AkhutaiAngura Posted July 27, 2013 Share #101 Posted July 27, 2013 So, I've read through -most- of the thread, and most of what I'd have to say in defense of the topic being discussed has been said. Awesome. Now.. A few things I'd consider that I haven't seen.. It seems most people are considering the Nunh position to be important, like.. Something that the Miqo'te revere, whether they be male or female. There was mention early on that the males would hold some sort of 'ownership' over their harem as well. I've also seen.. Kyatai positioning that females could view breeding as a duty. Something they have to do because it's life, for them. Instead, I'd offer that it's the males who view it as a duty.. It almost sounds like a comparison to some Drow societies in the Forgotten Realms worlds. As in, a matriarchal society in which males are rarely viewed as anything more than breeding stock. A female wants children, she goes to the Nunh and has children. This would put the Nunh into a position similar to a desk clerk at a sperm bank. Now, my reasoning for why other males would want this position... Consider it as any other job. There's a position open at Location, so person A and B apply. The one with the best attributes gets the job.. It'd be a similar situation. Miqo'te A is a Nunh, meaning he's treated to a relative life of luxury.. Afterall, the females would want their breeding stock to be well taken care of. I hope that all makes sense. Basically, all I'm doing, is shifting the 'duty' from the female to the male. Edit: After posting, I scrolled up to finish reading Spiritual's post.. And find that he stated most of what I did, better than what I did. +1 to you! ^.^ Link to comment
EightBitRed Posted September 1, 2013 Share #102 Posted September 1, 2013 I don't technically dwell on this part of the Miqo'te simply because it all depends on who controlling the female question in-game RP. The way I run my tribe, especially if it's female, is to just let her decide what it's the right time to dwell on the specific part of her character's life cycle. What matters most, if you wanna be realistic, is character development and bonds. For me I find it more sense for my character, a tribe leader despite being new at this, to bond with his little harem and to protect/help/provide the needs and items of his tribe to grow stronger and also strengthen the clan in general. For me I believe every Miqo'te runs their tribe differently, for example if my Miqo'te defeated a Nunh and he had offsprings, I highly doubt he would kill their off springs. My character not very traditional, and would either offer them to stay or to leave. Alex (Ah') would give them a choice, because he believes everyone deserves one rather then just accepting it and shove it down their throat. But of course again we're talking about how both Rp'er feel about it, realistic or not, the point is to have fun with the whole thing. But it would be awesome to own a Harem... If I do have more females in my tribe then there are males, you best believe I'll make them Amazon monsters~ Link to comment
YesGood Posted September 1, 2013 Share #103 Posted September 1, 2013 I enjoyed reading this. I spent a lot of time worrying about anthropology in college, and this theory doesn't seem to conflict even with human groups made up of a high female/low male population. Monogamy is normal for Westerners and, at times, was inflicted on other cultures rather than allowing them to follow the 'norm'. There was some old area in China, slips my mind which, where women never married and instead took on suitors who would impregnate them and then go about their merry way, leaving the woman with all her male relatives to raise the child, I suppose, in part to avoid too many inbreeding issues. This practice was actually part of their religion, or at least covered in their texts and stories. China actually refused to allow trade to be made with this small society until they agreed to settle up into pairs, so the culture more or less disintegrated as people were forced to change some centuries of cultural reasoning or leave their homes. Also in India, the Middle East, and other parts of Asia and even Europe. Humans, at least, and honestly Miqo'tes can only be related to the modern human understanding of romance and relationships based on their RPers or interpreters personal view unless a lot more information is given. Our species aren't really built to be monogamous by nature, if I understand. Our hormones would normally dictate what we're physically attracted to if our social upbringing and emotions didn't come into play. It's all about genetic diversity; monogamy is a luxury for those with enough of both genders to settle up into single-pair groups and, sometimes, a necessity in terms of the size and breadth of our social groups and environment. Can't just have everyone having everyone all willy-nilly when 'coveting thy neighbor's wife' could easily create conflicts of interest in communities with nobles, aristocrats, or any other form of a caste system. So I appreciate this outline and I would think it would be acceptable as a 'norm' rather than the exception to the rule, but alas, everyone is going to differ in their opinions and I'm not a-playin' a Miqo. I just think, given the setting, exclusive pairings with a 50 female to 1 male ratio would only harm the race overall depending on... what...? Gestational periods and whether or not Miqo's give birth in litters? Lol. 1 Link to comment
Rodin Posted September 1, 2013 Share #104 Posted September 1, 2013 ...no disrespect to anyone in this thread, but...what is the point of this? In a game where there is a pretty clear secular outlook on things (with a few notable exceptions, such as the Ishgardians), why does something that only have relevance to a rather personal part of Mi'quote life have such a rather lengthy and thorough thread on the subject which basically revolves around sex? While I can gather that a good foundation of their culture is partially based on this, I don't quite understand much point of it at all. I see this thread for no other race in this forum: only the Mi'quote. Why? Are us Roegadyn players not good enough? Would Lallafel be considered too weird? Hyur too mundane and elezen be having too much of the pointy ears? While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. Also: Upon joining a grand company, one of the options a player can take when asked if he’s sure about his choice is "I'll kill all of our enemies and eat their babies!" For the other races, this could be interpreted as the character being a bloodthirsty barbarian, but for Seekers of the Sun, it may just be a fact of life. W-What? 3 Link to comment
Grott Posted September 1, 2013 Share #105 Posted September 1, 2013 While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. First of all, +1'ing this. Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. Just an observation. Link to comment
Jules Posted September 1, 2013 Share #106 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. 1 Link to comment
YesGood Posted September 1, 2013 Share #107 Posted September 1, 2013 While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. From playing WoW, I found two things kind of annoying about Elves and lifespans. Gestational periods and the rate of growth. I mean, Elfquest bothered to mention that their elves had 'lovemates' and 'lifemates' and that played a fairly large role in their mentality towards their own people as well as non-Elves. In Warcraft Kaldorei (Night Elves) and Quel'dorei have two very different lifespans which is usually just connected to the end of their immortality with the death of the original World Tree. But there -are- new Kaldorei being born, you see the little babies around the World, so just how long do they remain babies? Do they age rapidly, like a human, to around twenty or twenty-five and start slowing down for a couple hundred years? Do they age slowly, taking until their hundred and forty-fifth years (for Nelfs, 110 for Helfs/Belfs, I think) to reach physical maturity as well as some 'coming of age' ceremony? How long are they pregnant? I mean, plenty of roleplayers love to have their characters have babies and as it's usually a natural part of any living species' lifelong aspiration to at some point reproduce and propagate their species. Are you going to be pregnant for decades or years or months or weeks? Who knows? Blizzard doesn't. So yes, technically, it's open to interpretation, but when you have five pregnant Belfs and they're all having babies at remarkably different paces, you sort of long for something a bit more substantial to go off of so that it feels more like a fantasy world and less like a bunch of inconsistent fanfictions written all in the same setting. Biological and cultural situations for races should have 'norms' in a series and they can't all be taken from human physiology because it doesn't always make a lot of sense. Writers for games don't always take the time to write it all up, likely because 80% of their player base just doesn't care about anything other than the mechanics and their personal storyline in the game. Individuals are influenced by culture, whether they are 'stereotypical' or 'standard' or they're an exception to the rule of their people. Culture, in turn, is heavily influenced by social/sexual standpoints; a Miqo'te who is used to sharing their men or seeing their mothers or sisters sharing men with other females might approach a relationship differently than a Hyur or a Roegadyn, or anyone else for that matter, expecting it to be something open. Especially with inter-species relationships. Singular romance, in cultures that include polygamy or open-relationships, seems to tend to not be quite as important in the relationship depending on the arrangement, whether it's a social status need or a need to have more behbies thing. This information might not effect everyone, it might only be a theory, but if one Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te thinks having one male and sharing him with a bunch of females is normal and another one doesn't but they're the same basic race, perhaps even from the same area, how does that make any realistic sense? Immersion is disrupted when inconsistencies like that arise. Isn't roleplay about immersion as much as creativity these days? We like our lore and we like to feel involved in it even if we have no way to change or influence what's there. If they didn't want us thinking silly things about Miqo'tes and their breeding habits, they never should've given us a little taste of how different they could be between their two 'factions' as well as how they could be from Hyur. So, in short, in my opinion, the point of it is not only to express some deep thinking, linking what -has- been given together in a way that does appear to make sense like sticking fossilized bones together to figure out how a dinosaur was built, but also to give a potential of what PCs of the race might be used to. Miqo'tes were the only race that were only female, we had both male Highlanders and male Roegadyns before, which would've denoted that females were more numerous. That must have -some- impact on the males as well as females of the species, their culture, and their individual personalities in regards to other PCs they'll meet, even if it's something small like seeing men as being inferior or superior depending on how they were raised to see them until such a time that they realized that other races had their own different cultures to come to terms with. Whether or not any given roleplayer wants or needs that information is superfluous; it might just add a little more 'realism' to someone's play. Many RPers tend to get really antsy and defensive over ERP and so when one thinks about going into detail about breeding habits and 'revolving around sex', ERP seems like it must be the primary motivation behind it. But romances are okay, they're going to happen, and many of us can be as aloof and mature as we want to be about 'not getting involved in romance because it just causes a ton of drama', but we'll probably still do it if only because -not- doing it isn't always in line with the characters we create and drama can start over anything in any environment because... well... people. Taking all that aside, you could still use a theory like this to formulate a previously unexplored or refined detail to your character's potential personality, assuming you played a Miqo, and the way they handle individuals of other races. Also, even if there was no point to it, why would that matter? It's interesting and this person obviously put a lot of thought into it. Isn't that enough reason to share it? Appending this-- @ Velkyron, I'll be playing a Roegadyn as well and if there was a single tidbit of information to go off of to formulate some aspect to my Roe's personality that regards a matter such as this, I'd take it and I'd probably want to take into consideration how it might affect my character's views on the world. Having a limited view from the start allows for expanding horizons. So far I know only that Male Roes were playable before and women weren't which means either 1. Females were rare or 2. Females weren't considered warriors or travelers or 3. Females looked virtually indistinguishable from males which is apparently not the case. There are probably more reasons than those three (having male Roes opposite female Miqos for non-lore reasons not withstanding), but with every extra one I get a little bit more confused. Male-dominated societies, however, are more prominent amongst humans and so there's more to relate to. Women-dominant societies aren't quite as numerous + Miqos are the super race of FFXIV that tons of people want to play, so it's understandable that they went into a teensy bit more depth about them. Personally, I'd prefer for them to flesh it all out so I could treat a race like a living cultural race with their likes, dislikes, and general views instead of basing it so much off of my own knowledge. I don't want to be super emotionally-connected to my character and putting even more of my mind into her mind makes that difficult. @ Uther, Jules, We realize, of course, that SE is a video game company not a table-top roleplaying game writer. This is a game, with mechanics, it has aspects FOR RPers and it's a roleplaying game but it's not 100 percent dedicated to the RP community. In fact, not very much of it is. Yes, it's pretty, yes it's got good races to play, but that's more of the individuals who'll be running the gauntlet for the long-term gameplay than anyone wanting to come in and write stories about it. SEX is normal for species that reproduce and I'd love to know if any of these races are asexual, it's probably important to note if they are. Others might be treating this race obsessively, but I don't think this person's theory is obsessive by any means just because it's depthy. 1 Link to comment
Clover Posted September 1, 2013 Share #108 Posted September 1, 2013 I don't think this subject is the most popular (there's... one thread dedicated to the matter). It is, however, the most difficult to understand, at least for me. I read this thread trying to figure out what my Miqo'te's views are supposed to be, and especially trying to figure out how to make her avoid breeding in a way that would still make sense from a Miqo'te perspective. I'm a romantic human being and my first inclination is to make my Miqo'te believe in romantic love, but I can't RP her like that, and thus I'm thankful that this matter was discussed. Now, I just wish that people would stop being so defensive and aggressive about this matter. No one is discussing how Miqo'tes do it. Rather, what's being discussed are their views. There's no need to come to threads you're personally not interested in just to complain about their existence o.oa And if you didn't understand why this could be useful to anyone, now you should know. Link to comment
K'nahli Posted September 1, 2013 Share #109 Posted September 1, 2013 I haven't read any of the recent pages of this thread, but in the defence of the topic its merely that people wanted to gather a better understanding of traditions and what they must adjust to or presume will be the case where information is missing. While you say that not everything has to be "by the book" in every case or so to speak, not everyone wants to be the exception and deviate from the lore just to spare themselves the effort of doing a little research and discussion. Frankly, I don't see why everyone has to keep jumping to the same comment.. "Geez, why are you so obsessed about sex?" That is not, I repeat, not... what this topic is about. People making such comments are the ones making it seem like something it really isn't and it has been discussed and argued before. Link to comment
Dravus Posted September 1, 2013 Share #110 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. Yeah, 'creepy' sums it up rather nicely. I'm not going to point fingers but it's no coincidence that some of the folk getting really into this discussion are the same role-players trying to mate with any and every female miqo'te comes their way. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Perhaps it's unfair of me to stereotype but I'm beginning to think the majority of 'nunh' role-players are simply embracing the role purely to get their rocks off. Like it or not, this is the sort of thing that needs to be addressed early on before it festers and ends up driving a wedge between various groups within the community. There's a time and a place for ERP and that is between two consenting and mature partners in private chat channels, not hanging around Costa del Sol whispering passing players asking if they want to be impregnated. 3 Link to comment
K'nahli Posted September 1, 2013 Share #111 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Wahh, that is.... odd. I am very inclined to believe these players were trolling though, particularly if the cases occurred within a close time-span of each other. Link to comment
YesGood Posted September 1, 2013 Share #112 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. Yeah, 'creepy' sums it up rather nicely. I'm not going to point fingers but it's no coincidence that some of the folk getting really into this discussion are the same role-players trying to mate with any and every female miqo'te comes their way. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Perhaps it's unfair of me to stereotype but I'm beginning to think the majority of 'nunh' role-players are simply embracing the role purely to get their rocks off. Like it or not, this is the sort of thing that needs to be addressed early on before it festers and ends up driving a wedge between various groups within the community. There's a time and a place for ERP and that is between two consenting and mature partners in private chat channels, not hanging around Costa del Sol whispering passing players asking if they want to be impregnated. As 'really into this discussion' as I feel like I'm becoming, I wasn't aware that I was trying to mate with any and every female Miqo'te coming my way. Ladies, are any of you interested in taking up with a red-skinned lady-Roe? We outnumber our men like three-to-one anyway. :love: Seriously, though, your close friend shouldn't let others and their ERP desires dictate what she wants to do with her own character. I don't avoid leaving my house every day just because people like to tell me how to live my life at Wal-mart. Terrible example, but, if she truly loves the character and she's original, then what's it matter what guys are doing? Three just isn't a big enough number. Thirty or three hundred over the span of a couple months with no other decent RPers coming around might be understandable, but to each their own-- I just find it hard to think of a Miqo that hasn't been thought of yet. Link to comment
Grott Posted September 1, 2013 Share #113 Posted September 1, 2013 some of the folk getting really into this discussion As 'really into this discussion' as I feel like I'm becoming, I wasn't aware that I was trying to mate with any and every female Miqo'te coming my way. So, I highlighted some words for you to look at on the above post for future reference. Of course by "some" he could have meant "all", and more specifically, "You, Siobhain." Link to comment
Raccoon Posted September 1, 2013 Share #114 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. Yeah, 'creepy' sums it up rather nicely. I'm not going to point fingers but it's no coincidence that some of the folk getting really into this discussion are the same role-players trying to mate with any and every female miqo'te comes their way. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Perhaps it's unfair of me to stereotype but I'm beginning to think the majority of 'nunh' role-players are simply embracing the role purely to get their rocks off. Like it or not, this is the sort of thing that needs to be addressed early on before it festers and ends up driving a wedge between various groups within the community. There's a time and a place for ERP and that is between two consenting and mature partners in private chat channels, not hanging around Costa del Sol whispering passing players asking if they want to be impregnated. This is commonplace in just about every single game with a degree of an RP community. ERPers are the black sheep of our large, diverse family, but as with most families, we can't really get rid of them. They come to our family reunions and eat our food, even when we make it clear that we really don't like them too much. If there is a single angle for them to, as you say, get their rocks off, they will. In this game, it just so happens to be the Nunh aspect. In CoH, if you went into Pocket D in leather and fishnets, you'd get a dozen tells from S&M types. They were rampant there. In WoW, it was half-naked Night Elves on inn room tables. And so on and so forth. But I don't really get where this is relevant to the discussion. This is no different than wanting to know the intricacies of a race's backstory. These details are worth thinking about on the off-chance that you may need to know these things for your own character. Link to comment
Clover Posted September 1, 2013 Share #115 Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, 'creepy' sums it up rather nicely. I'm not going to point fingers but it's no coincidence that some of the folk getting really into this discussion are the same role-players trying to mate with any and every female miqo'te comes their way. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Perhaps it's unfair of me to stereotype but I'm beginning to think the majority of 'nunh' role-players are simply embracing the role purely to get their rocks off. Like it or not, this is the sort of thing that needs to be addressed early on before it festers and ends up driving a wedge between various groups within the community. There's a time and a place for ERP and that is between two consenting and mature partners in private chat channels, not hanging around Costa del Sol whispering passing players asking if they want to be impregnated. @_@??????? Well, that is indeed creepy, but... are they actually RPers? I mean, three random nunhs (who I assume are from different tribes, for there aren't as many nunhs in a single one AND there aren't many actually organized tribes out there) whispering random Miqo'tes about breeding doesn't sound very IC, unless there's some info I'm missing. Nunhs only breed with females from their own tribes, after all. To add some contrast to that case, I can talk about mine. We the Hipparion tribe have gathered many members and have our own Nunh (there's a second Nunh, but he's an NPC). I even have him added to Skype, and he's never ever messaged me about this matter. Granted, my Miqo'te is naive and young, but I believe he hasn't approached K'nahli either. What I mean to say with this is that you can't generalize; it's not safe to assume that everyone who wants to discuss and understand Miqo'te traditions and culture is some sort of a pervert who only wants to ERP ^^a; I certainly am not playing a Miqo'te for that *sweatdrops*. Link to comment
Myxie Tryxle Posted September 1, 2013 Author Share #116 Posted September 1, 2013 Wow, I didn't expect this discussion to be resurrected after a month of obscurity. For those of you who read the title and not the full discussion, this is not about ERP or perversion. I would suggest reading through the full discussion before jumping to conclusions about the scope of this thread, as that horse has already been beaten around page five and six. The Chinese culture you're referring to was actually brought up in another thread. Their name is Mosuo if I remember correctly. You can find that thread with a very interesting video and some good discussion here. To give a little perspective on the question of why this post was created, I wrote it in the weeks of downtime between beta phases 3 and 4, when many of the points I made were questions being repeated on multiple threads every few days. I decided it would be nice to gather all the ideas into one comprehensive thread to encourage discussion during a period when we had more questions than answers, no recourse to play the game and seek out actual lore, and a lot of people were trying to figure out the backstory for their Miqo'te characters. I see this thread for no other race in this forum: only the Mi'quote. Why? Are us Roegadyn players not good enough? Would Lallafel be considered too weird? Hyur too mundane and elezen be having too much of the pointy ears? While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. Also: Upon joining a grand company, one of the options a player can take when asked if he’s sure about his choice is "I'll kill all of our enemies and eat their babies!" For the other races, this could be interpreted as the character being a bloodthirsty barbarian, but for Seekers of the Sun, it may just be a fact of life. W-What? I wrote this about Miqo'te for two reasons. First, that's where all the questions and discussion were at the time. Roughly 33% of the population planned to play Miqo'te versus 10% playing Roegadyn, so that's where most of the discussion/conjecture/information-seeking was. Second, I'm playing a Miqo'te, and that's my only character. Others are welcome to start posts about their own character's race or culture, and I'm happy to join in on those discussions. As for the quest option for grand companies to eat babies, that seems to have been a writer's quirk of beta phase three. It was gone when I did my grand company quest a few days after the official launch. They apparently changed the options to be less offensive/controversial, as writers often do when phasing from beta fill-in text to official release. While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. First of all, +1'ing this. Roughly fifteen reputation boosts for the original post, a handful of very appreciative PMs, three friends requests, and eight pages of generally constructive discussion indicate that this thread was useful and informative to quite a few people. Yeah, the obsession with miqo'te doing it is a little weird to me. You might be putting way more thought into it than Square intended, and while I'm all for exploring different aspects of cultures and whatnot, it's strange to me that this one is by far the most popular. As a Miqo'te roleplayer I'm inclined to agree. Why is this there such a huge focus on this? It's bordering creepy, in my most humble of opinions. Yeah, 'creepy' sums it up rather nicely. I'm not going to point fingers but it's no coincidence that some of the folk getting really into this discussion are the same role-players trying to mate with any and every female miqo'te comes their way. One of my close friends has already given up trying to role-play a miqo'te because not one, but three different 'nunh' characters sent her messages asking if she wanted to bed them. Perhaps it's unfair of me to stereotype but I'm beginning to think the majority of 'nunh' role-players are simply embracing the role purely to get their rocks off. All I can say for this is creeps will be creeps. Part of my goal in writing this thread was to encourage intellectual discussion to make the discussion deeper than just "oh he's a nunh, so he must be a creep." The creeps who are playing nunh to creep on girls would find another means to creep on girls even if the nunh category didn't exist, because that's part of their personality. I would be one of the first people to rebuff them for this behavior and blacklist if necessary, as I find it disturbing, disrespectful, and unwarranted. This thread was partly to encourage people who wanted to play nunh but in a respectful and informed manner. 1 Link to comment
K'nahli Posted September 1, 2013 Share #117 Posted September 1, 2013 To add some contrast to that case, I can talk about mine. We the Hipparion tribe have gathered many members and have our own Nunh (there's a second Nunh, but he's an NPC). I even have him added to Skype, and he's never ever messaged me about this matter. Granted, my Miqo'te is naive and young, but I believe he hasn't approached K'nahli either. Using our tribe as an example plus others I believe, if I recall correctly, from this topic who contributed to the discussion, most if not all people decided to roll with that idea that mating was totally up to the female's discretion and that there was no time period where females were expected to return to their nuhns. It was simply a matter of: Female Miqo'te: ("I feel like settling down and having children") *Mates with nuhn* Basically, we're saying that nuhns exist to be the prime and most desirable male in the tribe, as of current, due to their strength and successful contest against the previous nuhn. Females aren't forced to mate with them but rather they want to because Sunseeking females are culturally attracted to the 'alpha male' as it were rather than having romantic inclinations like humans tend to. There are exceptions but as a general note, female Sunseekers are expected to view nuhns as an ideal mate rather than an unfortunate obligation should they want to bear children. Personally, I will not be RP'ing such a scenario but were it to come up in conversation then she would intend to mate with a nuhn one day, no different from anyone else... but she will have romantic inclinations like we(humans) tend to which may deter from her culture and tribal society. Link to comment
Grott Posted September 1, 2013 Share #118 Posted September 1, 2013 While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. First of all, +1'ing this. Roughly fifteen reputation boosts for the original post, a handful of very appreciative PMs, three friends requests, and eight pages of generally constructive discussion indicate that this thread was useful and informative to quite a few people. Are you really attacking me for giving a rep point to someone who disagrees with you? I'll ignore that blatant hostility toward a differing opinion for a second, and I'll go ahead and say, while miqo'te mating might be interesting to some, it shouldn't be considered the end-all be-all of miqo'te culture. No one seems to care how they got to Eorzea, when they got to Eorzea, when they broke off into separate clans, what their social structure (outside of bumping uglies) is like, exactly how tribal they are, how their tribal culture has been affected by the fact that instant teleportation is available in Eorzea, and how they assimilate into society. None of that seems interesting in comparison to how they mate. That's what I don't get. It's strange to me that this subject is the all-encompassing hot point for learning about miqo'te in the RPC. Sure there are other threads, but this one is by far the largest and it's completely fair to say that it's strange to me. I don't agree with you. Not everyone will. Don't get mad at me for it. 3 Link to comment
Dravus Posted September 1, 2013 Share #119 Posted September 1, 2013 First of all, I agree wholeheartedly that generalisations and stereotypes are usually a bad thing, but I've played enough MMO's to realise that preventative measures need to be taken - to an extent at least - if we want to ensure that certain races aren't just brushed off or avoided due to an overwhelmingly negative reputation. To use WoW as an example it was pretty difficult to find female draenei who weren't role-played for the sake of the player behind the character getting their rocks off. In fact, it was rare to find a 'female' draenei that was actually wholly female to begin with but that's getting a little off track. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if the masses begin to see a lot of miqo'te role-play, discussion and character concepts surrounding the 'nunh' and mating aspects of the race then that is the reputation that the race as a whole is going to be stuck with. It's not fair, but that how these things tend to go. As for the discussion itself? I find it to be pretty interesting, though a few responses touch a little too closely into 'creepy' territory for my liking. I enjoy adding realism and cultural themes in my role-play, but that doesn't mean I need to show Theodric going the toilet or for someone to go into explicit detail in regards to how it is 'that time of the month' for their female character. I'd imagine miqo'te mating is somewhat similar - we don't necessarily need to see it going on in explicit detail or ending up as the major driving force behind a particular character concept. Not in public at the very least. 2 Link to comment
Laellia Posted September 1, 2013 Share #120 Posted September 1, 2013 I DO think the title could easily be changed to "Miqo'te Cultural & Biological Influences Explored" and get the same great discussion that it's turned into, since it seems the primary problem certain people are having is the title seeming to place total emphasis on mating... which the thread has clearly made into only one deeper aspect of Miqo'te culture. I also enjoy the idea of threads looking into the same for other cultures, even if they're less played than Miqo'te. I never played Mithra in 11, nor will I play Miqo'te in 14 (catgirls/catboys just have never held any interest for me), but regardless of more mature exploration in this, it's a great resource and well researched/thought out. :love: Link to comment
Raccoon Posted September 1, 2013 Share #121 Posted September 1, 2013 While some of the conjecture is interesting, I really don't see the point of it. First of all, +1'ing this. Roughly fifteen reputation boosts for the original post, a handful of very appreciative PMs, three friends requests, and eight pages of generally constructive discussion indicate that this thread was useful and informative to quite a few people. Are you really attacking me for giving a rep point to someone who disagrees with you? I'll ignore that blatant hostility toward a differing opinion for a second... It may just be me but I don't see how that was hostile in any way, merely stating that only a rare few actually feel the way that you do, while many found it to actually be a rather interesting take on things. If you're this easily offended, I kinda wish I'd gone ahead with my Lalafell Scholar that travels Eorzea collecting interracial "fiction". Not for anything pervy so much as that I like pushing peoples' buttons at times. Yours seem particularly easy to push. Link to comment
Rinh Hallani Posted September 1, 2013 Share #122 Posted September 1, 2013 Personally, I will not be RP'ing such a scenario but were it to come up in conversation then she would intend to mate with a nuhn one day, no different from anyone else... but she will have romantic inclinations like we(humans) tend to which may deter from her culture and tribal society. I think that's a great way to play it. I know there's also talk of Keepers being promiscuous in this thread and, whilst I have no problem with other players RPing that way, my Keeper will be romantic and monogamous. It's fairly inevitable that some people won't conform to every single cultural tradition and I don't think we need to box ourselves in as RPers in that respect. 1 Link to comment
Orlog Posted September 1, 2013 Share #123 Posted September 1, 2013 It may just be me but I don't see how that was hostile in any way, merely stating that only a rare few actually feel the way that you do, while many found it to actually be a rather interesting take on things. If you're this easily offended, I kinda wish I'd gone ahead with my Lalafell Scholar that travels Eorzea collecting interracial "fiction". Not for anything pervy so much as that I like pushing peoples' buttons at times. Yours seem particularly easy to push. Don't do this. It's not adding anything to the conversation and just asking to start drama. They're disagreeing and it's fine. Uther isn't upset, either, that's your jumping to conclusions. *sigh* :bomb: 2 Link to comment
Vinter Posted September 1, 2013 Share #124 Posted September 1, 2013 I would argue that the ancient Vikings, feudal Japanese, and colonial Europeans/Americans were "sentiant, cultured, abstract-thought-and-morality-capable" people. Their morality simply differed from our own. My point here is that if someone wanted to play their Seeker tribe as resembling ancient Viking or bushido morality, that would be pretty cool. First of all, great opening post. Really informative. Even if it's not meant to be taken as lore or absolute truth, it's a really good starting point for establishing more baser emotions for your character. Culture and civilization influence who we are, but these things are not formed in spite of, but around our baser nature. There's a reason why food and shelter are considered basic human rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It's because these are basic biological needs. Our societies are built around our instincts and our nature as animals. That's why we have parental leave. Because if we were emperor penguins, we could just leave our children standing on the icy shores of Antarctica for 3 months, losing up to 50% of their total body weight, while we go off fishing. We wouldn't need parental leave. But we're primates, and our young are born early and undeveloped in comparison to most other animals. They need constant attention, and so we organize our societies around that fact. Culture doesn't develop in a vaccuum. The social structures of any species is based around breeding. And even when you don't know the specifics of a culture, it's still important to have some sort of foundation to build it on. Secondly, thank you for trying to be objective. Especially when it comes to matters of morality, that's a difficult thing for a lot of people to handle. As a Swede, I do see my ancestors get a bad rap as being bloodthirsty monsters far too frequently. In reality, they just had a different culture than the Christian French and Englishmen who hated them so much. In particular, a different view of death. Not as something to be feared and avoided at all costs, but as an integral part of life, and something to embrace. If you lived honourably and died well you went to Valhalla, that was a gift. Death on the battlefield was not something to fear, it was something to look forward to. To a judeo-christian person that might be morally objectionable, but there's nothing say the judeo-christian viewpoint is correct. And the same applies here. Just because we as humans view something as wrong, or desirable, that doesn't mean we should apply our own values and morals to the miqo'te. If all you're going to do is RP a 21st century human with cat ears, what's the point? That's not interesting. And last but not least, I'm actually currently trying to write up some backstory and tribal structure for a northern Lynx tribe, and a lot of it is based on norse culture, because it's something I'm familiar with. I've even integrated a sort of Thing as the main governmental structure. The harem structure could also function within a norse inspired setting, since for the norsemen, it was perfectly acceptable for a married man to sleep with other women, as long as they were of lower status than his wife, and not someone else's wife. Having bedslaves was common practice. Now, miqo'te would naturally not be slaves, but it could open up the possibility within the tribe for allowing romantic love, while at the same time leaving room for the males to still adhere to the lore and perform their duties of breeding with multiple partners. Another thing I've done is assign the male to a more intimate role in parenting when it comes to male children. My reasoning being that the Nunh would want his male offspring to grow up strong, so that they can have the best chance at becoming Nunh themselves. This way I can integrate males a bit more into the parenting process, which gives me more room to flesh them out as characters. They're not just that strong dude who bones everyone. They're fathers who care about their children. 1 Link to comment
Shuck Posted September 1, 2013 Share #125 Posted September 1, 2013 Wow, I didn't expect this discussion to be resurrected after a month of obscurity. For those of you who read the title and not the full discussion, this is not about ERP or perversion. I would suggest reading through the full discussion before jumping to conclusions about the scope of this thread, as that horse has already been beaten around page five and six. Yeah, a thin veneer of inherently flawed conjecture doesn't really save the discussion built around it. I mean, I've said this before in this thread, but your conclusion outright ignores a ton of variables that are kind of inconvenient to professing just how swell inbreeding is (nevermind that species that exclusively inbreed don't make it past that 20-generation gateway on their own, let's just assume they do), like...I don't know, the myriad of health problems in pedigree dogs. They even have us looking out for the health of their genetic stock, and pugs still can't breathe too well. Anyway, the point of this particular post is definitely to say "Odd", but sincerely, it's nothing that doesn't happen any time a roleplaying community mentions sex. Frankly, your average internet-person's reaction to sex is worth it's own study. Sex gets spoken of in the same reverent, mystical, obsessive terms as it did when we were all 14, had no idea what it was, and were still convinced that it was the absolute, end-all, be-all to everything ever. I mean, at least back then, we had the excuse of being underdeveloped (physically, psychologically, emotionally), and generally pretty fucking stupid. Now, I don't know. I don't know how we justify this. Roughly fifteen reputation boosts for the original post, a handful of very appreciative PMs, three friends requests, and eight pages of generally constructive discussion indicate that this thread was useful and informative to quite a few people. Ok, you like to wear the science-hat, so I'm gonna speak to you like a scientist. There's overlap in that data, so these aren't all unique occurrences, and that's a really, really small sampling of the group you're addressing. This doesn't allow you to reach any kind of conclusion, and is pretty much entirely irrelevant. All I can say for this is creeps will be creeps. Part of my goal in writing this thread was to encourage intellectual discussion to make the discussion deeper than just "oh he's a nunh, so he must be a creep." The creeps who are playing nunh to creep on girls would find another means to creep on girls even if the nunh category didn't exist, because that's part of their personality. I would be one of the first people to rebuff them for this behavior and blacklist if necessary, as I find it disturbing, disrespectful, and unwarranted. This thread was partly to encourage people who wanted to play nunh but in a respectful and informed manner. Yeah, but you give them a super easy route to take, and they're gonna take it. The "Nunh" position is the easiest fucking route. You type a title in the last name field, and bam. Now you're roleplaying! IT'S NOT CREEPY YOU GUYS, IT'S JUST MY CHARACTER! And then you fed them an entire thread worth of (again, heavily flawed) conjecture that tells them that inbreeding is super great. It isn't, not in the long term, not in the short term, it's just not as catastrophic as five-eyed babies coming from your second cousin. It may just be me but I don't see how that was hostile in any way, merely stating that only a rare few actually feel the way that you do, while many found it to actually be a rather interesting take on things. If you're this easily offended, I kinda wish I'd gone ahead with my Lalafell Scholar that travels Eorzea collecting interracial "fiction". Not for anything pervy so much as that I like pushing peoples' buttons at times. Yours seem particularly easy to push. It's not a "rare" few. Her sample size is absolutely fucking tiny, and doesn't account for overlap. We have no concrete data on just how many people find this particular notion favorable or unfavorable. We don't even have a reliable way to gauge it. Don't start talking about numbers if you don't have the numbers. 4 Link to comment
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