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Edit your search info!


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I'm not sure if this suggestion has been made somewhere and I just didn't see it, but I'd like to offer it to others since I just discovered it myself (perhaps I'm late to the party, who knows!).


I've taken to editing my search info to include the simple tag of "Roleplayer". Now if and when people examine my character a small 'chat bubble' appears under my name that shows others that label.


Since we don't have addons, I think this is the best way for us to recognize each other, especially in the daunting task of walk-up RP.


I'm sure this could be expanded to explain that you're 'New to RP', 'OOC currently', "OOC if:..." etc.


Hope this helps someone else out there!




From Duhbine: "To edit your search info. Go to Social, Click on your name and go Edit Search Info, and add at the bottom in Search Comments what you want to put.


Just for people that don't know how to"

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Thank you Duhbine for explaining further for me! I should have done it in the OP. I'll edit it later.


I'm glad others found it useful! I knew others had to be as in the dark as I was. I'm new to the game so wasn't sure if this transferred over from 1.0 or if it was new, but I was happy to figure it out. At any rate, it is a wonderful idea. :)

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