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Solution to not spamming Numpad 0

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Well technically you still have to, but with this method you no longer have to be at your computer for 30 minutes doing it, allowing you to do something more productive.


This is my method, although not as good as a traditional que (since you have to keep the window up and can't really use your computer), you can still stroll around your house or use a different computer if you have one:


Download AutoHotkey from http://www.autohotkey.com/ and follow these steps: Once downloaded and installed, right click your desktop, move your mouse down to the New command, hover over it and one of the top options will be AutoHotkey Script, click it. Name it Numpad0 Spam.ahk or whatever you want but just end it with .ahk


Once you do this right click the icon and select Edit Script, click the page so that you can type on it and then paste the following script:










Send {Numpad0}


Sleep 1000




After you paste it in, exit, when prompted to save do so, then double click the icon, proceed to launch FFXIV: ARR, log in to your account, click play and once your are on the launch screen simply scroll your mouse wheel up once and your computer will automatically spam Numpad0 (Once per second, this is not too fast and not too slow as to cause problems). Once you are into the game simply tap F2 to pause the script or alt-tab the game and exit the script from your taskbar (in the bottom right on most computers).


Q: But what if I get into the actual que when I do this? It will kick me out.


A: It does not matter, you will remain in your position of que even if you exit, thus you can keep it spamming Numpad 0 and still get in at the same time. And if you happen to see you are in the actual que simply tap F2 and it will pause the script, leaving you in that que.


Note: The FFXIV: ARR window has to be your active window at the time this is running, you cannot alt-tab out and use other programs or it will stop signing you in, I did not bother to write out all the code to have it work in the background, if you wish to do the extra research for this be my guest.


Edit: If you do have to alt-tab out for some reason, pause the script first so that you are not still spamming Numpad 0 on whatever other things you have open as it could cause problems depending on what that keybind does for that program, also F2 is used as the un-pause button so once you want it going again simply click F2 and it will continue.

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This works great. I set this up to try it instead of spamming and got me in a bit later (probably by that time of spamming I'd have given up logging in) for any who don't have the time to spam to log in or want to get other things done around the house until you can actually play: I would recommend this. Just keep checking back to see when you've been logged in.



Thanks for sharing, made logging in a thousand times easier.

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Concerning the cancelling the queue issue, I had a friend who set his script up so that it stops when detecting that a certain pixel (presumably in or near the difference of space between the 1017 window and the queue window) was different, it would halt itself. I have no idea how to do that, though. Had been going about it manually but I might give this a try. Thank you for sharing!

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Concerning the cancelling the queue issue, I had a friend who set his script up so that it stops when detecting that a certain pixel (presumably in or near the difference of space between the 1017 window and the queue window) was different, it would halt itself. I have no idea how to do that, though. Had been going about it manually but I might give this a try. Thank you for sharing!


I might be able to set that up for you, there is a command to detect images I believe, I'm currently working on the script actually anyways, trying to get it to auto-pause when you alt-tab out instead of having to do it manually, I'll see if I can add that also though.


Edit: This probably won't work though as the image will be on different coordinates of peoples monitor depending on the size and screen resolution but I'll see what I can do.

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It worked until it got to the 1017 error... then it just sat there, taunting me.


Also when I alt-tab out even with the f2 button pushed, it wont resume afterwards when I go back to the menu.


I did copy and paste exactly as shown.

I did download autohotkey from the link supplied.

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It worked until it got to the 1017 error... then it just sat there, taunting me.


Also when I alt-tab out even with the f2 button pushed, it wont resume afterwards when I go back to the menu.


I did copy and paste exactly as shown.

I did download autohotkey from the link supplied.


It should not stop when there is a 1017 world full error since it uses the same key (Numpad 0) to exit it, so I'm not sure why that would happen?


When you push the F2 button it pauses the script, so when you re-activate the window you need to push F2 again to un-pause it, unless you exit the program itself it should un-pause with F2 as I only assigned that one bind, making it the pause and un-pause bind. I just retried the same copy-pasted script and it works for me.


Can you do this to check something:


Double click the icon, go to your word document you use on your computer, scroll up.


It should start send out 0's (one per second), push F2 and it should pause, wait a couple second and then push F2 again, it should un-pause. Let me know if it does or not.


I'm also working on a more refined script right now to auto-pause when you alt-tab and auto-unpause when you re-activate the window so I'll post that here if I have any luck.

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Edit: This probably won't work though as the image will be on different coordinates of peoples monitor depending on the size and screen resolution but I'll see what I can do.


Yeah that was my thought. I'm not too concerned about it IMO but thank you for the offer. :)

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0I just tried it in Word, and it does work the way its supposed to. I'm gonna try the script with f3 as the script turnon button instead of wheelup, maybe it got moved or something...


Just tried it again, and it still hangs on the 1017 window... maybe I'll just plug my gamepad in and spam the startbutton... >.<

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I added some stuff to the script if anyone is interested, it's the same concept but I added these features:


1) To start the script you use F1 now (Not Mousewheel Up (It is still F2 to pause.)

2) You can tap F1 before you start up FFXIV: ARR and it will not start sending Numpad 0's until it has actually launched (so you aren't spamming 0's when trying to enter your password :P)

3) The script now Auto-Pauses when you alt-tab, so you only need the manual pause for if you see you are in the actual que and would rather stay in it than refresh.

4) It also will Auto-Unpause when you re-activate the window.


Nothing ground breaking but it makes it easier / less of a hassel. I've yet to discover how to just let it run in the background so you can use your computer while it runs but I'm still new to the program also.




New Script (clear your other script or make a new .ahk document from your desktop):




SetNumlockState, AlwaysOn



WinWaitActive, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn




IfWinActive, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn

Send {Numpad0}

Sleep 1000

IfWinNotActive, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn



WinWaitActive, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn











1) If you want to speed up the rate at which it uses Numpad 0, change Sleep 1000 to a lower number, 500 will be about twice per second I believe, but don't go too low or it can cause errors


2) The original post has the details of running the original script and those are still valid for that script, however if you plan on using this one just be wary of the changes, but everything else is the same.

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Sorry for a dumb question, but how do I get my F2 and upperscroll back after I get in the game?


Once you are in game you no longer need the script so the best solution is to just exit it until you need it again. To do this alt-tab from the game and go to the bottom right of your computers screen (on most computers), this is where you taskbar is and where it shows your AutoHotkey script, right click the icon and click exit. If you don't have a taskbar or can't find this, hold down ctrl-shift-esc at the same time and it will open the task manager, under the background processes it will show the AutoHotkey script, click that and end that from there.

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Wow, thank you very much for this. It's not entirely functional at the moment because of the damn server list failures but definitely better than before. Thanks again.




Wow, this got me in O_O Thank you so very much!!


Yeah when the NA/EU server list is down or your particular world is down it just cycles through the JP / whatever other servers are up, it doesn't do anything problematic, just selects the world over and over again. I just pause the script if that happens and relaunch the client / wait until the the server is up then un-pause it.

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Now this is a feeling so please don't say I'm wrong or anything I don't mind being corrected.. But I feel like this autokey thing is against the agreement somewhere.. But that is a feeling and I could be wrong but I'd rather stick to manually attempting to login.. This is just mehish to me. Its a great device for people who don't want sore arms I agree with that.

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Now this is a feeling so please don't say I'm wrong or anything I don't mind being corrected.. But I feel like this autokey thing is against the agreement somewhere.. But that is a feeling and I could be wrong but I'd rather stick to manually attempting to login.. This is just mehish to me. Its a great device for people who don't want sore arms I agree with that.


Technically, devices like are against the rules, but if you shut it off right when you log in, which you should since it can cause problems just spamming it in-game, they can not accuse you of anything. This is the same type of software people use for auto-clicking and if you took the time you could make bots with it if you wanted. If you are only using it to log in, GM's have no way of knowing you are using it since you are not actually in-game, and they usually only detect this sort of thing through reports, most bots will never get detected unless people report them, meaning if you aren't doing anything there is nothing to report, so 99% sure you'll never get caught. Besides, it is SE's fault that we have to resort to these methods, if they seriously ban someone for this that is pathetic, considering it is their own fault.

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Now this is a feeling so please don't say I'm wrong or anything I don't mind being corrected.. But I feel like this autokey thing is against the agreement somewhere.. But that is a feeling and I could be wrong but I'd rather stick to manually attempting to login.. This is just mehish to me. Its a great device for people who don't want sore arms I agree with that.


Technically, devices like are against the rules, but if you shut it off right when you log in, which you should since it can cause problems just spamming it in-game, they can not accuse you of anything. This is the same type of software people use for auto-clicking and if you took the time you could make bots with it if you wanted. If you are only using it to log in, GM's have no way of knowing you are using it since you are not actually in-game, and they usually only detect this sort of thing through reports, most bots will never get detected unless people report them, meaning if you aren't doing anything there is nothing to report, so 99% sure you'll never get caught. Besides, it is SE's fault that we have to resort to these methods, if they seriously ban someone for this that is pathetic, considering it is their own fault.

I agree completely buuut you know how companies are in mmos. O_<

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