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Podcast Suggestions

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Radio Plays! - I love the idea someone brought up of doing an on air reading of some guild stuff. Maybe some guilds can get together and come up with a story specifically for the podcast. A tale of TALE needing to go to AETHER for information, but then AETHER gets the book needed stolen from Not Thieves, but Crimson Blades wants it... wut?


I'd love to see more comedic RP segments from people who aren't hosts, but who's job it is to make those comedic segments... like... uh... have you ever seen infomania on Current TV? (Example here - sorry non Americans Hulu hates you: Infomania) It basically gives the run down on what's happening in the media (Like the RPCV gives the run down on what's going on in the RP world) on top of just giving us the lo-down on the media, it has segments that may or may not run that week like The Infomania Editoral - which is basically this guy who hates everything, That's Gay - A segment making fun of how the media portrays gay people, Modern Lady - How the media targets women, and my favorite segment Viral Video Film School which basically just makes fun of the internet. (I love it so much here's an entire episode dedicated to it: VVSM)


This long winded thing about infomania was really a way of saying I want more comedy segments. I'm not sure how that will work if people can't take a joke (As most comedy is at the expense of the subject...) but finding a way to do it would be awesome.


I liked the round robin discussion that happened in Episode 3. Getting RPers together to talk about different things is fun and informative. I would also like to see them talk about stuff like ERP (OH noes! but seriously that would be funny), Guild to guild relations, RP DRAAAMMAAA, RPers and Endgame, Stereotypes of the RP community, etc etc. Even getting some nonRP people vs RP people would be cool...


My ideas may tear the community apart >.>


But at least it would be funny!

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Please take this as constructive criticism.


1. Make the show have 30 to 45 minutes of content. That is the perfect amount of time for a podcast. Usually anything longer than that and it becomes hard to pay attention for the listener.


2. Remove the break. The music you guys listen to is great but think about the people who might not like it, might be listening at work, or don't have time to sit through it and have to fast forward through and rewind when they find out they've skipped some content.


3. Cut down on a lot of the laughing. I know you guys are having fun and I think that is great but there is a bit too much laughing and clowning around. It makes it hard to pay attention sometimes. You could edit out a lot of that. Don't get me wrong, laughing is great but sometimes it is just too much.


4. Cut down on the swearing. The occasional bleep is fine but having too many bleeps might draw attention from coworkers, boss, or others that might think you are listening to something inappropriate. Remember you have adult listeners and they might be listening at work.


5. Stay focused and stay on topic. If you get off topic you might move on to another segment without finishing the one you were on. You might also not cover the important things you wanted to say about that topic.


Please don't think I am being critical. I have experience when it comes to doing an RP podcast and all of these things helped make our listeners enjoy the show more. You have a good show but it could be a great show. You just need some fine tuning.

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I agree with most of the above, even though I love your kinda music myself.

However, I'm kind of iffy about any "work" considerations. I don't think anyone should be listening to this podcast at work. o_O

Or at least, worrying about bosses and coworker should come from listening to it, period, not there having beeps in it. :P


But yeah! It's good criticism otherwise, I think!


Also, radio play! Awesome.

RP segments should be more reading than acting, I think (and I also think most people think that?).

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Aye, when I originally suggested the idea it was meant less as a radio play and more as a "book on tape" type of deal. While I certainly see the appeal of getting guildies to act out the various parts, I think one person narrating it lends a greater air of professionalism and ensures consistent quality. If it were remaining RPC-exclusive then I'd be all for the other way, but given that we're going to be reaching out to a larger audience I think consistency is key.

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Radio Plays! - I love the idea someone brought up of doing an on air reading of some guild stuff. Maybe some guilds can get together and come up with a story specifically for the podcast. A tale of TALE needing to go to AETHER for information, but then AETHER gets the book needed stolen from Not Thieves, but Crimson Blades wants it... wut?

TALE has been talking about starting up a podcast once the game starts up where we kind of dramatize some scenes from our storyline RP like how you're describing. We would definitely be in for participating in a cross-guild radio play for the RPCV! (We really need RP Radio station on iTunes or something where we can just play all our collective podcasts 24/7 :D)


I liked the round robin discussion that happened in Episode 3. Getting RPers together to talk about different things is fun and informative. I would also like to see them talk about stuff like ERP (OH noes! but seriously that would be funny), Guild to guild relations, RP DRAAAMMAAA, RPers and Endgame, Stereotypes of the RP community, etc etc. Even getting some nonRP people vs RP people would be cool...


Yeah just make sure you guys have a *throws a folding chair* sound effect ready for these segments. Hahaha.. but seriously that sounds like so much fun.

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Thanks all for the input thus far, keep em coming!


To address a couple of Keland's points:


There will be no break when we move to Eorzeapedia. For now though, we'll have it on just cause we can and people seem to enjoy the tunes.


The laughing mirrors my own concern, partly because I'm self-conscious. But I think it's also unnatural to tell a joke and actively make an effort not to laugh. I see what you mean though, I do think it can be reduced. We'll work on that.


I don't think we're interested in catering specifically for people listening at work to that extent, especially since we do already bleep out the swears.


When we go off-topic, I can't speak for the others, but I personally have nothing important to say anymore about the topic that we were on. If I do, I remember it and reel it back. I'm sure others feel the same way, so if we go off on a tangent and switch topics, maybe it's intentional ;)

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I agree that the round-robin style in Episode 3 was good. You probably want to be careful about having too many guests on at the same time though, otherwise people are more likely to talk over one another. Keeping some kind of an order would allow everyone a chance to talk and help avoid confusion as to who speaks next. I wasn't a part of ep3, so I have no idea if you guys structured it in any particular way, or if the conversation just naturally flowed like that.


Also I listen from work, but I wear headphones. :approve: I like the music too. If it's a real issue, maybe just prior to going to break for the music you can edit in a quick 'If you want to get back to the meat and potatoes and not listen to this music stuff, we'll begin again at 42:10." (or whatever)


The only real thing I would think about omiting completely are the RL 'interviews' that we heard in a couple of the episodes which, as far as I can tell, serve no real purpose to the podcast.

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