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--MMORPG background

Mostly World of Warcraft. I dabbled with MMOs such as SWOTR, Rift, and Guild Wars 2, but they never really seriously held my interest as much. World of Warcraft mainly held my interest over the years and I play it on and off. I recently discovered Final Fantasy XIV and it seems pretty awesome. It is like living out my childhood of wanting to be a White Mage. LOL


--RP experience

Generally I RPed on Video Game forums, but I did dabble in RP on Wyrmrest Accord from time to time...I liked small tight knit guilds, but sometimes those were the fastest to die...once someone got busy in life...the glue from the group just comes undone and it is bye byez time. /gquitting is so sad! I have RPed since 2004. :) Ever since I had a slow dinosaur dial up computer. Fun times!


--Character ideas/info

I am going to be playing my main character Ellisana or Ella/Elli for short. She grew up in Gridania. That is why she is so pale..all that shade protecting her from the sunlight and all. Poor thing probably will burn easily on her travels. Her goal is to finish her training to become a White Mage. She wishes to help others. Her childhood was fairly normal, except for one incident that tramatized her a bit...she only really remembers the incident when she sees an archer or a bow/arrows. She is generally really reserved and shy, but once you get to know her she is a pretty random and silly person who enjoys making her friends happy...I'm currently typing up her bio and it will be more detail than this..I'm just too lazy to type it here. 


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Boredum as I was typing up a basic RP profile for my character because I told myself, "I can't RP till I have a general picture in my head about who Ellisana is!" I found the website and hopefully I will finish her story so I can post it on the wiki for my reference and others. :)


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I'm probably going to say light to medium because there are times that I just want to log into an MMO and do random quests/dungeons and other times when I just want to RP and hang out.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? 


I'm a preschool teacher. I have a bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies. I like chocolate, asian dramas, and green tea. :)

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Hi! Nice to meet you & welcome to the community.

You seem like a swell person—if you've ever looking for some guidance (I'm fresh, too, but I'll try!), companionship, or roleplay, feel free to send me a message!


Neither of the characters that I currently roleplay right now are archers so we won't have any ICly traumatising problems.

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Your list sounds very much like mine, and was WoW the US servers? I played on SWC EU side since they opened it, and recently did a sting on the US WA with a friend. Also dial up RP, though mine started in *mumbles about the 90s*, it has come a long way since them and some of the "now" games are quite scarily cooperative.


My tips for RP on Balmurg:


1. RP, just do it and people will often respond

2. Go to the events posted on this site

3. Find an RP LS (check out the LS section and some posts)

4. Find a FC that suits your style, do shop around

5. Do poke people who post here saying Hi! Often they will already be busy but you should get a hug and some RP cookies


Here, have an RP Cookie from me to get you going :)

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