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Ok, let's see...who do I want from each game?


FF4: Well, we already got Kain so that's the addition there.

FF6: Locke! Or Celes. But LOCKE! I'll also take Setzer.

FF7: I'd like to see Cid, but as a spear user he might be too similar an addition to Kain. In which case, Barret.

FF8: Irvine. All the way. Failing that, either Seifer or Laguna would be acceptable.

FF9: Amarant, one of the few characters who DIDN'T annoy me to no end.

FFX: Auron.

FFXI: God, not Prishe. Anyone but Prishe. I think Trion would make a pretty nice addition.

FFXII: If it's not Balthier, someone is getting stabbed.


I'd also like to see them expand beyond the numbered series and include Ramza and Delita.

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What would be so much win would be if SE developed Dissidia for PS3/XBOX360 and took advantage of the superiority over a hand held device by adding not only more FF characters, but ALL FF characters. Any character that was playable (on the good side) and any significant boss from every FF would be fantastic. Then, they could have DLC that you pay for which would give you additional characters that are little more random but significant icons, like a cactaur, moogle, chocobo, tonberry, etc.


I would be willing to pay so much money for a game like that. :bounce:

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What would be so much win would be if SE developed Dissidia for PS3/XBOX360 and took advantage of the superiority over a hand held device by adding not only more FF characters, but ALL FF characters. Any character that was playable (on the good side) and any significant boss from every FF would be fantastic. Then, they could have DLC that you pay for which would give you additional characters that are little more random but significant icons, like a cactaur, moogle, chocobo, tonberry, etc.


I would be willing to pay so much money for a game like that. :bounce:



Saying things like that isn't allowed!


You make me want something I know will never be! D:<

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Man... alright, if I had my pick for a new hero and villain from each game, it would be as follows:


FF1: Red Mage! / Umm, I dunno, there aren't really any humanoid villains that come to mind aside from Chaos and Garland... I'm gonna say Matoya even though she isn't a villain. She could fight like I-NO, killing people with her lovely cave tune. <3


FF2: One of the side characters, perhaps? I'm gonna say Minwu. It would be cool to see some white mage-y goodness in Dissidia. / Leon would probably be most sensible, but I could see Borghen, too.


FF3: I'd go with Desch. / I dunno, Hein? Again, only humanoid main villain I can think of...


FF4: Kain's already been announced, so Kain it is! I really need to get around to playing this one. I know I'd love it. x_x


FF5: Faris! Not sure what job, though... / ... Gilgamesh. >_>


FF6: Oh, man... so hard to choose T_T Gonna go with Celes, though. Needs more female characters. (Really, though, the entire cast was incredible, so anyone would do.) / General Leo, maybe? Would work well as another character to put up against Celes, if they went with her.


FF7: Um. Uhhh. ... Cait Sith. I dunno. I didn't much care for 7, so I'll take whoever. I did love the Turks, though, so here's hoping for their appearance.


FF8: Laguna is the obvious answer, no? Irvine would also be acceptable. / Seifer, again, is the clear cut choice.


FF9: Give me Freya or give me death. (Though, you could, you know, just give us the entire cast? That'd be cool, too.) / Beatrix.


FF10: Didn't play it. Looked mediocre. Not bad, but not great either. Certainly not with $50 at release, imo. Maybe I'll pick it up one of these days when I have nothing better to do or spend my money on, now that it's more around $10.


FF11: You know, I always thought I'd say Prishe, but her rival villain was Promathia, who would make an awkward addition to Dissidia... therefore, I'm gonna go with Aphmau (PUP love <3). Then again, she never really fought... so I dunno. Lehko v chick who looks like Ultimecia that I kinda wish I knew about could also be cool? / What was Aphmau's brother's name again? What's-his-face. Alternatively, the undead captain of the corsairs, perhaps? He ended up being more of a hero, though, huh...? I just don't know. I'll be happy with whatever they throw at me so long as it isn't something dumb.


FF12: dgaf


FF13: I don't own a PS3 or Xbox360 so I didn't get a chance to try this one.


TACTICS!: Ramza v. Delita. Give it to me now.


If they go so far as to include Tactics Advance, too, I don't want to see Marche. Kid was a whiny bitch. Everyone else was so happy and he just had to ruin it for everyone D:<


I'd prefer to see Ritz and uh... hmm, villains, villains... Gonna go with Llednar. Evil Mewt ftw. >_>

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My dream roster would be to add four characters to each series, although it's highly unlikely, a boy can dream! <3



Redmage/That night elf

Monk/The Pirate


FF2: No idea, never played it.



Scholar Arc/Xande

Thief Refia/Iunno



KAIN!!! -fanboy squeel-/Whoever



FF5: Never played it


FF6: JUST started playing it, don't know the characters.






FF8: never played


FF9: Never played, but I know I want Vivi






Now here's where things get tricky...



Naja Salaheem/Amnaf?






FF13: Never played


Now, insert whatever tactics or crystal chronicle character here, and you're done!


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