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I think that I'll just stick to the template. =P



MMORPG background

I'm not really an MMO guy, historically. I did some WoW when I was younger, but dropped off after a while. I got into FFXIV because, well, I love the series. 


RP experience

All of my RP experience comes from RP forums. Now, THIS I've been doing for years and years with varying intensity. I love building characters; I have a whole bunch on Skyrim that I make just to have them. It's weird.


Character ideas/info

I've got some ideas about a backstory, but nothing concrete just yet. As for Jonatas's personality, I play him as a polite yet strategic person who comes from Ul'dah. He's a Hyur Midlander. He's experimenting with different magic classes to see what allows him the greatest flexibility and control. He's not all that social, but that doesn't mean he's unfriendly, necessarily. Just doesn't talk much.


How did you learn about the coalition?




What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I'm not sure. Probably medium to heavy. I always play IC unless it makes it weird to communicate with a party or I have to step away for a moment.



Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm a college student; my major is Anthropology with a focus on religion. I write a lot in my spare time; I like to write poetry and short stories. I work as a T.A. for a Sociology Course, a writing tutor at the college's Writing Center, and as a server at an Italian restaurant nearby. Were I in the world of Eorzea, I'd probably want to be a conjurer.

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HOWDY! And welcome to the RPC!


Also SOOOOOO jealous of your major, I originally applied to my college to do anthropology, focusing on cultural anthropology but my parents refuse to fund my college for anything less than a science degree. :(


If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)

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HOWDY! And welcome to the RPC!


Also SOOOOOO jealous of your major, I originally applied to my college to do anthropology, focusing on cultural anthropology but my parents refuse to fund my college for anything less than a science degree. :(


If you have any questions feel free to ask. :)

Aw, that stinks. I went the Community College route; got awesome grades there and got scholarships. Otherwise I'd probably not be studying Anthro either. :P


Thanks for the welcome. I'll definitely let you know if I have any questions. :D

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I think almost everyone here would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


I've heard that there's an RP community in Siren so I hope you find it welcoming!


The few anthro classes I could take in uni while I did electrical engineering were very fun.

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I think almost everyone here would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


I've heard that there's an RP community in Siren so I hope you find it welcoming!


The few anthro classes I could take in uni while I did electrical engineering were very fun.

Haha, thanks. I haven't run into any RP communities in Siren yet -- hopefully I will soon, or I'll have to start my own. 


Anthro is a fun major. Next year I apply to grad school; hopefully then I'll be able to do more of the actual work and less of the theory. 


Thanks for the welcome!

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Hi there! I play Xifang Crimson on the Gilgamesh server. I'd like to take this moment to express my enthusiasm for another RPer joining the game via interpretive dance, but I'm not all that great at dancing... so instead accept that my intentions are good? ^_^


Oh my gosh, making characters in Skyrim is fun! Mostly when I play a new video game I mess around with the character creator and recreate old characters that I've played in other games (I OBSESS over character creators), but I made a few unique characters in Skyrim too... it's a blast!


So you're new to MMO RPing but used to forum RP? That's somewhat similar to me. FF isn't the first game I RPed in, but it's the first game I've RPed SO MUCH in. It can be daunting at first, but there are a ton of really welcoming RPers in FF! Still, if you join an RP free company they often have websites so that you can still do forum RP too (in fact, this site has an RP Forum section). So you still have the opportunity. WOO!


Aaaactually, I got my undergraduate degree in Cultural Anthropology... so that's super neat too!


Um um um... I really like interacting with people so if you have any questions or just want to say something like "Oh man, the Dark Brotherhood plotline in Skyrim was crazy", "Let's hang out sometime and look at kinship charts" or "Can you introduce me to more RPers and tell me how cool my character looks?" feel free to PM me!  *grin*

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Haha, thanks for the welcome, Xifang. I'm not all that great at dancing either, so with our various other similarities, I am forced to accept that your intentions are good. =P


I just transferred Jonatas to the Gilgamesh server so that I'd be able to find more RP opportunities. Too bad it costs so darn much, haha.


Yeah, I do the same thing often in Skyrim. I have a list of characters in my head that I create in any game that allows you to create characters. It's pretty great. 


Yeah! I'm wondering if I should join an FC or just sort of float about awhile 'til I figure out exactly what I want from Jonatas. But I will most likely end up writing a bit in the forums here, too. I'm excited! =D


I'm really looking forward to RPing with people. It's been a few months since I've done any RPing, and I always end up missing it. This is going to be a lot of fun!

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Welcome Jonatas.


I'm also on Gilgamesh with you, I play a variety of characters. @,@ Namely Aoife Cree.


Feel free to look me up at any time as I occasionally run events and then I can inflict myself upon you. Be afraid.


I plan on making a writing event on this forum, perhaps you'll be interested in that once I get it rolling since you like to write.


And now I must away. Cheers!

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Ooooh my goooosh so many new Gilgamesh players!! And a magic user! I am so very very excite. ♥


Hi! I'm Mippa, the player for Framboise Zakuro! I want to hop on Xifang's coattails here and say that I too would love to have our characters interact! Framboise is an Archmage and very much of a magic geek (even if she's partial to Conjury...) and she's also the founder of an in-character Linkshell/Coterie of DoM called Phoenix Down


We'd love to have you join us! Or just, you know! RP! Hit me up next time I'm in game!

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Haha, thanks for the welcome, Xifang. I'm not all that great at dancing either, so with our various other similarities, I am forced to accept that your intentions are good. =P


I just transferred Jonatas to the Gilgamesh server so that I'd be able to find more RP opportunities. Too bad it costs so darn much, haha.


Yeah, I do the same thing often in Skyrim. I have a list of characters in my head that I create in any game that allows you to create characters. It's pretty great. 


Yeah! I'm wondering if I should join an FC or just sort of float about awhile 'til I figure out exactly what I want from Jonatas. But I will most likely end up writing a bit in the forums here, too. I'm excited! =D


I'm really looking forward to RPing with people. It's been a few months since I've done any RPing, and I always end up missing it. This is going to be a lot of fun!


A pleasure to make your acquaintance.


If you are unsure just yet about joining an FC, I would suggest looking into the linkshell Coalition OOC (just post in that thread about available times to get you in).  When I started on Gilgamesh, they helped me get settled in and pointed me to different FCs around to look into.


Fram does have a great linkshell for magic users, Phoenix Down as she commented earlier, so I would encourage you to join that too.


I also do a great amount of forum RP.  I find it helps tell more about one's character than you can in game with RP.  Their inner thoughts and feelings about a day they had, or things in general.  So I say, go for it!


If you ever see me in game, feel free to chat me up, send a tell, ask questions, start RP, etc.  I never turn anyone away.

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Thanks for the welcome, everyone! It's been a hellacious couple of days, so I've only been able to look at this just now.


Mippa, it'd be awesome to RP with you. They would have a lot to talk about, and I think Jonatas would be able to learn a lot from her.


Braddock, thanks for the tips. I definitely agree with you about the perks of forum RP. It grants a greater level of detail and flexibility. 


Zoetrooper, I'd love to partake in an event. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for it! 


Thanks again, guys. Once this wave of schoolwork has passed over me completely, I'll jump back into RPing. 8-)

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