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Can't get into Bamung/Gilgamesh?


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LOL  I am glad you have seen it, but my Parter, my Cousin and I have been here for 4 hours now reading books and refreshing for 4 hours..


It really is not worth all this, we just were really looking forward to making characters together will others on the server..


Oh well, fun will come, but such is just the way it is now.. hehe..

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I have been trying all day to access Balmung, ever since 3PM MDT, when my patch finished. I eventually gave up and made an alt on Adamantoise, but that server seems to be closed now.


I wish we had some sort of schedule to go by for the server cyclings. I don't even know how long they last, but I haven't ever seen Balmung open once.


I don't know how easy it would be to decide on a server when they're going up and down. I just un-paired my keyboard from my PS3 (it is my computer keyboard), so I doubt I could RP on whatever server if we chose one.

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On my PC the only servers open are:








@phaerar - I know! All EU...

Hit refresh and see what happens. I might just play on one of those, really hoping to roll on an NA server, but since it's only beta I guess I can't get too butthurt.


@sangiune what server you leaning towards?

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I'm so bored I even feel boredom radiating from my character. She is staring at me going: Why? Why did you have to sleep? D:<


Once I get on, I am never sleeping. >_>

Really not trying to be negative,, but I just not sure Amazing is what I would right now..

Why is it only our servers? Do the other countries hate FF or something?


No,, Europe is largely asleep now.. and Japan is likely just waking up..



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Once, there's a moment when Balmung lights up, but the game does not allow me to have more than one character at a time at any given NA/EU region servers.

So I sacrifice the one on the Gilgamesh (which is of course is a pure luck to be able to get in there now) so I could create a new one in Balmung...


Yeah, you guessed it. As soon as the character is ready, Balmung is being closed again... Argh! The pain! THE pain!


Here I am...

with just an aether background and no character anywhere...

The world is a cruel place yet still...



Which server are you guys for the time being? :P

Coeurl and Marlboro is up now if it's NA.

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Give me about 20 to 30 minutes for my console to cool off, and I'll see if I can log back in to watch the lists again. I'll let you know what mine say then. Anything is fine at this point, as long as I can get into it--I just don't want clones of my main on different servers, even though I could delete them.

I've been watching about three different forums like a hawk, hoping someone will post when Balmung goes up.


Edit: Just saw your post. I have an alt on Adamantoise.

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Give me about 20 to 30 minutes for my console to cool off, and I'll see if I can log back in to watch the lists again. I'll let you know what mine say then. Anything is fine at this point, as long as I can get into it--I just don't want clones of my main on different servers, even though I could delete them.

I've been watching about three different forums like a hawk, hoping someone will post when Balmung goes up.


Edit: Just saw your post. I have an alt on Adamantoise.


30 seconds after I posted that Adamantoise went down again -__-; 


Let's all wait 20 minutes, and then we can pick one

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