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Leilani Leilai's Storytelling Circle!

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[align=left]A cluster of hastily scrawled posters have been tacked up on the walls of every major tavern and pub in Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah.  It states the following:


Have you a breathtaking story of greatness an' heroism?

Or perhaps a tale of betrayal, mystery, and intrigue?  Have you ever wanted to share your fantastic recountings of epic adventures ...while helping a young bard achieve her greatest dreams at the same time?!




I, Bard Leilani Leilai, invite YOU to my very first Storytelling Circle at Gridania's Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre!!


It is my goal t'be the bestest bard there ever was, but all th'older bards have a leg up on me on account of bein' older and stuff, and knowing more stories.  So that's where you come in!  Tell me your stories and I'll have your greatness RECORDED IN THE ANNALS OF HISTORY THROUGH SONG.


The first eight volunteers t'give me their names will be able to tell me their stories and afterwards, I'll work my magic and them all into th'most beautiful of lyrics.  You'll be able to hear your tales crooned by bards and people in all th'taverns an' bars of Eorzea as they catch on like wildfire! 


Visitors are more than welcome to come and are encouraged t'listen to the stories being told in the spirit of bard-dom!


Hope to see folks there soon! May th'Twelve watch your back!


-- Bard Leilani Leilai




OOC Information


Where: Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre -- Old Gridania

When: Saturday, January 25

                 2PM PST

                 5PM EST

                 10PM GMT

What The Heck Is Going On?:  Bard Leilani Leilai is looking for 8 awesome people to volunteer as storytellers.


Afterwards, Leilani will take the story told to her, turn it into a song, and send it to the original storyteller.  True, false, it matters not.  You can tell any tale you like and Leilani will make it into a song for you - or at least provide you with a brief snippet of the full song.


People are free to come to the Amphitheatre to listen to the stories as an audience.  However, I am keeping the maximum number of storytellers at 8 to prevent the event from dragging on for a very long time.  If enough people end up wanting to be storytellers, Leilani will host more Storytelling Circles after this one.  (After all, she needs more songs to be th'BESTEST BARD THERE EVER WAS!)


I want to volunteeeeer! What should I do?


  1. Make sure to prepare your story beforehand!  That way you can enjoy hearing the stories of others instead of ignoring them as you hastily try to think yours up on the fly. 
  2. Try to keep the story reasonably short!  While we all love reading, the massive Homeric epics should probably be saved for the forums so that the event doesn't start to drag on for three hours. (It's happened before at another event.)
  3. Your story can be about anything!  It can be something your character heard at a bar.  It can be a creative fiction they wrote themselves.  It can be something that happened to your character.  It can be something that happened to another character.  It can be totally made up things that happened to another character's imaginary wife's steel-plated Allagan Space Primal!  Just remember to have fun!
  4. If 8 people have already volunteered by the time you do, you'll be added to the list for the next Storytelling Circle. 

Volunteers So Far


1) Xydane Vale

2) C'rhisi Tohbei

3) Ghalleon Helseth

4) Claire Fialo

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[[A new parchment has appeared beneath the Storytelling Circle Poster]]


"I, Leilani Leilai, have realised that I ought to submit a sample of some of my work to encourage th'masses.


Thus, here is a small excerpt of one of my latest songs The Wulf and the Coeurls, the 100% true story of how Miss Brynhilde Wulf faced off against terrifying foes!"


Lady Brynhilde moved like the wind, fearless before her foes!

She struck down her enemies, that were larger then roes!

Half-man, Half-coeurl, they each fell before her might!

But alas - she was injured at the end of her fight!


That's when Lady Oak came in swift as the breeze!

She summoned Ancient Roe power and saved Brynhilde with ease!

Out came the spear-tip, lodged in Brynhilde's side!

And e'er since has love grown, burnin' brightly inside~.




Next, I'll post up the 100% true story of the Legend of Striding Oak[[The words appear to be scribbled out]]  Miss Oak has asked me not to post up the story on account of how everyone probably knows th'tale by now and I needn't share it again. 


Just don't be shy~! Come share a story with me!"

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This is such a cute idea! I wish I could participate.


Well, my character Clover loves tales, this is definitely her thing. However, I'm not an English native and I'm very shy/afraid of messing things up, so I'd rather avoid the storyteller role if we're going to RP ingame. I wonder if random people could come to the event just to hear stories, not to tell them?

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Oh definitely!  Leilani The Great encourages an audience. 


I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.  I should probably put that in bold so people don't think they can't come along unless there is a story to tell.


However, don't fret about your English being your second language!  Telling a story might be an excellent way to practice and I'm positive everyone will be very patient with you or Leilani will shank them in their sleep.



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OOC Note:

Cross posted to the Dark Embers events calendar. This sounds hilarious, though it's kinda early and a lot of people work and stuff on Saturdays in our group. I hope you get a good turn out though! :moogle:

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I hardly participated in this because of a few unexpected happenings but it was a very fun event and and an extremely talented job performed by the host with the song interpretations. I loved it and hope you plan on doing more in the future ^^/


Thank you again!

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Tacked under each poster for Leilani Leilai's Very First Storytelling Circle is a list of songs as well as a cluster of messily scribbled hearts followed by the words: "THANK YOU FOR COMING EVERYONE! MAY THE SPIRIT OF BARD'DOM GIVE YOU ALL THE GREATEST TALES!"


(( Participants of the event might notice some of the songs have been slightly tweaked since they were originally recited. It's because Leilani fixed the flow of them after the circle was over. Some were sloppier than she liked because she was racing to finish each song before every story ended. (It was fun, but sometimes hard! T_T)


Participants may use the songs Leilani made for you for anything you like! Thank you for coming and humoring my terrible poetry skills. :] ))



The Song of the Unrelenting and the Unceasing

Story originally told by "Mister X" ((Player: Xydane Vale))

Song penned by Bard Leilani Leilai


In a place far away – a town long since gone

Lived two mighty brothers of strength an' brawn.


They protected their home with courage an' peace,

Until wit' a black dragon's roar did their joy suddenly cease!


Fire swallowed up nearby towns an' homes,

Leavin' behind only sadness an' blackened bones.


The Brave Brothers' town up n'fled for th'hills,

As th'siblings faced a battle tha'd give a grown man chills!


Fire clashed with steel, th'brothers strugglin' wit' all their might!

Never b'fore had they fought such a terrifyin' fight!


When th'stars went dark and all th'world was still,

th'townsfolk returned to th'brothers' mighty kill.


Sent off t'Thal's realm, there th'dragon did lay --

Along with the brave, brave brothers who kept th'darkness at bay.


So forget not th'Unrelenting and th'Unceasin' One.

May you fight wit' as much honour when your battles are won.



Good, Old, Loudmouth Whan

Tribal song recited by E'patine Whan.

Original Author Unknown


Good, old, loudmouth Whan - who had more girls than ten. He was a good nunh, but he'd say to them: "You're too big, it's like I'm dipping my sausage in a hallway."


The talk went around, everyone laughed, soon girls left, and he took some new.

The same went with them, and soon all around everyone knew him for a liar.


Yes, that's what happens when you have a loud mouth, and try to plug a winebottle with a toothpick.



[Leilani seems to have scribbled the following message under this song: I'll sing this song once I figure out what a Nunh is and why they dip sausages fer a living!]


Captain Baraenbaen and his Tugboat

A Limsa Lominsan Bar Story recited by Ghalleon Helseth

Song penned by Leilani Leilai




Ol' Drunk Captain Baraenbaen once had a mighty boat!

Bedded so many ladies on'it, t'was a wonder how it stayed afloat!


His crew tossed him out t'sea, onna rickety little canoe!

Wasn't very long at all, b'fore the Cap'n swore his balls'er blue!


Suddenly water came sweepin' in -- his little ship had a hole!

Poor drunk ole Baraenbaen was frightened t'his very soul!


With th'hole being a certain size, the captain wasn't sure what th' hells t'do.

'Til he undoes his pants, drops'em ...and stuffs his manparts right on through!!


His dangly bit hangs out there, til' a mermaid decides t'spare his life!

She grabs'im by his delicates and tugs'im away from all his strife!


Excerpt of unfinished song: 'The Mage that Aether Forgot'

Cautionary tale from the North, recited by Alvere Renaud

Song excerpt penned by Bard Leilani Leilai


Once there was a magician who studied night and day,

But alas, the aether wouldn't ever work th'poor man's way!


His fire turned t'water -- his water turned ta dust,

In his unlucky hands, magic wouldn't do what it must!


Fury darkened his soul an' he shouted to the skies:



Fed up with his lot, the mage turned from his home -

Planned t'head down south, to travel an' to roam.


But ill luck quickly followed, like a dastardly little hound!

A flock of bad ole' bandits soon had'im gagged an' tightly bound!


"WE'VE FOUND US A MAGE!" The group of bandits did cry!

"Well, is he any good?" Th'mage sputtered: “YES! I DON' WANNA DIE!”


He was ordered t'turn a man into a dodo, only t'turn their boss into one instead!

The bandits turned their blades towards him, plannin' ta stab him til' he was dead!


“AETHER!” The mage cried. “OH, PLEASE DO AS YOU WILL!”

And BOOM! A rush of knights poured in, makin' the bandits all go still!


They scattered like th'four winds, scared out of their little wits!

Racin' like all th'world's monsters were snappin' at their tits!


[The words "TO BE CONTINUED!" are scrawled at the very bottom]



Oyster Girl

A Limsan Parable sung by Brynhilde Wulf (And accompanied by traditional highlander dance!)

Original Author Unknown


As I was a-walkin' down a Limsan street,

A pretty little oyster girl I chanced for tae meet,

I lifted up her skirt and boldly did I pee,

Just tae see if she'd got any oysters.


O oysters, O oysters, O oysters" said she,

"They are the finiest oysters that ever you did see.

I sell them three a gil, but its five I'll give to thee

If you bargain for my basket of oysters."


"O landlord, O landlord, O landlord" said I,

"Have you got a little room for th' oyster girl and me,

Where we may sit down an' be merry, merry be

While we bargain for our basket of oysters?"


We hadn't been upstairs for a half a bell or more

When she picked up my purse and down th' stairs she tore

While she left me with her basket full of oysters.


"O landlord, O landlord, O landlord" I cried.

"Did you see th' little oyster girl a-drinkin' by my side?"

She picked all my pockets!" But th' landlord he replied,

"Now, you shouldn't be so fond of your oysters!"


Now all you brisk young lads be advised by me,

If you meet a little oyster girl and you would merry be,

Be sure you pick 'em well an' caution's th' key

Or she'll leave you with her basket full of oysters.


Poem by th'Father of Emelia Iscantel

Donated to Leilani Leilai to recite for the Bardic Arts!


There once was a Hyur, who lived in the woods

Who went to town, to peddle his goods.


The Hyur was tall, and handsome as well,

And when he would smile, his goods would all sell!


But the Hyur was not happy, his smile was fake,

For all alone in the woods, his heart would just ache.


Then one day in town, with the sun in his eyes,

The Hyur saw a girl, whom made his heart rise!


The girl wasn't tall, but she had long flowing hair -

And when she got closer, her skin was quite fair!


The Hyur summoned his courage, and gathered his wit,

And started towards the girl, thinking himself fit!


As he reached the girl, thinking back on his life,

He smiled and said, "Would you please be my wife?"


And now there's a Hyur, who lives in the woods,

With a wife and two daughters, among other goods!

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I had a lot of fun at this event even though I didn't participate much or tell a story. It was awesome seeing Leilani turn the stories into a song immediately after. Actually I'm damn impressed. I'm looking forward to another one of these Storytelling Circles, maybe I'll have something to share by then.

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I was originally going to wait until the event was over and just send people songs, but I thought people would find it more fun to see the results right away.


So while people were telling their stories, I was frantically typing and praying I'd have something that wasn't a giant mess by the time the story was over. xD

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