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Nyaa~ :3

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Hello, RPC!


Not sure what I'm supposed to say, so...I'll just keep it simple!


I'm Ari Amariyo (formerly Aria Frost) from T.A.L.E! I enjoy strong, polite miqo'te, spriggan, and long walks around sound-sensitive mobs.


Ummm...I'm still new to the whole RP thing even though I've been in a RP LS for almost two years now and I'm looking to get some practice in before ARR launches!


Anyway! Thanks for having me! :3

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Hello, RPC!


Not sure what I'm supposed to say, so...I'll just keep it simple!


I'm Ari Amariyo (formerly Aria Frost) from T.A.L.E! I enjoy strong, polite miqo'te, spriggan, and long walks around sound-sensitive mobs.


Ummm...I'm still new to the whole RP thing even though I've been in a RP LS for almost two years now and I'm looking to get some practice in before ARR launches!


Anyway! Thanks for having me! :3



I'm not new to role play.. I've been role playing since Star Craft I. Buuuuttt.. I am new to FFXIV! Never played 1.0, not even the betas, and I only joined the RPC last month. So you aren't alone on that one!


Looking forward to running into you in some RP! I always like meeting new people, and their characters!

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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :D

@Magellen - My sig was created by Diyne Ikapine of TALE. I told her I wanted a spriggan-themed sig that everyone would be jealous of! xD


@Teardrop - Your char looks so mysterious! :o


@Felix - How does one RP in Starcraft? Sounds like it could be interesting.

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Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your stay ^^


Question! What kind of Miqo'te will you play? Will she be a tribal Miqo'te?


Ari Amariyo is a Keeper of the Moon miqo'te. She is more of a city-dwelling miqo'te because of some life circumstance, but her mother still practices a bit of old miqo'te alchemy and such. I have her general application I made for TALE that I was thinking of posting on the RPC. I'd welcome some feedback!

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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :D

@Magellen - My sig was created by Diyne Ikapine of TALE. I told her I wanted a spriggan-themed sig that everyone would be jealous of! xD


@Teardrop - Your char looks so mysterious! :o


@Felix - How does one RP in Starcraft? Sounds like it could be interesting.

Similar to WC3.. Except without the luxury of the OOC chat option.


You'd use "/*/-/to do emotes/talk/ect.. Build your little base or home or what-not and go at it.


It took an imagination, that's for sure.


People would customize the maps and such and rename different unites. For example, the Zealot in one map was renamed "Swordsman".


I wanted to link you this guide I recently put together as well. I think it might help you out with your character development and such. The guide itself is more of a..Guide to guides. So anything you need should(hopefully, anyway!) be able to be found there.



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