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The Long Road Ahead

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Looking at her, he knew she was right, sensed it in every fiber but he desparately wanted to protest. Wanted to shout and throw a fit how he had earned his time to take a piece out of Tabart and that who was she to be lecturing him. He had the urge to draw his dagger and demand to see the man himself now or to go knocking on Thatcher's door himself. Fair? What was fair? He needed to secure his own safety and didn't want to rely on others and who was this one telling him, a Paladin, who and what his business was? And he -


These thoughts raced through his mind. All at once, they came. And he hushed them. It took an extra effort and a half bit lip but he hushed the childish protests that would usually overtake him. Ruru knew that protests would prove fruitless and only serve to break this woman's already fragile patience with him. After hushing himself internally, he spoke, and his voice was measured and controlled.


"Aye....I understand. I'll do what needs to be done."

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Zhi grunted and tossed her head. She stood back up, expression lightening back into its usual mix of pleasant and mocking. "Fair. Now, I've business t'see to afore th'meet. Ye need anythin' afore ye go t'report fer duty t'the Handers?"

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Ruru looked at her, and shook his head. He knew what he needed to do. And if he messed up...he'd be dead. He could only do his best to keep that from happening.


"I'll be fine. When will I see you again?"


His voice was measured, understanding and the last question carried a bit of concern, as one would be if thrown to the wild from his or her loving parents. His attempt to cover that nervousness was weak and poorly done.

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