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*Waves @ Everyone*

Knight Kat

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Hi there. Nice to meet everyone.


I have been a lurker for nearly two months now :lol:. I only recently made a character on Balmung though. A level 15 lancer right now and loving it. I have read up extensively on the lore (still learning more though), and I must say that I have been enthralled with the IC story threads that happen mostly in the Town Square. I find a lot of the RP discussion threads are good to read too. I also have been looking through character wikis. I like writing, so I will most likely make my own soon.


My past experience with RP is blotchy. I've RPed in Champions online, but have played many MMOs since then (such as SWTOR) and I didn't RP in those. So, I'm rusty. However I look forward to working off that rust with my new character.

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Welcome home to FFXIV! It's a great place here and we're glad to have you! I've done the rounds myself (in many of the same games as you by the looks of it!) and this is the most cohesive RP community I've found to date. Even CoH's RP community, while totally awesome, wasn't as 'together' as this one. So stick around, chew on a lalafell, hug a morbol, and make yourself at home :D

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Greetings and welcome to the RPC,


since you've been lurking for a while i'll skip the deluge of links and second Xenedras recommendation of joining "Intermission" The linkshell of OOC Shenanigans of which few come close. (okay maybe one link.. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=1902 )


I hope you've had the chance to meet a lot of interesting people and get to know many more as you spend time here and around the amazing community in game.


If you have any questions or concerns, as always, the RPC is a welcome place to voice them, and i'm sure many would jump at the chance to squash a nagging doubt or the like.


Best of luck in your adventures and see you in Eorzea! :cactuar:

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