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Although I haven't been able to verify it myself in game, it appears (in a few places) that Dragoon is indeed 30 Lancer and 15 Marauder now.


If it makes you feel any better, there's a couple of Marauder abilities that Dragoon really benefits from, last I heard.


Personally I got Marauder to 20 during the last beta and dabbled in Archery before realising Lancer (and I imagine Dragoon) is my true calling, so I kind of accidentally chose the right classes there. Either way though, getting a class to 15 is what? Several hours worth of game time? It's not a huge investment and some cross class skills are completely worth it (although they become a lot more limited with Jobs).

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Jove, where are you seeing this update from?  I'd like to peek at what else is available in terms of cross-class skills.


Oh, hours and hours of toiling research.


Okay no, about half an hour of googling and looking on reddit :lol:


Unfortunately I only found an update on what classes you need for each Job, which can be found here, but a lot of the information on which cross class skills are good for which job, is pretty out of date.

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Level MRD in your underwear. Something about an ax wielding person running around the wilds, screaming, and attacking things is a lot of fun.


Enticing, but..... I'll pass.    If I'm going to run around without armour, I don't even want the skivvies showing.  Bare it all, honey!






....erm, yeah.  Marauder and Lancer share armour, and I've been saving all mine thus far (not hard at level 11), so I can easily just recycle.

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White Mage = 30 Conjurer / 15 Arcanist



..hahahawhoops. 50 WHM with 0 ACN here! Apparently it's not retroactive to any 1.0 people. >>;


I believe that you can no longer pull from the Glad levels you had, tho.


Oh yes, we can't use the abilities from GLA anymore. On Bard I noticed I couldn't use my CNJ abilities anymore as well. No more being backup-heal~~

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Heh, I certainly won't be complaining. I ended up making my character into a marauder just so he could start in Limsa. All I need to do now is get him a few more levels as a lancer and he'll be a dragoon as intended.

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