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Hey Everyone.

Mal Sionis

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I figured that It would be a good idea to introduce myself but as I'm typing this I have no idea what I'm doing exactly so I guess I'll start with my experience with rping.


I've been doing this for about eight years on and off, I started doing it with a group of friends I met in high school something like five or six of us which during that time was just standing around and explaining what we do, an example would be where we fight each other explaining where we strike, how we would dodge/block the attack and how we would counter it but it evolved into a full fledged story that went on for five years straight, starting over a fair few times from we ran out of ideas to give it a fresh taste.

I've also done rping on a few forums with people I've met from the United States for a few years which disbanded and I floated a drift for awhile having a break from it and now decided that I'll start again and start with FFXIV so I'm going to be quite rusty.


I've played a quite a few MMO's WoW, Swtor, Rift, Tera, DC Universe, Neverwinter, Guild wars 2 and Everquest 2 (kinda).


That's all I can think of at the moment but it's more than I thought I'd say to be honest and I guess it's a nice start, Hope to see you in game and feel free to give me a /tell at Mal Sionis (He'll be my main).


Tata for now.

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Thank you for welcoming me to the forums.


Welcome to the Show!


Like Bloodtruffle said its nice to see multi-media role play, I was/am a huge DnD and Forum roleplay nerd so its cool to see others who dabble.


Hope to see you in Eorzea.

Welcome to the forums and Balmung. It's cool to see others who've done "multi-media" rp as well, coming from a tabletop background.


I was the kid who always took pretend games in the playground a little to seriously >.>


I have actually started playing DnD fairly recently because of Neverwinter, Started with Version 4 I'm a Dragonborn Cleric :).

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I have actually started playing DnD fairly recently because of Neverwinter, Started with Version 4 I'm a Dragonborn Cleric :).


Fun times, I enjoy Divine spell casters,


Though I often Go paladin since many of the groups i'm in usually have a healer already, I enjoy the support role.


Make sure to use those Encounter powers! heh~

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