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I'm not very good at introductions so I'm borrowing your little template thing to help me along.


Hi, my name is Rachel. I spend most of my time writing sci-fi and horror books and vainly hoping to get them published one day. Aside from that I also enjoy gaming and RP and a bunch of other stuff that would probably bore you to tears if I listed it all.


I've played a number of MMO's in the past (mainly WoW, Rift and a bit of Tera) but I've only RP'd in a couple. I've usually been more of a PVE-er but recently become involved in the RP community. I find RP in MMO's to be a lot of fun, and my best experiences have been in Rift. I found their housing system to be such an amazing tool for Rpers - being able to build your own place from the ground up is just so much fun and it really adds to my sense immersion in a character. I know FFXIV has plans for a housing system and I am going to be frantically saving up every Gil I can get my hands on in order to afford one.


I used to RP a lot via forums, and I ran a fantasy/sci-fi RP group myself with a friend for several years. Of course, that was a long time ago; since then I've not been so involved in RP. I've only recently (in the past year or so) getting back into RP, this time in MMO's, so sometimes my skills feel a little rusty. 


I found this place via a google search while looking for the RP community for FFXIV. It looks like a really promising place to find RP and to learn about events - I look forward to attending a few in the future. :)


I am almost always a heavy Rper, and I would like to join an FC/LS that matches that. I love to get involved in storylines and things and to really get my character involved in things, but I also enjoy more casual, social RP. I am unfortunately a little shy when it comes to big groups and I struggle a little in large scale, fast moving RP gatherings. I'd love to meet people who could help me with that.


I'm glad to have found this place, and I look forward to meeting people in game. :)

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