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Not sure about this idea... as it just popped into my head and I'm not at my best at 5am :P


But I was wondering if anyone was going to try and do some meetups in the not too distant future.


I'm thinking... being a European there would be call for a EU and NA version but I don't know. Anyway what do you people think?


As to why I was thinking about this, its because I was booking tickets to an anime/comic expo in London in October and I know these things happen at those kind of places on occasion :P

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I think a meet could be pretty awesome. And while I know the travel distance would suck, I also think having seperate meet ups for US and EU would be sort of sad :S Think of all the people you wouldn't get to meet! BF alone has members from all over.


But maybe it's just because I'll have to go to USA on a regular basis anyway (cross continental relationships ftw!), other people might find it more difficult, and I know it can be expensive.

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It seems, to me, that it's easier to get around in Europe than it is in the States. If you want to go anywhere the best way to travel is by plane. Though I prefere to drive. Sure, there are trains, but they're all run down n'stuff. Amtrak sucks balls!

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I usually go to PAX every year, but this time around I have to save up for mega birthday vacation in January. ^_^


TALE has been talking about meeting up next summer for an awesome cookout, though right now people seem torn between wanting to road trip out to the west coast and wanting to descend upon all our Texan members and make them grill us some MEATS.

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TALE has been talking about meeting up next summer for an awesome cookout' date=' though right now people seem torn between wanting to road trip out to the west coast and wanting to descend upon all our Texan members and make them grill us some MEATS.[/quote']


... Texas. Definitely Texas. :D

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Had the same thought. First I said to myself the 3 of us from the RPCV should meet up somehow. Wait no, all of A.E.T.H.E.R. should... wait... RPC meet up!


I'll go anywhere. Love to travel around. It'd be better to plan ahead, next august? My brain already hurts from the possibility of ways to organize this.

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TALE has been talking about meeting up next summer for an awesome cookout, though right now people seem torn between wanting to road trip out to the west coast and wanting to descend upon all our Texan members and make them grill us some MEATS.



We have? News to me :D

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I'm probably gonna be returning to the UK for a visit this winter :D


I shall also second Texas, since there's a chance I can actually get there reasonably cheaply :P Nothing big really tends to happen in Oklahoma >.>


Oh dear God. An okie. Oh lawdy lawdy.


Where you settled at? For some reason I wanna say Edmond.


Oh, hell no. I'm not an Okie. I've only lived here for 4 years, I'm originally from England. Hence my overwhelming wit, charm and awesome accent. And close, but not quite - I'm in Norman.

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