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E'kayah Lynx is coming!

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Hello people! Nice to meet you all!


I'm very glad to find a RP Community for Final Fantasy XIV here! I really love roleplaying in MMORPGs but this is the first time in FF and in a foreign server.


About me? Well, first of all I'm a non-speaker-english. Sorry for my bad english, but I hope to learn more and more with time. This is also one of the reasons I'm here, to improve my languange skills.


I learned about RP in FF today so I have not migrated my character to one of the specific servers. For now still play in Behemoth and I'll soon be joining the Balmung or Gilgamesh. First would like an opinion from you on which of the two I'd be better adapted. Any suggestions for my first steps here?



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Hey welcome there E'kayah! Your english is pretty good to me, but of course as they say, practice makes perfect. As for server choice I think it's really up to you, Gilgamesh is specifically for new players but Balmung has plenty of newbies as well, both are very friendly from what I've seen as well. Personally I'm on Balmung and I do love it there but the folks on Gilgamesh seem to have a nice community as well. If you haven't had the chance maybe sift through the directory of FC's and LS's to see if something appeals to you to decide. Either way you choose I'm sure you'll have fun!

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Hah! Glad to not be the only non-english speaker around xD


Welcome aboard E'kayah. Hope you can enjoy the server. I'm Italian so I'm mostly active when everybody else is asleep, so maybe we won't see each other much. Hope to have a chance to meet you eventually!

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