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Lore-Appropriate (Non)Profanity


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I love what some of the NPCs have come out with, I mean of course you have your "shite" and "arse" but I still can't get over "colder than a dead whore's crotch", I mean in a game as lovely as XIV, you don't expect to hear such things. Or maybe it's only if you start out in Limsa Lominsa? They definitely got the cussing like a sailor part for atmosphere. I think in this instance the NPCs could be more foul mouthed than us.


So personally I think you can easily make lore friendly versions of well known light cussing, for example, changing God to Gods (BSG did this quite well), so you have your "oh my Gods", "Gods almighty" and "Godsdamnit". I also think "feck" would fit perfectly well considering "arse" and "shite" are already spoken by a lot of NPCs, also "bastard" and "piss" too if I recall correctly?


So of course now I just imagine Limsa Lominsa in an Irish accent.


By the way does anyone know what the Hydaelyn version of hell is in Eorzea? For the "go to ...!", "what in ... was that!?" and "what the ...!?", although for the "what in ... was that!?" you could easily do "what in the Twelve was that!?" or "what on Hydaelyn was that!?".


You could certainly take a lot of inspiration from other games, books, films and tv shows set in ye olde times and just add a bit of XIV flavour to it. Or maybe even research into real old world profanity that's either a bit obscure or silly by today's standards, although a lot of our current swear words are actually quite old.


I don't think these would be out of place.

  • Blimey
  • Bloody
  • Bugger
  • Blast
  • Scallywag
  • Strumpet
  • Guttersnipe
  • Coxcomb
  • Sugar

I now feel incredibly English.


But swearing can be really fun, especailly if it doesn't really make much sense when you think about it. "You'd have more chance of extracting aetheryte outta a Chocobo's arse".


Oh my god. That is frikkin' hilarious. I'm going to go ahead and validate my using "hotter than a jalapeno's coochie" now.

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Oh my god. That is frikkin' hilarious. I'm going to go ahead and validate my using "hotter than a jalapeno's coochie" now.


I seriously died when I read it, and then again when I reread it, like damn Square, you can't just say things like that

but I'm so glad you did. I tried so desperately hard to take a screenshot, but it just wouldn't work. Alas, it's said by one of the quest givers by the huge bloody ship in the "something something drydocks" by Lominsa. I goddamn love Lominsa.


Also I may have just cringed several times with the mental imagery a jalapeno coochie conjures up :cactuar:


"Sweet Nophica's tits!" -- which is rather appropriate if you've seen the concept art for Nophica (on the concept art card for the Twin Adders).


Considering Nophica is my diety, I feel completely obliged to drop this on occasion, I might even have to make a macro :lol:


Some of the things you guys have put down in this thread have made my morning by the way :moogle:


Also this deserves to be quoted:

"By Ifrit's fiery arsehole' date=' get that dodo-brained guttersnipe out me tavern 'fore I loose me foot in both o' yer shite-ends."[/i']



Ah, Limsa Lominsa.  Where more than the air is salty...

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