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Joining the ranks of newbies!


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Hullo everyone!


I'm really new - both to the game and to the RP within it - but I've been an RPaholic on other MMOs throughout the years, as well as loving Final Fantasy since the late 80s. 


The lore and the story are all very new to me outside of the recurring themes in most FF settings, and I'm slowly chewing through the many references this site provides.


Prior to this, I've been Guild Master of a couple of heavy-RP guilds in Warcraft, as well as taking part in RP on forums and Guild Wars 2. That said, while I'm definitely in the range of heavy-RP, I love to be more reactive/sideline characters and comic-relief at times.


Hopefully I'm able to find my way around - the game is seriously just installing updates now, as I played about half an hour once at a friend's and loved it but never had a chance to get into it until now. :D Admittedly I'm really fond of the look of the Mithra, and I'll probably end up rolling one of those to start.


I'd love to find a guild (linkshell?) and wrap my head around the lore in the future, and any suggestions as to where to look are always appreciated.


Thank you for the community resource, and I hope to see you guys all in-game and make some connections in the future!

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Hullo everyone!


I'm really new - both to the game and to the RP within it - but I've been an RPaholic on other MMOs throughout the years, as well as loving Final Fantasy since the late 80s. 


The lore and the story are all very new to me outside of the recurring themes in most FF settings, and I'm slowly chewing through the many references this site provides.


Prior to this, I've been Guild Master of a couple of heavy-RP guilds in Warcraft, as well as taking part in RP on forums and Guild Wars 2. That said, while I'm definitely in the range of heavy-RP, I love to be more reactive/sideline characters and comic-relief at times.


Hopefully I'm able to find my way around - the game is seriously just installing updates now, as I played about half an hour once at a friend's and loved it but never had a chance to get into it until now. :D Admittedly I'm really fond of the look of the Mithra, and I'll probably end up rolling one of those to start.


I'd love to find a guild (linkshell?) and wrap my head around the lore in the future, and any suggestions as to where to look are always appreciated.


Thank you for the community resource, and I hope to see you guys all in-game and make some connections in the future!


Welcome fellow child of the 80's, did Garlan ever knock you down? I to like to jump head first into rp and lose myself.


I love funny characters, they add spice. You will do fine with the game, and as a Mithra (called Miqo'te in this game) you won't be alone.


Linkshells are the member's only chat channels of the game, guilds are called Free Companies (usually abbreviated as LS and FC respectfully).


If you are interested in a few rp friendly LSs I can hook you up. I also have a small FC, but it is very RP heavy and not everyone's cup of tea. But I am also friends with others who run great RP FCs. Also the LS hall above on this site has listed many other FCs, you're bound to find something you like there.


Good luck and come to me when ever you need help, advice, or info.

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Cat people are just so hard to resist, aren't they? It's like the trolls in WoW, somehow I think I'll have a hard time playing as any other race. I hear you about the side characters too, it really is fun to play as a sort of support role and push the other characters to see who takes the lead.


I bet you'll settle right into FFXIV rp no problem with the sort of experience you have. :)

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Ha ha, most of the original in the 80s was me staring in confusion over an uncle's arm asking about squiggly lines. Sadly, it wasn't until the last few years I got to try the original (and in English, yay!); I just knew watching him play something - even if I couldn't understand it at all - made me fall in love with videogames. They were just so much cooler than board games! 


...oop, thank you! Obviously going to need to spend some time absorbed in the History Lessons and the other lore threads, and beat in Miqo'te and not Mithra and many other things like that before jumping in feet-first!


And they really are, Zhavi! :3 They're just so fun looking, and even the little intricacies of their naming traditions make them stand out.


Thank you guys for such a warm welcome and the replies and PMs. The community seems so active and full of such a wide variety of RP styles, too. It's going to be hard to pace myself and focus on levelling and exploring a bit first, rather than just running out to see all the RPers!

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I'm really sorry to double-post, but if anyone happens to poke their head in I have a silly question - I've been going through posts such as those in Xenedra's sticky, but haven't seen any about how the system works with combining emotes, sitting, say, tell, etc. I know that's really basic stuff, but it tends to be the stuff I trip over most easily as I'm learning different games.

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Yay, another new player person. Welcome aboard o/!


Combining emotes is just a matter of getting used to it. You can either make shortcuts for them on your bars, type them in the chat, or even run macros for them! When you open your Emote window, you'll notice a lot of them have little icons right next to them. If I'm not mistaken, those represents the stances you can use them in (standing, sit, or riding a chocobo) if they are several. Thus you can combine such emotes with sitting, to give you an example, you can laugh while sitting.


Something I found out recently (since I'm decently new to the game) is that everytime you act an emote, by default it displays a message in chat, describing what your character is doing. It can be nice to get accustomed to the different emotes, but it also becomes a bit obsolete with what comes next. There is an option in the Emote Window to turn those messages off.


Custom emotes! Using /emote or in short /em, you can create you own emotes, and add as much detail as you would like. If you do as I did for the default display messages on emotes, then you'll end up with keys that make you character move, and the choice to describe your action should you feel like doing so.


Now it depends with what setup you choose to the game with, but combining that manually can maybe get a little tedious, especially when the emote you're aiming for is one you use regularly. Macros are there to help you with that. They're basically planned actions run automatically at the press of a keybind. So you can combine emotes, you can run an emote and give it a detailed description with it, or even cast an ability while doing all of this! I've yet to get myself around to using some, so if you find yourself interested in those, I suggest you ask for Erik's input, I can testify he's a king of macros.


I'm not sure what you would like to know about the different chat layers, but I'll be glad to answer more questions should you add some.

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