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Moonfire Faire Play Event


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Roleplayers' Guild, a troupe of actors and performers based in Gridania, proudly announces its premiere play event featuring

I Want to Be Your Canary, a famous play written by Lord Avon in Final Fantasy IX. Speaking on OOC terms, this is our first of many public community events, and we sincerely hope that you can attend to help support our community-building cause.


Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?


The play will be performed at Mih Khetto's Ampitheatre in Old Gridania at 6:00 PM EST on Sunday the 15th. If attending, please arrive ten minutes early so that you may claim your seat before we begin. We'll have a small introduction beforehand.


Our purpose with this play is to bring roleplayers together and create a fun meet/greet environment and also to entertain. We hope to make this a fun experience for not only your character, but for you as well. We will be including the sword fight with Zidane and Blank as well as a classical Final Fantasy turn-based battle scene where King Leo and his lackeys clash with the play's heroes. Using emotes and animated buff spells, we hope to make it as flashy and entertaining as we possibly can.


During the main event our actors will be heard in the /yell chat. This means you may talk in /say and /emote all you want during the performance. It won't bother us. Below is an image of the location with the /yell distance radius colored in blue. Anywhere outside that, you won't be able to hear us. Therefore we do ask that you stay within this area during the event.




Unfortunately we still need more help before we can perform. Most of our roles are filled but we need a male roegadyn to play as King Leo, and another character to play as Prince Schneider. If you can help us with this, we greatly appreciate it. The entire play will be scripted and all of our actors are going to receive a copy of the script that they can either memorize or copy/paste. Though be aware that if we don't have enough actors or if someone doesn't show up, we can't perform the play.


Hope to see everyone there! I'll be playing as Princess Cornelia for those who want to know :)

Also there will be a meet and greet after the play so feel free to hang around and talk to us/others.


Oh and lastly, if you're wondering how your character knows about the event, it has been posted on signs all around Grid. And it is also to be assumed that the play occurs during the night, around 9 PM, regardless of server time or the day/night cycle.

I Want to Be Your Canary.zipFetching info...

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Aw, this is going to be in Gilgamesh???

That's a shame. I would have loved to see it otherwise, but my one and only main at the moment has been in Balmung.


Still, it sounds really lovely! Do you think anyone could possibly record it?


Actually a lot of people have been requesting that we record it and post to YouTube. If anyone wants to do so, you're perfectly welcome. I however can't record with fraps due to insufficient computer specs.

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I just updated the original post with the script we will be using. If you're a part of the cast, please download and study your lines. Also, make sure you read the entire thing. You need to at least understand the play. Also, I found that male roegadyn that I needed for King Leo. Now we just need somebody to play as Prince Schneider. It's the most minor role. Any takers?

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Do you have everything you need?


Yup I believe we just found our Prince Schneider a minute ago :D But there's the off-chance that our Zenero won't show up so if any lalafell gladiators or marauders wanna step up as a replacement, it would definitely be more reassuring.



Looking forward to this!  Do you still need any actors?  Though I can only assist if you need a Wildwood and it doesn't conflict with her worship of Nymeia.


At the current moment we seem to be filled up on roles but in the future we will probably need to ask others for help again. When that time comes, we'd love to have you participate. Also of course the Nymeia thing isn't an issue.



This sounds awesome - if it's possible I think I'll roll a character on Gilgamesh just to be able to attend.


I would certainly appreciate that! The bigger the audience we get, the more chance of our success.

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