paladin. Added DPS capability.
  • Harbor - Job has skill similar to Defiance from Warrior, where the job only gains units by performing certain actions when under the skill's effect. Units for this job are called Runes. Once six runes are gained, the job is able to access one of its two types of skills: Wards and Effusions.
  • Ward skill 1 - Uses all runes to increase magical and physical defense.
  • Wards skill 2 - Uses all runes to increase elemental resistance of all nearby party members.
  • Effusion skill 1 - Uses all runes to increase potency of certain weapon skills by 100 for a cetain amount of time.
  • Effusion skill 2 - Uses all runes to reduce enemy's magical defense. 
  • Enspells - adds additional chosen elemental damage to auto attacks and weapon skills. Lasts 15 seconds. Costs a lot of MP. Alternatively, it could last as long as there is MP and the effect of the spell drains MP over time.

Marauder > Dark Knight - Blood Tank/DPS


  • Dark Knight would serve as a tank/off tank and can deal additional dps over marauder, but not nearly as much as warrior. Main job specialty includes draining target of hp, mp, and stats.
  • Punishing Barbs - Deals 25% damage back to attacking mobs. Cannot be up at the same time as Stygian Spikes or Dread Spikes. Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Stygian Spikes - Absorbs MP from attacking mobs. Cannot be up at the same time as Punishing Barbs or Dread Spikes. Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Dread Spikes - Absorbs HP from attacking mob. Cannot be up at the same time as Punishing Barbs or Stygian Spikes. Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Mass Fear - Instills fear on an enemy, preventing them from using skills for 10 seconds. 
  • Soul Eater - Consumes HP to increase attack potency. 
  • Drain/Aspir - Siphons HP/MP from target.
  • Absorb Weapon Skills which consume MP to absorb stats.
  • Contagion - Transfers own enfeebling effects onto target.

Pugilist > Dancer - DPS, Front Line DD Buffer


  • Continuation of forms and combo/skill chaining, job focus is more supportive than Monk. Fighting style based off of Capoeira (Pugilism is based off of boxing, Monk is based off of eastern martial arts, so dancer could be a different martial art.)
  • Reintroduce dps skills like Simian Thrash and Asuran Fists. Add new skills like Dolphin Kick. All newly added skills would be fluid in motion to compliment the added fighting style.
  • Add dances/forms which affect nearby party members when active. Effects are only up when using weapon skills to stay in that form. 
    example - when dancer uses skills that keep form in opo-opo form, nearby party members gain increased determination which increases damage dealt. Simian Thrash could be final opo-opo form move which would reset the "dance". The chaining of one type of form can be considered a dance.

Lancer > Blue Mage - DPS, Skill Chains/Combos


  • Speed Surge - Lancer gets Life Surge, Dragoon gets Power Surge. Blue Mage could get Speed Surge which would increase auto-attack speed or decrease GCD on weapon skills. 
  • Various Enemy Weapon Skills - example: Heart Stopper (a lancer skill enemy lancers use). Learned in traditional Blue Mage fashion - Need to be hit by the attack to learn it. Certain skills could be tied to Job Quests where the Blue Mage has to go fight certain mobs to learn that particular skill. Learned Skills could consume both TP and MP on use.
  • Lancet - Absorbs MP from target. 

Archer > Ranger - Ranged DD with Crowd Control Skills/Debuffs



  • Gloom Arrow - Deals damage and blinds target.
  • Leaden Arrow- Deals damage and applies heavy to the target.
  • Cupid Arrow - Charms target, calling it to your side until the effect wears off. Only works on lesser mobs with low hp (below 35%).
  • Chameleon - Reduces enmity, and throws the ranger at the bottom of the hate list temporarily.
  • True Shot - Increases potency of all ranged attacks.
  • Multi Shot - Turns next single target ranged attack into a conal aoe attack.

Conjurer  > Geomancer - AoE buffs/heals dependent on terrain/position. 

Geomancer could play out as a job that uses spells that are drop down AoE spells. Casting could be similar to Black Mages sigil casting when casting Freeze.


  • Water based spell could be a regen effect on all party members within the set sigil.
  • Earth based spell could be an enhanced protect effect on all party members within the set sigil.
  • Wind based spell could be a GCD haste effect on all party members within the set sigil.
  • Quake/Flood/Tornado. Deals more damage when cast while standing in the corresponding elemental sigil.

Thaumaturge > Necromancer - Enfeebling Spells, DPS

Necromancy is already supported within the lore. Sil'dih was brought to ruin because of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Necromancy within the scope of Thaumaturgy is considered taboo and grounds for excommunication and exile. Could also be a return to 1.0 Thaumaturge. 


  • Bio - Tier III Poison DoT
  • Scourge - Non-Elemental Burst Damage. 
  • Shadowsear - Deals fire damage to target. Increased damage with Astral Fire
  • Flash Freeze - Deals ice damage to target. Increased damage with Umbral Ice.
  • Soul Ward - Allows party member to revive on KO. Cannot be cast in battle. Has same effect as Resurrect.
  • Resurrect - Revives party member on location (not like Raise) and restores more HP but has a greater weakened effect on raised target.
  • Necrogenesis - Restores HP with next attack spell.
  • Damnation - Restores MP with next attack spell.
  • Parsimony - Reduces MP cost by half on next spell.

Anyways, just my thoughts. Thought I'd share :P

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Edit: One of the things I should point out too is that I'm almost 100% certain we won't see combinations like Archer to Musketeer, mainly because it goes against the entire way the job system works. You don't change your weapon when you change your job, you just equip an item that then unlocks new abilities you can use, so the core of each class is still represented. Any job based on Pugilist will always use fists, any job based on Archer will always use a bow, any job based on Gladiator will always use sword and shield, etc.


I think this is an important note to take. The devs are unlikely to make the game anymore complicated than they already have, and introducing multiple weapon types for every class is counter intuitive for everyone involved.


If anything, we should be expecting every new class to come with a new weapon type and a new job, and vice versa.


I'm personally hoping Greatsword leads into Dark Knight, myself.

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