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Menphina's Ward [IC Healing Clinic]

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To All Those In Need Of Medical Aid:


Due to the chaotic nature of our time, battling against beastmen, Primal, and Garlean alike, a free healing clinic shall be hosted before the Bobbing Cork at the Fallgourd Float located in the North Shroud. It will be held on the 22nd Sun of the First Umbral Moon. We invite both healers to donate their time to this cause and for the wounded or sickened to come seek treatment for their maladies so that Eorzea as a whole might become stronger in our bid to push back at our enemies.


If you are a healer, we encourage you to submit a brief description of who you are and what your specialties might be in the mending arts so that we might better match you with any patients that arrive.


Should none arrive to assist us, Lady Lum Delume - known for providing instruction on the fundamentals of treating field trauma - has graciously offered her time in treating the ill and wounded.


May the Twelve grace your steps.


--Lurial Vashir--




OOC Details/FAQ:


Where: Fallgourd Float - North Shroud - In front of the Bobbing Cork

When: Saturday, February 22





What's going on? An IC healing clinic is getting hosted! The idea behind it is to help foster RP in 3 ways:


  • Healer RPers can interact with both their fellow healers and the folks RPing patients, forging new character connections and RP bonds!
  • Non-Healer RPers showing up as the injured can make up anything from a minor cold, troubling mental affliction, a sword jammed in their side, or even a voidsent-version of athlete's foot and instantly have a reason to RP with others!
  • Folks who just want to watch/assist can show up and get their RP on randomly in any way they prefer.

Are healers going to be limited to classes who can actually heal?


Nope! We're all creative individuals, I'm sure plenty of people can come up with different ways their non-healing-class character can heal other people. Alchemists are an obvious example of folks who could easily double as traditional doctor figures. Botanists who have spent a lot of time with nature and know all sorts of natural remedies could also be considered healers! A thaumaturge might use a mix of their black magic and other devices to help heal others in a peculiar way. Or heck, maybe your character is a culinarian so legendary they can heal with the power of food!


Whatever the case may be, a good imagination can make almost any character a healer, so this will not be limited by class.


I want to show up as a healer! Anything I should know?


When you get an RP patient, it is generally a good idea to ask them OOC how they might want things to go before your character patches them up:


  • Do they want a quickie? ("Woo! I fixed it!")
  • A long-term malady? ("I'm sorry, my friend.  This may take several months to mend...")
  • A cure-by-quest? ("You can be healed, but the process will be long, and you will have to travel far!") 
  • Does the person want the character to be able to be healed at all?  ("I am sorry.  I've tried everything I know. This is far beyond my ability...")

This will help ensure that your character doesn't just patch up someone's terrible, lifelong, character-defining curse with just a single firing of a cure spell.


Speaking of cure spells, everyone knows that just spamming Physick and the like over a character and calling it a day is quite possibly the most boring way to RP healing someone. So work that creative brain of yours and try to go with really crazy, over-the-top, or complex and elaborate remedies.


For example, if an RPer comes along with a wound afflicted by a voidsent that's corrupting their body - you COULD just RP out casting Esuna followed by Cure and then call it a day.


OR you could RP out your character carefully sprinkling a pouch of conjury-enhancing ingredients around the player before going through the dangerous process of slowly drawing out the tainted energies and sealing them away in a small crystal orb that the patient must then bury deep within the earth in a sacred place to be purified over the next three moons before their injury will truly heal in full!


I want to show up as a patient! Anything I should know?


You can be have any affliction you like! Just be sure to let whatever healer you're paired off with know what you're sort of hoping for OOC (especially if your affliction is sort of a major, serious one that you don't think could easily be patched up) or if the healer is free to do anything they want!


Confirmed Healers (So Far!):


1) Lum Delume

2) Nebula Stardancer

3) Portia Bartel

4) Ciel Lazuli

5) Daphine Rysen

6) K'aworu Demiir

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Cross posted to the Dark Embers calendar. We've got a few healers who've been curious about the IC aspects of healing, and since it's well before our FC event times, I'm going to be poking them to go to this.

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((Count me in. I will expand this with info on Nebbs when l get to a PC


Modern healing uses prescribed methods, yet there are alternatives that seek to boost the bodies own powers of well-being.


Alternative healing including:

  • Crystal attunement of the bodies energy
  • Self actualisation of inner love for affairs of the heart
  • Dealing with inner turmoil and big decisions through guided journeys 
  • Swamp snake oil for many aliments such as mite infestation and armour rash

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Non-Healers! Don't be shy about coming in to let people patch you up! There's plenty of ways you could've gotten hurt in the wide wide world of Eorzea!


Or you could just come down with a common cold. :D


Edit: The original post has also been updated with the tiny, tiny confirmed healer list!


Confirmed Healers (So Far!):


1) Lum Delume

2) Nebula Stardancer

3) Portia Bartel

4) Ciel Lazuli

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Wow, this is one creative idea!  I'm not sure I'll be online at a time that this would still be running...though if the OP is PST then that might work out...


Either way, I might arrive with a case of sword-to-face or something similarly ouchie.

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I would love to have Daphine show up to aid in healing and mending.

Unfortunately, I'll only be able to attend for a couple of hours, though.



She's a physicker, specializing as a chirurgeon, tending to rely on a combination of alchemy and 'traditional doctoring' rather than magical healing.


Let me know if I can help!



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Rinette is skilled in rudimentary natural healing, simple salves and poultices and such. She probably wouldn't be confident enough in her ability to use it on anyone. But since she's not particularly skilled in healing I'm sure I can come up with a wound that'll need better healing for her to participate in the event. I really like the sound of it! Even better that it's in the Shroud. :3

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Just a reminder folks, this is tomorrow!


Bring out your dead wounded, your ill, or your mysteriously cursed characters! Enjoy bonding with others over the bizarre case of your void-based athlete's foot!

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