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I'll start with hello.


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This isn't so much a greeting as it is a cry for help.


But I've been putting this post off for long enough, so I'll be brief.


I started a character on Balmung to play with a friend on that server from time to time, however when I found out this server had one of the larger RP communities I was really interested. I've grown tired of the repetition of late game and thought this could be a great way to get immersed in this vast quirky world we've been given.


But the transition has not been as smooth as I would have liked it to be. 


I've asked questions to a man shouting about RP FC recruitment only to have him get all cagey and stop responding.


I've shouted for it and was mocked in return...by several people at once.


Over all this experiment has not been a positive one, expressing this to another friend from my old server he brought up this forum and asked to me to give it a try.


I've read through the community guidelines, and the introductory pages and skimmed a few LS pages, but after all that still feel rather gun shy...so I am asking for an LS any LS willing to give poor sap a chance so I can give this a proper try.



Gywn Sundyrmoen

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Greetings Bartleby,


Hrm, interesting to hear your experiences, I haven't personally had any along those lines but I can understand how it could make you feel "pppbbbttthhhh" about the whole thing as it were, so good on you for throwing yourself out there by coming here and posting.


You mentioned checking out the linkshell hall, have you popped in game and made contact with anyone? I recommend [for OOC] both Intermission and Balmungs Finest


Intermission more for meeting random people and just "getting the pulse" as it were of the community and who might be around during what play times.


I find Balmungs Finest at:


Great for building relationships with people, mostly because I just like PVE, I think it shows a lot about people how they operate in dungeon groups.


I'm sure any LS is willing to give you a chance if you just touch base with them, but the two above are two i've found that get pretty good traction and if no there are plenty more!


Best of luck in Eorzea and please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or comments, heck flag me down if you see me running about in game.. chances are i'm just running reagents around :cactuar:

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Welcome to Balmung! I am sorry to hear that your RP transition has not been smooth. I will say that many RPers will not have shout or yell active on their RP chat window since usually they are advertisements for party, FC and what have you. So you may have been shouting to the nether where RPers were not there to listen. Even when it is scrolling on my window many times I ignore it when I am RPing assuming it is all OOC stuff.


Does your friend RP at all? It is always less scary to have a partner to join you in RP first few times. I know there have been disagreements on this, but I've also found Quicksand to be an active RP hub especially in the evenings.  The is also a thread about where active RP areas are in Balmung in the RP folder. And! Showing up for organized RP events is also a great way to meet folks!  Grindstone happens every week, and the Coffer and Coffin events are always bustling!  You can find info on that in the Balmung events folder.  And anything that pops up on the RP event calendar. It is a great way to meet other RPers!


And if you ever see Roen walking about, I welcome walk up random RP!

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You mentioned checking out the linkshell hall, have you popped in game and made contact with anyone? I recommend [for OOC] both Intermission and Balmungs Finest


Intermission more for meeting random people and just "getting the pulse" as it were of the community and who might be around during what play times.


I fine Balmungs Finest at:


Great for building relationships with people, mostly because I just like PVE, I think it shows a lot about people how they operate in dungeon groups.



You had me at hello.


I have not had the opportunity to join Intermission yet. I really should get around to bugging someone for a linkpearl. I can, however, speak about Balmung's Finest. I'm one of the, uh, something like officers there. I don't know what the starred people are called and I'm not in game to check. 


There are a lot of RPers in BF. If you wanted to make a few connections there, it's totally possible. Balmung's Finest is primarily a dungeon-finder group. Mostly, we just chat OOC a lot. Everyone gets along. I joined at the game's launch and have yet to see any drama in the LS and there are two nearly full shells. That should say something about the community there.


If you want an invite, even just to scope out the group there, feel free to bug and nag any of the people on the list in the post linked. 


Hope to see you in game!

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This is spectacular suggestions, I skulk around the calendar and see is anything I can join in on, I saw an event happening once at the Silver Bazaar--a man auction of all things. But I only watched I didn't really join in because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to just butt in.


Prolly should have mentioned my schedule is rather awkward resulting in my play time being mostly from 2pm est to 7pm est but I am sure I can find something eventually.

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This isn't so much a greeting as it is a cry for help.


But I've been putting this post off for long enough, so I'll be brief.


I started a character on Balmung to play with a friend on that server from time to time, however when I found out this server had one of the larger RP communities I was really interested. I've grown tired of the repetition of late game and thought this could be a great way to get immersed in this vast quirky world we've been given.


But the transition has not been as smooth as I would have liked it to be. 


I've asked questions to a man shouting about RP FC recruitment only to have him get all cagey and stop responding.


I've shouted for it and was mocked in return...by several people at once.


Over all this experiment has not been a positive one, expressing this to another friend from my old server he brought up this forum and asked to me to give it a try.


I've read through the community guidelines, and the introductory pages and skimmed a few LS pages, but after all that still feel rather gun shy...so I am asking for an LS any LS willing to give poor sap a chance so I can give this a proper try.



Gywn Sundyrmoen

Ok, here's what has to go down. You come find me, here or in game and we will get you straightened out. I got an FC, but I don't like to pimp it to folk as much as my happy little LS. Get me or Roen or Siha to add you to the LS and join our open little family. Friends already.

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