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RP Hotspots


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Hello all! 


I'm brand new to FFXIV, just got it on Saturday morning and have been pretty hooked to it ever since. I've been RPing in MMOs for years now, and in each one there is usually that 1 place in the world where everyone gathers to RP. I'm talking, of course, about the hot spot. 


In LOTRO is was the Prancing Pony, in SWTOR it was the high traffic cantinas, and the list goes on. So the question I have (and sorry if there is a thread elsewhere with this information, I didn't spot it) is where is that hot spot in FFXIV? Where I can go at pretty much any time and find RPers. Perhaps a popular tavern where I might hang my hat and have a drink?


My character is pretty much a clean slate when it comes to his back story, though I know the direction I want to take with him. I'd love to meet new people and hopefully join a LS/FC that would fit the best. 




Ayric Hawksley

Wandering traveler looking for a place to call home. 

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You can find RP in the main inn/Adventurer's Guild of all three cities on any given night. If you're in Limsa, the Bismark (cooking guild) is usually quite busy. And any of the outlaying hamlets frequently have RPers about with all their nice empty buildings. 


Just keep your eyes open. It helps to learn the FC tags of some of the more active RP guilds so you can spot groups of roleplayers when you're running about.


Welcome to the game!

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Costa del Sol and Wineport are also very popular RP spots; they're both in La Noscea and relatively easy to get to, even at low levels. (There are some level 25ish aggro mobs on the way to Wineport, but they're easily avoided.) Take the ferry from Fisherman's Bottom in Limsa to Aleport, then head north to Wineport. There's a ferry you can take near Wineport that'll take you to the other side of the map; head south on the road to Costa del Sol.


In terms of FC tags for active RP guilds, some off the top of my head are "RP", "EQ-RP", "S:R", "Tower", "Aegis", "BoN", "KXII", "XI:7", and "FoE". There are likely more -- those are just the ones I know. :)

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The only issue with Wineport is that the entrance to Coils is right outside of the town.  Soooo...there's usually like, 20-30 raiders just loitering there at all hours.  :lol:

I love Wineport cause of how it was built but yeah.. Now imagine when all the raiders get gear from 2.1? >_< Oh buggers.

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Bronze Lake. *wiggly eyebrows* It's a hot springs place. Beautiful, lots of little corners and buildings, you can guess what it's favored for, but get a couple people there who wouldn't usually be caught dead in a swimsuit and much fun ensues.


Seen a bit in Fallgourd, too, as I've run through at breakneck speed from one place to another. Not as much as other locales, but seems like a nice out of the way place to go for a public conversation.


"STONE" "Grim" and "NB" have the people I've been RPing with regularly.


I really do see the most unexpected RP in the Adventurers' Guilds in each city. Great for eavesdropping.

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Thanks for all the information! I just finally got to Limsa for the first time last night and realized it's a massive world and I have ALOT to explore yet. I'll keep a note of all the places suggested when I'm ready to search for some RP - still taking everything in.


It's such a large, rich, beautiful world. I was not expecting this... :D



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