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Attribute points for arcanist to scholar

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4) CRIT rate is supper important! remember the main aspect of SCH is not curing a large amount of HP in a one shot heal, SCH is a Heal-n-shield style healer and when you crit that heal to some crazy high number you also NEGATE that crazy high number of DMG. SCH should be a boring to play healing class if your doing it right because the team will see hp bars move almost not at all.


At present, the highest amount of Crit you can get to is 17% as a Scholar.  As a healer, I do not feel that this is worth it to prioritize.  It's just too RNG to bother with.


5) Aether flow and you: The ideal use of Aether flow as I have found it is thus, Hold on activating Aether flow until your mp is down 1/4 the way. then hold off on useing the drain skill untill you are down at least another 1/4 to 50% mp. at 25% mp you should be able to use the second shot of the drain skill and follow it up with reactivating Aetherflow instantly getting you back to aprx. 79% mp. rinse and repeat from here 1 drain is at 50% second at 25% Aetherflow ASAP.


You need Aetherflow stacks for much more important things at 50, like Lustrate and Sacred Soil.



8-16-24 man parties and SCH

Here SCH will be the TANKs personal healer while the WHM is the party healer. by focusing the SCH on the tank(and the healers should they get hit) the tank can focus on pulling all the hate they want because they have that little safety bubble taking all that damage for them. This will also free up your WHM to do some DPS/buffs instead of constantly healing the tank as their hp moves like a heart monitor on a roller coaster.




SCH is the mitigation/proactive healer that lacks burst, but makes up for it in DR CDs, situational burst (Lustrate 3x/min), mitigation and lack of mana issues.



good info for after 50. I haven't seen the 45/50 skills for SCH so I have no idea how those will work yet, Though I guess needing to use the drain skill could be completely removed with a BRD in the group. But if healing doesn't have alot more MP/stronger Aetherflow I just don't see how Aetherflow alone can make for a lack of mp issues. (though I would like to know :) )


As for crit rate, That is the suggested extra points for SCH since PIE is pointless. Not sure what else you would use Materia for if MND is caped. of course the pointlessness of the stats other than the main stats is an entirely different discussion, sometimes I wonder why they even bothered with giving people a choice in stats at all.

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good info for after 50. I haven't seen the 45/50 skills for SCH so I have no idea how those will work yet, Though I guess needing to use the drain skill could be completely removed with a BRD in the group. But if healing doesn't have alot more MP/stronger Aetherflow I just don't see how Aetherflow alone can make for a lack of mp issues. (though I would like to know :) )


As for crit rate, That is the suggested extra points for SCH since PIE is pointless. Not sure what else you would use Materia for if MND is caped. of course the pointlessness of the stats other than the main stats is an entirely different discussion, sometimes I wonder why they even bothered with giving people a choice in stats at all.


I have 2 SCHs (one in Tonberry and another in Balmung) and from my experience Aetherflow and the occasional Energy Drain are enough to maintain my MP pool. Always remember that your main heal is still Physick and not Adloquium. During long fights, make sure to cast Aetherflow as soon as it's up but use Energy Drain, Bane, Lustrate, or Sacred Soil first to use up the remaining stacks.


About stats, it really depends on which one you want to focus on. I went full MND on mine and use Cleric Stance for fights that need the extra DPS. To be effective, you'll have to learn to switch Cleric Stance on/off for DPS or healing. Believe me, our DPS is pretty good with Cleric Stance on. In one AK run with a DRG friend who was parsing, the total damage for Demon Wall were as follows: DRG - 11k (LB not included in parse), SCH - 12k, ARC (not BRD) - 17k *whistles*. And for the entire dungeon: DRG - 65k, ARC - 78k, SCH - 140k (!). Gotta love Bane. Both the DRG and ARC had Relic+1 and DL gears while I only had a relic and AK gears. I rarely heal in AK; I just place Eos where it can reach the entire party and cast Rouse when needed.


Oh, and if MND is capped for materia, go VIT.

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good info for after 50. I haven't seen the 45/50 skills for SCH so I have no idea how those will work yet, Though I guess needing to use the drain skill could be completely removed with a BRD in the group. But if healing doesn't have alot more MP/stronger Aetherflow I just don't see how Aetherflow alone can make for a lack of mp issues. (though I would like to know :) )


Energy Drain is something to use, but that's going to depend on the group (and how and when you use your Aetherflow stacks in 8man/24 man content is going to depend on the strat for the fight, etc).  But in my experience, I've yet to see anything that's run me OOM unless I simply forgot I had Aetherflow off CD and failed to hit it while spamming Adlo.


As for crit rate, That is the suggested extra points for SCH since PIE is pointless. Not sure what else you would use Materia for if MND is caped. of course the pointlessness of the stats other than the main stats is an entirely different discussion, sometimes I wonder why they even bothered with giving people a choice in stats at all.


Determination is another option.  It's a flat, consistent bonus to both healing and, by extension, mitigation.

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First off, it is great to see this type of discussion on forums.  Its awesome to see all the different viewpoints!


I've been playing a SCH since day 1.  It is an incredibly fun and powerful class.  That being said, it requires a very different playstyle than your typical healer.  What Liadan said is absolutely correct.  Scholar's are proactive/mitigation healers.  Without much left to do PvE wise, I've been running a lot of tests, both of gear and of myself to try and stretch the limits of this class.  So far, I have successfully healed WP, AK, CM, and HM Ifrit completely naked, and HM Garuda half naked.  I'd like to share some of my findings on topics people are discussing in this thread.


Stats-Mind is king.  Obviously.  Second is crit. Then determination, then spell speed.  I'll expand more on these choices later when skill choice is explained.


Heal skills, and when to use them-


Adloquium:  I am putting this first since it seems like the most commonly misunderstood spell.  Adloquium is FAR more powerful than most people give it credit for.  It has the potential to raise the effective health of someone beyond their max.  Adloquium is your primary heal.  This is why crit is important on a Scholar.  You may look at Adloquium's raw healing numbers, it it will pale in comparison to Physick, but the shield it provides is invaluable.  An adloquium shield should be on the tank at all times.  Never spam it over and over, but always weave it with physick.


Physick:  You're secondary heal. The only time physick should be cast is when the tank already has an adloquium shield.  Getting into a good rotation of Adloquium -> Physick -> Physick -> Adloquium (depending on the strength of your shields) will improve your mana efficiency over long fights.  Pet embrace should be spammed pretty much the entire time.  For most trash, nothing more than adloquium -> embrace -> embrace -> adloquium -> repeat is needed.


Succor: Weak ass aoe.  Healing is dismal.  But the shield should be on your party at all times.  Casting one every 20 seconds, or when you get the free proc from sacred soil, should not hurt your mana efficiency.


 Mana management:  SCH has amazing mana management with aether flow.  But a common misconception is the use of energy drain over lustrate or sacred soil.  The only time I ever use energy drain is when every is at full health, everyone has succor shields, no aoe damage is comming soon, I have extra aether flow stacks, and aether flow is off cool down.  In most fights, lustrate is a better choice than energy drain for long term mana efficiency.  You normally have to spend way more mana than energy drain gives you to heal 20% of a tanks health.  In almost all instances, you will see a better long term mana return with lustrate than energy drain.


Mitigation rotation-

This is something I feel is a staple of the scholar class that is widely underused.  Getting into a good rotation of sacred soil, virus, eye for an eye, blind, rouse (no mitigation, but requires you to heal a lot less),  and adloquium shields is a bigger benefit to this class than gear choice, healing power, you name it.


I Don't want to write too much, as I'm sure a lot of people Don't want to read a wall of text. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the scholar class, and what exactly its role is in healing.  You aren't a tank healer.  Nobody is a tank healer really.  You are a damage mitigator of the tank and of your party.  A scholar who isn't keeping shields up, keeping a good mitigation rotation, and not using their pets abilities to their advantage, can still be a very good healer, but  they aren't playing this class to the fullest.

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Although the topic started about SCH stats, it's great that it turned into a discussion about SCH abilities. To add to some of the ideas:


- The Adloquium shield is doubled when you crit heal. Say, for example, you heal with Adloquium for "1017!", you put a 2034 potency Adloquium shield on the target. That's quite a lot so investing in critical hit rate can be a good idea. The same holds true for succor. If someone gets hit with a "457!" heal from succor, that person also gets a 914 potency shield. Again, don't spam these spells since they have high mana costs.


- Although, Lustrate can be a good emergency heal, don't save up stacks just for that spell. Use it when needed (don't overheal), otherwise use the stacks on something else like Sacred Soil (unless you're preparing for something big such as Ifrit's Hellfire or Titan's Geocrush/Tumult and you can't afford to have it on cooldown) or Energy Drain when Aetherflow is off cooldown.


- Watch out for the Disease debuff! Use Leeches to cure it immediately. The same goes for paralyze.


- Like what Flapjack mentioned, don't forget to make use of your other skills such as Rouse, Eye for an Eye, and Virus when needed. They help a lot.


- Shadow Flare and Sacred Soil don't stack!


- Swiftcast. It's very useful when you need that instant raise, instant summon, or two succors in quick succession (HM Titan's Tumult comes to mind).


- Control your fairy. Place it near the tank or where it can reach the entire party during a boss fight and manually cast Embrace to maximize healing.


- In my experience, I usually only have to keep shields up on the tank and melee DPS. Some fights during endgame are quite healing intensive and can really drain your mana so proper mana management is key. Keeping shields up on ranged DPS (who rarely gets hit) is counterproductive.

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It's important to note that if you manually cast Embrace from your fairy, she will then go into "Guard" mode and use all of her other CDs immediately (before you can get her back into Steady).  The only way to keep her from blowing all of her CDs is to keep her on Steady and let her cast Embrace herself.

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It's important to note that if you manually cast Embrace from your fairy, she will then go into "Guard" mode and use all of her other CDs immediately (before you can get her back into Steady).  The only way to keep her from blowing all of her CDs is to keep her on Steady and let her cast Embrace herself.


Not entirely true, but halfway there.  Have no target selected, and click steady.  Then select a target, and click obey.  Then heel.  This will allow you to manually cast all of her abilities, while still maintaining the manual and automatic casting of embrace.  This will persist until the faerie needs to be resummoned.  You can place it wherever you want or have it follow you and it won't start auto casting Anything other than embrace.

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It's important to note that if you manually cast Embrace from your fairy, she will then go into "Guard" mode and use all of her other CDs immediately (before you can get her back into Steady).  The only way to keep her from blowing all of her CDs is to keep her on Steady and let her cast Embrace herself.


Not entirely true, but halfway there.  Have no target selected, and click steady.  Then select a target, and click obey.  Then heel.  This will allow you to manually cast all of her abilities, while still maintaining the manual and automatic casting of embrace.  This will persist until the faerie needs to be resummoned.  You can place it wherever you want or have it follow you and it won't start auto casting Anything other than embrace.


You're the only person I've ever seen say this.  Everyone else I've talked to (and everything I've seen when I've used her abilities myself) has her going to Guard and free-casting once I use Embrace manually.  Is this a new change?

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It's important to note that if you manually cast Embrace from your fairy, she will then go into "Guard" mode and use all of her other CDs immediately (before you can get her back into Steady).  The only way to keep her from blowing all of her CDs is to keep her on Steady and let her cast Embrace herself.


Not entirely true, but halfway there.  Have no target selected, and click steady.  Then select a target, and click obey.  Then heel.  This will allow you to manually cast all of her abilities, while still maintaining the manual and automatic casting of embrace.  This will persist until the faerie needs to be resummoned.  You can place it wherever you want or have it follow you and it won't start auto casting Anything other than embrace.


You're the only person I've ever seen say this.  Everyone else I've talked to (and everything I've seen when I've used her abilities myself) has her going to Guard and free-casting once I use Embrace manually.  Is this a new change?


Nope.  I've been doing it this way since beta.  Summoner pets work the same if I'm not mistaken. Using this method, you will see her switch back to guard from steady, but her obey command will hold.  Test it out and let me know if it works differently from what you normally see.

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Nope.  I've been doing it this way since beta.  Summoner pets work the same if I'm not mistaken.  Using this method, you will see her switch back to guard from steady, but her obey command will hold.  Test it out and let me know if it works differently from what you normally see.


k, I'll check that out tonight.

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It's a shame that there's so much misinformation being spewed out within this thread. Everyone knows that you should be putting all of your attribute points into dexterity as a scholar. You all need to learn to play!



If high dexterity gave you a chance to backflip when you jump, and let you heal in the air, I would pour all my points into it.


"Your healing is shit!"

"Yeah but that backflip tho."

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It's a shame that there's so much misinformation being spewed out within this thread. Everyone knows that you should be putting all of your attribute points into dexterity as a scholar. You all need to learn to play!



If high dexterity gave you a chance to backflip when you jump, and let you heal in the air, I would pour all my points into it.


"Your healing is shit!"

"Yeah but that backflip tho."


I put all my attribute points into dexterity as a lancer so I can stand as far away as possible from the healers and just spam piercing talon now and then for extreme damage.

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